Deck 63: All Flashcards
How many amnion and chorion for Dizygotic twins
2 amnion and 2 chorion
When does dichorionic/diamnioic occur in monozygotic twinning
0-4 days
when does monochorionic diamniotc occur in monozygotic twinning
4-8 days
when does monochorionic mono amniotic occur for monozygotic twinning
8-12 days
What the risk for monochorionic mono amniotic for twins
conjoined twins after 13 days
HBeAg persists for several months and hist Anti-HBeAg remain at low or undetectable levels what should be suspected
hepatitis B infection with high infectivity
process of enabling people to increase control over their health its determinants, and thereby improve their health
Health promotion
Secondary disease prevention
Screen early for and manage existing but asymptomatic disease
impact of Simvastatin on hepatic cholesterol production
impact of cholestyramine on hepatic cholesterol production
increases hepatic cholesterol and bile acid synthesis
Where are bile acids reabsorbed
terminal ileum
Simvastatin and Cholestyramine have a synergistic reduction in what
plasma LDL levels
Acute nausea following administration of systemic chemotherapy results in stimulation of what
chemoreceptor trigger zone ( CTZ)
location of chemoreceptor trigger zone
area pastrami of dorsal medulla near 4th ventricle
Buprenorphine MOA
partial opioid receptor agonist that binds with high affinity but has low intrinsic activity
What combination drug can be given to an heroin addict who wants off
Naloxine and Buprenorphine
exchange of genetic information between 2 virus strains that have nonsegmented, double-stranded DNA genomes
Mixing of genome segments in segmented viruses that infect the same host cell
Genomic features of Hep E.
single-stranded RNA virus, unenveloped
How is Hep E. spread
fecal-oral route
what is responsible for the increased incidence of cholelithiasis in women who are pregnant or using oral contraceptives
- estrogen-induced cholesterol hypersecretion
- progesterone-induced gallbladder hypomotility
Patient has perifollicular hemorrhages, maylgias, subperiosteal hematoma and gingivitis has what
scurvy: deficient ascorbic acid
Ascorbic acid is a cofactor for what process
hydroxylation of proline and lysine residues
- synthesis of collagen
6-month boy brought to ER with poor feeding and irritability. Physical examination reveals diffuse skin erythema. Also, epidermis easily comes off with gentle pressure? what does he have
Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome
Who get staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome
infants and children
what is does the bacteria produce in staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome
exotoxin exfoliatin
How is Xeroderma pigmentosum inherited
autosoma recessive
what is wrong in xeroderma pigmentosum? cause?
- defective nucleotide excision repair often caused by UV– specific endonuclease
- form thymine dimers
boy with severe photosensitivity, poikiloderma, hyper pigmentation in sun-exposed areas and squamous cell carcinoma
xeroderma pigmentosum
Ether and other organic solvents do what to what part of the virus structure
dissolve lipid bilayer that makes up outer viral envelope
pulmonary capilllary wedge pressure reflects what
left atrial and left ventricular end-diastolic pressures
In what heart abnormality do you see increased pulmonary capillary wedge pressure
mitral stenosis
MOA of Fibrate
- upregulates lipoprotein lipase, increase oxidation of fatty acids
- inhibit cholesterol 7 alpha-hydroxylase
What is the rate limiting step in bile acid synthesis
Cholesterol 7 alpha-hydroxylase
impact of estrogen on cholesterol
upregulates hepatic HMG-CoA reductase activity
Where is angiotensin I converted to Angiotensin II
pulmonary vasculature
what hormone is responsible for stimulating the endometrium for suitable implantation
Progesterose withdrawels cause what to uterus
apoptosis of endometrial cells, menstrual bleeding
Quadricep muscles are connected to what
patella ( petellar ligament attaches to tibial tubercle)
Osgood-Schlatter disease
overuse injury of secondary ossification center ( apophysis) of tibial tubercle.
PTH reabsorbed what from bone
calcium and phosphate
PTH reabsorbs what from kidney
Macrocytosis and AST:ALT ratio greater than 2 indicates
chronic alcoholic consumption
What is the pathogenesis of diverticulosis in elderly
pulsion or increased intraluminal pressure created during strained bowel movement
pseudodiverticulum does not have what layer
muscularis layer
Diverticulosis impacts what part of the colon
During which stage of life are true diverticula usually formed
fetal development
Genome of Rhinovirus
single stranded positive RNA
For a purified RNA molecule to induce viral protein synthesis in a host cell, it must be able to act directly as mRNA using host intracellular machinery for translation. What type of genome does this
single stranded + RNA
precursor proteins or peptides responsible for localized amyloidosis
- cardiac atria
- thyroid gland
- pancreatic islets
- cerebrum/cerebral blood vessels
- pituitary gland
- atrial natruretic peptide
- calcitonin
- islet amyloid protein ( amylin)
- Beta-amyloid protein
- prolactin
What can cause multi organ amyloid deposition
Immune globulin light chains
In the United States, Majority of overdose deaths are caused by what
opioids, including prescription analgesics and heroin
MOA of aminoglycosides
30S ribosomal subunit
clinical presentation of CN III
- ptosis
- downward and laterally deviated eye
- impaired pupillary constriction and accommodation
- diagonal dipoplia
most dreaded cause of CN III palsy
enlarging intracranial aneurysm
lesions involving primary somatosensory cortex result in
contralateral sensory loss
damage to parietal association cortex ( nondominant hemisephere ) may cause
contralateral hemineglect due to impaired visuospatial processing
What drug is used to control the symptoms of carcinoid syndrome
MOA of octreotide
long acting somatostatin analog
In lungs, the binding of oxygen to hemoglobin drives the release of what from RBC
Protons and CO2 ( Haldane effect )
In peripheral tissues, what facilities oxygen unloading from hemoglobin
high CO2 and H+ ( bohr effect)
All pancreatic zymogens are converted into their active forms by what
Where does median nerve travel in arm
between bicep brachia and brachialis muscle with brachial artery
How does median nerve enter forearm
between humeral and ulnar head of pronator trees
How does median nerve travel on forearm
between flexor digitorium superficialis and feller digitorum profundus muscles
- then goes to flexor retinaculum
patient has myopathy, cardiomyopathy, hypoketotic hypoglycemia in setting of decreased muscle carnation content
primary carnitine deficiency
What is wrong in primary carnation deficiency
fatty acids cannot transport from cytoplasm into mitochondira
what cannot be synthesized with primary carnitine deficiency
ketone bodies