Chapter 3: Cell Structure - External Flashcards
Why do both gram positive and negative bacteria have flagella and fimbriae?
- help bacteria to move and attach to microorganisms
What is the genome size of bacteria?
- 4-5 million base pairs
- size of a bacteria gene is 1 kb
What are the 3 external structures of bacteria that we will cover in this deck?
- capsule and slime layers
- flagella
- Fimbriae and Pili
What are capsules and slime layers?
- Sticky, gelatinous layer external to the cell
What are capsules and slime layers made of?
- polysaccharide, proteins, or both
How can we tell if the layer is a capsule?
- If the layer is organized and firmly attached to the cell wall
How can we tell if the layer is a slime layer?
- if the layer is unorganized and loosely attached to the cell wall
What is the purpose of capsules? (2)
- in some bacteria capsules, they play a role in virulence
- protection against phagocytosis
ex. S. pneumoniae, with capsule causes disease, without does not
What is the purpose of slime layers? (2)
- allow bacteria to attach to surfaces
- medical implants, water pipes teeth
ex. S. mutans makes polysaccharide slime from sucrose that attaches to teeth to form cavities
What are flagella? (2)
- long protein appendages
- present in both gram pos and neg
What is the structure of flagella? (3)
- semi-rigid
- helical
- turns like a propeller
What is flagella used for?
Bacterial cells have four typical arrangements of flagella. What are they?
- monotrichous
- lophotrichous
- amphitrichous
- peritrichous
What are monotrichous flagella?
- a single polar flagellum
What are lophotrichous flagella?
two or more flagella originating from one pole
What are amphitrichous flagella?
- tuffs of flagella originating from opposite poles
What are peritrichous flagella?
- flagella distributed all over the cell
What are steps in how flagella aid in cell motility? (2)
- flagella turn, causing the cell to move in one direction “run”
- Periodically, flagella reverse direction, causing a random change in direction “tumble”
How does flagella allow for chemotaxis?
- movement toward or away from a stimulant
- toward a nutrient (attractant)
- away from a toxin (stimulant)
ex. E. Coli will move toward glucose
How can flagellar protein be used to distinguish bacteria?
- can be used to distinguish among strains of a species
ex. E. Coli O157:H7
What will a cell do if there is no concentration gradient, speaking in terms of the flagella?
- the cell will move randomly when no CG of attractant or repellant
What will a cell do when it senses an attractant, in terms of flagella?
- When a cell senses it is moving towards an attractant, it tumbles less frequently so the runs in the direction of the attractant are longer
What are the structures of fimbriae and Pili? (2)
- short, hair-like appendages
- hollow
What is the function of fimbriae? (2)
- allow the cell to adhere to surfaces
- contribute to pathogenicity
Ex. some strains of E. coli have fimbriae that allow them to attach to the intestinal wall
What is the function of pili? (2)
- allows attachment of two bacteria to each other
- involved in the transfer of genetic material between bacteria
ex. E. coli’s sex pilus