FT 6/15 Flashcards
An officer conducting drill about operations at motor vehicle fires was incorrect to state that?
Select one:
a. A passenger car traveling at 70 mph will need over 500 feet to stop.
b. Where weather conditions (snow, rain, fog, sleet, etc.) or smoke blowing across highway limit visibility, request NYPD to control the traffic at slow rate of speed
c. The greatest danger of secondary collision occurs during periods of light to moderate traffic volume with the usual accompanying high speed
d. On dry pavement with good brakes a fully loaded tractor-trailer combination will need over 500 feet to stop at 50 mph
(TB Fires 8—4.2 C, 4.7) (The highway must be closed)
The correct answer is: Where weather conditions (snow, rain, fog, sleet, etc.) or smoke blowing across highway limit visibility, request NYPD to control the traffic at slow rate of speed
At fire operations on express highways or other dangerous roadways, it would be incorrect to state?
Select one:
a. When units arrive, at least one vehicle, other than the pumper being used to extinguish the fire, shall be used to divert or block oncoming traffic
b. There may arise occasions where more than two units are necessary to establish a proper area of safety
c. No fewer than two units shall operate at an incident on an express highway or other potentially dangerous roadway
d. The FDNY apparatus blocking traffic shall must in place for the duration of the operation even if the police department arrives on scene to control traffic.
(TB Fires 8—5.1) (until the police department arrives on scene and assumes traffic control)
The correct answer is: The FDNY apparatus blocking traffic shall must in place for the duration of the operation even if the police department arrives on scene to control traffic.
When placing the blocking apparatus at a vehicle fire or emergency, it would be incorrect to state that?
Select one:
a. At a fire in a hazardous material carrier located on a grade, one or more lanes may need to be closed at a sufficient distance or the apparatus should be placed uphill of the incident
b. Apparatus shall usually be placed to the rear of the incident or emergency in a manner that reduces the chance of a vehicle being struck by oncoming traffic
c. The apparatus should be positioned to shield the operational area and place the pump panel in the protected area.
d. Apparatus should be placed at an angle to the incident when feasible to maximize safety between the fire or emergency and the oncoming traffic.
(TB Fires 8—6.1) (the highway will have to be closed at a sufficient distance from the incident AND apparatus located uphill)
The correct answer is: At a fire in a hazardous material carrier located on a grade, one or more lanes may need to be closed at a sufficient distance or the apparatus should be placed uphill of the incident
Ladder 99, the blocking apparatus is placing flares at a car fire on a highway where the fastest expected speed is projected to be 60 miles per hour. When placing the flares, the minimum distance to the furthest flare should be?
Select one:
a. 420 feet
b. 550 feet
c. 490 feet
d. 360 feet
(TB Fires 8—8.1 E 3)
The correct answer is: 420 feet
At operations involving motor vehicles on dangerous roads it would be correct for members to think that?
Select one:
a. All members must wear high visibility safety vests when operating on all highways at all times, day or night, regardless of their assignment
b. Cones shall be used during both day and nighttime operations
c. Flares shall be used at both night and day time operations, except when their use would create a danger of fire or explosion
d. Blocking apparatus shall be placed at least 100 feet behind the first operating unit to create a safe working area.
(TB Fires 8—6.5, 7.1, 8.1 B, C) (50 feet behind, There are three exemptions—fire suppression, haz mat, technical rescue.., or periods of reduced visibility)
The correct answer is: Cones shall be used during both day and nighttime operations
At least ________ cones and/or flares should be used to build a lane closure or safety zone when operating at vehicle fires or emergencies?
Select one:
a. 5 to 7
b. 2 to 4
c. 4 to 6
d. 3 to 5
(TB Fires 8—8.1 E 1)
The correct answer is: 4 to 6
Which point is correct about operations with flares at motor vehicle incidents?
Select one:
a. Carry lit flares in a diagonal position, pointed away from your body
b. Flares burn for approximately 60 minutes.
c. The furthest flare is placed about 2 feet from the edge of the roadway. Subsequent flares should be moved 2 feet further into the roadway at each point.
d. Three members should be utilized to place flares and or cones
(TB Fires 8) (two members to place flares, 3o minutes, carry Horizontal)
The correct answer is: The furthest flare is placed about 2 feet from the edge of the roadway. Subsequent flares should be moved 2 feet further into the roadway at each point.
Units operating at the scene of a highway accident at 0400 hours find it necessary to operate across a center divider. In this situation they would be correct to think?
Select one:
a. Traffic shall be stopped on the incident side only
b. The safe crossing corridor must be selected by the 1st arriving ladder officer
c. The safe crossing corridor shall be the only means of access and egress unless otherwise directed by the IC
d. The preferred area of crossing shall be illuminated with lighting and visually identified with cones or flares
(TB Fires 8 9.1 C) (Traffic stopped in both directions, Cones / Barrier tape, corridor selected by the IC)
The correct answer is: The safe crossing corridor shall be the only means of access and egress unless otherwise directed by the IC
When operating at car fires it would be correct to think that?
Select one:
a. If victims are trapped in a vehicle fire, use a straight stream aimed upwards to drive fire away from the victim
b. Use a coarse spray stream when magnesium parts are on fire
c. If the hood is difficult to open, pry up the front of the hood and operate through this opening
d. The engine cover in the passenger compartment should be opened from the rear
(TB Fires 8—11.1) (pry up the side of the hood, Opened from the side, use a fog stream)
The correct answer is: Use a coarse spray stream when magnesium parts are on fire
When disconnecting a battery at a car fire, members should remove the ___________ terminal first to eliminate sparks?
Select one:
a. Positive
b. Negative
(TB Fires 8–11.2 A)
The correct answer is: Negative
An officer discussing hybrid vehicles was incorrect when he stated?
Select one:
a. Direct Current becomes dangerous as low as 110 volts
b. The voltage from a hybrid battery is Direct Current (DC)
c. Hybrid vehicles can be rated between 144 and 330 volts DC
d. The voltage is most hybrid batteries can deliver a lethal shock
(TB Fires 8—11.6A) (55 to 60 volts)
The correct answer is: Direct Current becomes dangerous as low as 110 volts
Regarding the color coding of high voltage cables found in hybrid vehicles it would be correct to state that?
Select one:
a. Most high voltage cables are color coded blue, however some might be orange
b. Most high voltage cables are color coded orange, however some might be blue
c. Most high voltage cables are color coded orange, however some might be red
d. All high voltage cables are color coded orange
(TB Fires 8—11.6 C)
The correct answer is: Most high voltage cables are color coded orange, however some might be blue
Which point concerning operations at hybrid vehicle fires is incorrect?
Select one:
a. Do not approach the vehicle from the front or rear until the vehicle has been disabled
b. Never cut any high voltage cables
c. Hybrid vehicles make virtually no noise when the drive system is powered
d. Never make contact with any high voltage cables
(TB Fires 8—11.6 C) (Avoid contact with any high voltage cables, UNLESS the high voltage battery is disconnected)
The correct answer is: Never make contact with any high voltage cables
If a hybrid vehicle has a keyless start system, make sure the ignition is off and the key or key fob is at least _____ feet away from the vehicle?
Select one:
a. 15
b. 20
c. 5
d. 10
(TB Fires 8 11.6 C)
The correct answer is: 15
Passenger cars that are propane powered should have a reflectorized warning sticker on the _____ side of the bumper with the 4 digit number _____ and the single digit number _____ below that?
Select one:
a. Right, 1075, 2
b. Left, 1075, 3
c. Left, 1075, 2
d. Right, 1961, 2
(TB Fires 8 Pg 19 Reference 4)
The correct answer is: Left, 1075, 2
Ladder 100 is alone at the scene of a reported smoke detector activation when the Dispatcher receives a phone call reporting a fire at the same location. Which choice concerning this situation is incorrect?
Select one:
a. The Box will always be filled out by the dispatcher in this situation.
b. The Box will not be filled out by the dispatcher unless the responding BC requests it.
c. The Box will not be filled out by the dispatcher unless Ladder 100 requests it.
d. The Dispatcher will notify the responding BC and attempt to contact Ladder 100 to see if additional help is required
(Ch. 6 Sec. 6.2.3) (This is different than when an alarm is received from more than one source reporting an incident requiring a structural response PRIOR TO THE ARRIVAL OF FD UNITS. If no FD Units are on scene, then the dispatcher will dispatch a total of 3 Engine, 2 Ladders, and a BC)
The correct answer is: The Box will always be filled out by the dispatcher in this situation.
Engine 3 is dispatched to the quarters of Marine 1 to assist Marine 1 at an emergency. Which action taken is incorrect?
Select one:
a. The ECC may be directed by the Dispatcher to respond to an alternate location to pick up returning members.
b. The Officer and all members of Engine 3 board the fire boat.
c. The Officer and all members of Engine 3, except the ECC, are used to supplement the fire boat personnel.
d. The ECC remains at the pickup site and monitor the radio.
(Ch. 6 Sec. 6.3.4) (The Officer and all members (EXCEPT THE CHAUFFEUR) will be used to supplement the fire boat personnel)
The correct answer is: The Officer and all members of Engine 3 board the fire boat.
Engine, Ladder, Marine, Rescue and Squad companies receiving a verbal alarm while at quarters for a fire or emergency 3 blocks away should not?
Select one:
a. Use the verbal button to notify the dispatcher
b. Notify the Dispatcher via telephone of the verbal alarms.
c. Respond and give information regarding the alarm and location via the Department radio
d. Use the Voice alarm to notify the dispatcher
(Ch. 6 Sec. 6.5.1) Verbal Alarms in Quarters Units receiving a Verbal Alarm while in quarters must notify the dispatcher as soon as possible via telephone, voice alarm or apparatus radio indicating: 1. The nature of the incident they are responding to. 2. The location of the incident. 3. If additional assistance is required.
Ladder 100, who is responding first due to a reported structural fire, is flagged down by a civilian for a different emergency. When may Ladder 100 proceed to the original alarm?
Select one:
a. Under no circumstances
b. Only when a Chief Officer approves this action.
c. Only if they are first due to the original alarm.
d. When it is evident that human life is not in jeopardy at the scene of the verbal alarm, after transmitting radio notification of the verbal alarm to the Dispatcher and receiving acknowledgement.
(Ch. 6 Sec. 6.5.2)
The correct answer is: When it is evident that human life is not in jeopardy at the scene of the verbal alarm, after transmitting radio notification of the verbal alarm to the Dispatcher and receiving acknowledgement.
Two engines, two ladders, and a BC are dispatched to a reported car fire on the Grand Central Parkway. Arriving first, the Captain of Ladder 200 notes that the car fire is located 50 feet into Nassau County. When may Ladder 200 operate at this car fire?
Select one:
a. Only after approval from the Supervising Dispatcher.
b. Under no circumstances
c. Only if life is in jeopardy at the incident.
d. If the Captain of Ladder 200, as the IC, determines that Ladder 200 should operate.
(Ch. 6 Sec. 6.7.6) (When a report is received for a fire on or just beyond the borderline of the city, upon arrival the IC shall determine the action to be taken by the NYC Fire Department.)
The correct answer is: If the Captain of Ladder 200, as the IC, determines that Ladder 200 should operate.
When should an additional Ladder Company (above the FAST Truck) be assigned to a 10-75?
Select one:
a. Only when the responding Deputy Chief requests it.
b. When the 2nd Ladder Company reports they are responding with 4 FFs.
c. When both the 1st and 2nd Ladder Companies report they are responding with 4 FFs.
d. When the 1st Ladder Company reports they are responding with 4 FFs.
(Ch. 6 Sec. 6.9.2) (The additional Ladder Company shall be the 3rd Ladder Company and the 4th Ladder Company shall be designated as the FAST Truck)
The correct answer is: When both the 1st and 2nd Ladder Companies report they are responding with 4 FFs.
A single unit should respond in alone in the 10-20 mode to all of the following emergencies with the exception of which type of incident?
Select one:
a. ERS no contact (2300-0800 hours).
b. Salvage Truck.
c. A lock-in with no reported food on the stove or other associated emergency.
d. Water Leak
e. A tree down on a car.
The correct answer is: A tree down on a car.
Units that are assigned other than first due shall respond in 10-20 Mode for all of the following responses except for?
Select one:
a. Sprinkler activation.
b. Class 3 alarms – automatic, valve, manual, etc.
c. Manhole emergencies.
d. All odors.
e. Electrical emergencies.
(Ch. 6 Add. 1 Sec. 2.2) Odors – gas, fumes, etc. OTHER THAN SMOKE. Note: These are Group 2 responses – Units that are assigned first due shall respond in the Emergency Mode. Units that are assigned other than 1st due shall respond in the 10-20 mode.
The correct answer is: All odors.
Units often respond to BARS, Class E and Class J alarms. Which response is incorrect concerning these types of alarms?
Select one:
a. A Class J response between 1900 and 0700 will be a Box assignment. All units shall respond in the Emergency Mode.
b. A Class E response is a single unit response. The 1st due Engine or Ladder will respond in the Emergency Mode.
c. On a BARS alarm, only the 1st due Engine responds. The Engine responds in the Emergency Mode.
d. A Class J response between 0700 and 1900 is a single unit response. The 1st due Engine or Ladder will respond in the Emergency Mode.
(Ch. 6 Add. 1 Sec. 2.2) (Only the 1st DUE UNITS shall respond in the Emergency Mode)
The correct answer is: A Class J response between 1900 and 0700 will be a Box assignment. All units shall respond in the Emergency Mode.
On a Modified Response (Group 1 or Group 2), who may direct an emergency response, if warranted?
Select one:
a. A responding Company Officer only
b. A Supervising Dispatcher only.
c. The assigned BC or responding Company Officer
d. The assigned BC only
(Ch. 6 Sec. 2.1, 2.2)
The correct answer is: The assigned BC or responding Company Officer
Engine 333, assigned as a single unit on a Class E alarm in a High Rise Office Building, took several actions upon arrival. Which one was correct?
Select one:
a. Members brought three rolled up lengths of hose into the lobby.
b. Forcible entry tools were brought into the lobby.
c. The Officer, after checking the alarm panel, immediately proceeded to the location of the alarm.
d. All members of E-333 entered the building.
(Ch. 6 Add. 2 Sec. 3.2, 3.3, 3.4) (All Except the chauffeur, who shall remain in the apparatus, At this time, NO rolled up lengths of hose will be required, The Officer shall make contact with building personnel, inquire as to the alarm source, and direct building personnel to reset the alarm)
The correct answer is: Forcible entry tools were brought into the lobby.
After instructing building personnel to reset an alarm system at a single unit response to a Class E or J alarm, how long shall the Officer remain to ensure the reset holds?
Select one:
a. 2 - 3 minutes
b. 4 - 5 minutes
c. No longer than 1 minute
d. 3 - 4 minutes
(Ch. 6 Add. 2 Sec. 3.4)
The correct answer is: 2 - 3 minutes
If an alarm panel does not reset or activates again, the Officer of a single unit response to a Class E or J response shall take several actions. Which one is wrong?
Select one:
a. Upon arrival at the floor location of the alarm activation, the Officer and all members shall exit the elevator and begin an investigation.
b. The Officer shall designate a member other than the chauffeur to remain in the lobby.
c. The Officer must view the alarm panel for the alarm location and verify the floor from which the alarm is being transmitted.
d. If the Officer decides to use the elevator for an alarm activation above the 7th floor, the Officer and the remaining members shall enter the elevator.
(Ch. 6 Add. 2 Sec. 3.6) (while ONE FF remains with the elevator)
The correct answer is: Upon arrival at the floor location of the alarm activation, the Officer and all members shall exit the elevator and begin an investigation.
When investigating an alarm activation on an upper floor at a single unit response to a Class E or J alarm, which action would be incorrect upon any indication of smoke or heat?
Select one:
a. After returning to the lobby, an Engine Company shall remain in the lobby awaiting a Ladder Company unless there will be an undue delay in the arrival of additional units.
b. The Engine Officer and FFs shall return to the lobby and secure the necessary hose and equipment.
c. The Officer shall contact the FF in the lobby of the chauffeur in the apparatus and request additional help (i.e. “transmit the Box” or “10-76”).
d. In a Ladder Company, the Ladder Officer and FFs shall return to the lobby.
(Ch. 6 Add. 2 Sec. 3.7) (Ladder NEED NOT RETURN TO THE LOBBY since they have their normal compliment of tools with them. The LCC shall report to the lobby)
The correct answer is: In a Ladder Company, the Ladder Officer and FFs shall return to the lobby.
An officer drilling on steam system emergencies was incorrect when he stated?
Select one:
a. Steam is visible as a white mist
b. Steam temperatures in generating plants can reach 900 degrees Fahrenheit
c. Concrete slabs typically cover steam vaults with access manholes placed in pairs
d. Con Edison refers to a steam pipe rupture as a High Energy Line Break (HELB)
(EP - Steam 1.1, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1) (Steam is invisible)
The correct answer is: Steam is visible as a white mist
High pressure steam is used in buildings to provide heat, hot water and other purposes. This steam can reach temperatures as high as ______ degrees Fahrenheit?
Select one:
a. 350
b. 400
c. 170
d. 500
(EP - Steam 2.2)
The correct answer is: 350
Asbestos is typically found in all of the following locations except?
Select one:
a. Many steam pipes in buildings supplied with steam
b. Steam pipes in generating plants
c. Steam manholes
d. Most steam piping buried under the street
(EP - Steam 4.1, 4.2)
The correct answer is: Steam manholes
Steam seen in the street that is the result of a water leak, and not a leaking main, will have a vent pipe with a ______ placed over the manhole to direct steam up above the roadway?
Select one:
a. Blue Stripe
b. Red Stripe
c. Red Arrow
d. Blue Arrow
(EP - Steam 4.3)
The correct answer is: Blue Stripe
In an emergency in a building supplied with high pressure steam, it would be most correct for units to think that?
Select one:
a. Members may shut the Inside Service Valve
b. Only Con Ed may shut the Inside Service Valve
c. Members may shut the Outside Service Valve
d. The Outside Service Valve will be labeled and sealed
(EP - Steam—4.4) (Members may not shut outside valve, Only Con Ed can shut Outside Valve, Inside Service Valve)
The correct answer is: Members may shut the Inside Service Valve
In a flat roof Brownstone, the cockloft space between the top floor ceiling and the roof is approximately?
Select one:
a. 2 feet to 3 feet
b. As much as 4 feet
c. 4 inches to 6 feet
d. 1 foot to tall enough for a member to stand in.
(Brownstones 2.2.18) (1 ft to enough for a member - Rowframe, As much as 4 ft - H-Type, 4in to 6ft - Taxpayer)
The correct answer is: 2 feet to 3 feet
For a top floor fire in a Brownstone who brings the first saw to the roof when an aerial ladder company arrives first?
Select one:
a. 2nd Roof Firefighter
b. 2nd OV
c. 1st Roof Firefighter
d. 1st OV
(Brownstones 2.6 E)
The correct answer is: 1st OV
When a tower ladder is the first arriving ladder company at a fire in a Brownstone, which duty described below is incorrect?
Select one:
a. The OV will wait for the completion of roof size-up before next repositioning the basket to the top floor for ventilation.
b. When the basket is used for roof access, the saw and life-saving rope will be brought to the roof in the basket
c. Prior to VEIS of the top floor, the OV shall team up with the roof firefighter (or another available member).
d. The chauffer shall remain at the pedestal for overall safety, control, and coordination.
(Brownstones 2.8) (before repositioning the basket to the FIRE FLOOR for ventilation. AFTER VENTING THE FIRE FLOOR, REPOSITION THE BASKET TO THE TOP FLOOR FOR VEIS)
The correct answer is: The OV will wait for the completion of roof size-up before next repositioning the basket to the top floor for ventilation.
Which line placement at a fire in a Brownstone is incorrect?
Select one:
a. At a first floor fire, the first line shall be stretched through the front door on the parlor floor to maintain the integrity of the interior stairs, unless the fire is minor.
b. The first line at a cellar fire is stretched through the front door on the first floor and down to the cellar via the interior stairs.
c. At a building fully involved, the first two lines are advanced into the fire building.
d. At a cellar fire, if the first line was used to secure the first floor, the second line will be stretched to the cellar via the interior cellar stair to extinguish the fire.
(Brownstones 3.1, 3.2, 3.4) (stretched through the front door on the FIRST FLOOR TO EXTINGUISH THE FIRE.)
The correct answer is: At a first floor fire, the first line shall be stretched through the front door on the parlor floor to maintain the integrity of the interior stairs, unless the fire is minor.
Row Frame buildings may be constructed of which type(s) of construction mentioned below?
Select one:
a. Balloon Frame; Braced Frame
b. Braced Frame; Platform
c. Balloon Frame; Platform; Braced Frame
d. Balloon Frame; Platform
(Row Frames 5.1.3)
The correct answer is: Balloon Frame; Braced Frame
At a Row Frame fire, the LCC/OV must wait for the completion of roof size-up from the roof firefighter before repositioning the aerial ladder or tower ladder bucket in all but which of the following situations?
Select one:
a. 1st Ladder Company (tower ladder) at an OLT type layout.
b. 1st Ladder Company (tower ladder) at an OLT type layout.
c. 1st Ladder Company (aerial ladder) at an OLT type layout.
d. 1st Ladder Company (aerial ladder) at a Brownstone type layout.
(Row Frames 5.7 D, 5.9) (OLT type layout, when the 1st ladder company is an aerial ladder, LCC is not required to wait for completion of roof size-up before repositioning aerial ladder for VEIS of the fire apartment if the fire is on the 3rd floor or above; on a 1st or 2nd floor fire LCC uses portable ladder to VEIS fire apartment after roof firefighter reaches roof)
The correct answer is: 1st Ladder Company (aerial ladder) at an OLT type layout.
What is the order of preference for the roof firefighter to reach the roof at a fire in a Row Frame?
Select one:
a. 1st aerial; adjoining building, fire escape
b. 1st aerial; 2nd aerial; adjoining building
c. Adjoining building; 1st aerial; 2nd aerial
d. 1st aerial; fire escape; adjoining building
The correct answer is: 1st aerial; 2nd aerial; adjoining building
Which responsibility of the 2nd due Ladder Company at a fire in a Row Frame is described incorrectly?
Select one:
a. For a top floor fire in a Brownstone type, the outside team will operate in the most severely threatened exposure.
b. For all fires other than top floor fires, the inside team and outside team will operate on the floors above the fire.
c. For a top floor fire in an OLT type, the inside team will proceed to the top floor of the fire building and be responsible for VEIS of the adjoining apartment, including examination of the cockloft.
d. Check the rear and sides of the buildings for extension and victims.
(Row Frames 5.8) (INSIDE TEAM will operate in the most severely threatened exposure)
The correct answer is: For a top floor fire in a Brownstone type, the outside team will operate in the most severely threatened exposure.
In all of the following situations the first arriving Engine Company should stretch a 3 1/2” hose line to supply a tower ladder except in choice:
Select one:
a. Vacant building in a row of occupied frames
b. Occupied building fully involved and fire in the exposures
c. Fire on an upper floor of an occupied building
d. Vacant building in a row of vacants
(Row Frames 6.4—6.7)
The correct answer is: Fire on an upper floor of an occupied building
Which guideline for the transmission of alarms at a Row Frame building is stated incorrectly?
Select one:
a. Prompt consideration must be given to transmitting a 3rd alarm when it extends beyond two buildings.
b. When two or more floors are fully involved, or a top floor fire has extended into the cockloft, a 2nd alarm must be transmitted.
c. When a floor is fully involved in fire from the front to the rear it is advisable to call for an additional engine and ladder.
d. When two buildings are involved, we have a 2nd alarm situation.
The correct answer is: When two or more floors are fully involved, or a top floor fire has extended into the cockloft, a 2nd alarm must be transmitted.
When marking vacant buildings units shall use the following format. Which item listed below is incorrect?
Select one:
a. Primary markings shall be made alongside the front entrance of the building at a height in line with the area directly over the front entrance.
b. Any company may place vacant building markings using the prescribed format. As soon as possible thereafter, the supervising officer must notify the administrative company that the building has been marked.
c. Do not mark sealed doors or windows.
d. The letters “FO” (floor openings) shall be made directly over the vacant building markings in cases when members determine that floors within the building have holes or openings that may endanger members.
(Vacants 3.1) (“FO” (floor openings) shall be made directly UNDERNEATH the vacant building markings)
The correct answer is: The letters “FO” (floor openings) shall be made directly over the vacant building markings in cases when members determine that floors within the building have holes or openings that may endanger members
The vacant building marking square shall be approximately _____. Marking lines shall be _____ wide.
Select one:
a. 18”x18”; 1”
b. 18”x18”; 2”
c. 12”x12”; 1”
d. 12”x12”; 2”
(Vacants 3.1)
The correct answer is: 18”x18”; 2”
Which operating tactic mentioned below for vacant building fire is described incorrectly?
Select one:
a. At large or advanced fires, the primary attack strategy should consist of a defensive exterior attack focused on the protection of the fire building
b. Primary searches should generally be conducted after all visible fire has been knocked down and the IC has completed a size-up and risk assessment.
c. When a vacant building is heavily involved on arrival, hose streams should be placed between the involved building and the most severe life exposure.
d. When life is not endangered in any exposure, the first stream should be positioned to protect the greatest amount of property.
(Vacants 5.2) (Protection of the exposures)
The correct answer is: At large or advanced fires, the primary attack strategy should consist of a defensive exterior attack focused on the protection of the fire building
Which Engine company tactic mentioned below for vacant building fires in incorrect?
Select one:
a. Whenever possible a separate engine shall be dedicated to the sole task of supplying water to a tower ladder in order to ensure proper water delivery.
b. When using a hose line from a purely defensive position members should stretch a 2 ½” hose line.
c. Because vacant building fires are more likely to extend to the floors above and to exposures, there may be a need to quickly apply water to the fire area. In these situations, an interior attack is required.
d. Members should stretch a 1 ¾” hose line for an interior attack for a fire in a vacant Row Frame building.
The correct answer is: Because vacant building fires are more likely to extend to the floors above and to exposures, there may be a need to quickly apply water to the fire area. In these situations, an interior attack is required.
When implementing a defensive attack at a vacant building, which engine company tactic below is described incorrectly?
Select one:
a. Engine companies should consider the collapse zone surrounding the fire building. This may call for apparatus that was originally placed in a safe position to be repositioned based on changing conditions as the fire evolves.
b. Once an interior risk assessment has been completed, 1 ¾” hose lines may be advanced within the fire building to complete final extinguishment.
c. Engine companies may be ordered to stretch 2 ½” hose lines to exposures in order to operate exterior hose streams on the fire building.
d. During wash down operations, the 15/16” main-stream tip may reduce the amount of water weight (live load) added within the structure.
(Vacants 6.1) (the ½” OUTER-STREAM TIP)
The correct answer is: During wash down operations, the 15/16” main-stream tip may reduce the amount of water weight (live load) added within the structure.
When climbing stairs in a vacant building which of the following tactics is incorrect?
Select one:
a. Placing downward pressure on risers and stepping as close to supporting stringers is the safest way to climb stairs because these are the most structurally stable areas of the staircase.
b. Members should form a habit of climbing the stairs by placing the middle of their foot above the step riser and stepping as close to a supporting wall as possible.
c. Another method, often used for climbing “U” return stairs with cracked or broken marble landings, is to hug the newel post while stepping around the marble landing to the stair riser on the floor above.
d. When the stability of the stairway is in doubt, members should place a straight ladder over the stairway, ensuring that it is properly supported at both the top and bottom of the stairs.
(Vacants 6.2) (place AN EXTENSION LADDER)
The correct answer is: When the stability of the stairway is in doubt, members should place a straight ladder over the stairway, ensuring that it is properly supported at both the top and bottom of the stairs.