Chapter 11: Cardiovascular System: Exercises Flashcards
Valve that lies between the right atrium and the right ventricle.
tricuspid valve
Smallest blood vessel
Carries oxygenated blood from the lungs to the heart.
pulmonary vein
Largest artery in the body.
Brings oxygen-poor blood into the heart from the upper parts of the body.
superior vena cava
Upper chamber of the heart.
Carries oxygen-poor blood to the lungs from the heart.
pulmonary artery
Small artery
Valve that lies between the left atrium and the left ventricle.
mitral valve
Brings blood from the lower half of the body to the heart.
inferior vena cava
Small vein
Lower chamber of the heart.
Trace the path of blood through the heart, starting from the right atrium from the venae cavae.
Include the valves within the heart.
- right atrium
- tricuspid valve
- right ventricle
- pulmonary valve
- pulmonary artery
- capillaries of the lung
- pulmonary veins
- left atrium
- mitral valve
- left ventricle
- aortic valve
- aorta
The pacemaker of the heart is the ________
sinoatrial (SA) node
The sac-like membrane surrounding the heart is the _______
The wall of the heart between the right and the left atria is the ________
interatrial septum
The relaxation phase of the heartbeat is called ________
Specialized conductive tissue in the wall between the ventricles is the __________
atrioventricular bundle (bundle of His)
The inner lining of the heart is the __________
The contractive phase of the heartbeat is called _________
A gas released as a metabolic product of catabolism is ________
carbon dioxide (CO2)
Specialized conductive tissue at the base of the wall between the two upper heart chambers is the ________
atrioventricular (AV) node
The inner lining of the pericardium, adhering to the outside of the heart, is the ____________
visceral pericardium
An abnormal heart sound due to improper closure of heart valves is a _________
The beat of the heart as felt through the walls of arteries is called the ________
Hardening of arteries
Disease condition of heart muscle
Enlargement of the heart
Inflammation of a vein
Condition of rapid heartbeat
Condition of slow heartbeat
High levels of cholesterol in the blood
Surgical repair of a valve
Condition of deficient oxygen
Pertaining to an upper heart chamber
Narrowing of the mitral valve
mitral stenosis
Breakdown of a clot
Bluish discoloration of the skin owing to deficient oxygen in the blood
Incision of a vein
aterial anastomosis
New connection between arteries
cardiogenic shock
Circulatory failure due to poor heart function
Mass of yellowish plaque
Abnormal heart rhythm
Instrument to measure blood pressure
Instrument to listen to sounds within the chest
mitral valvulitis
Inflammation of the mitral valve
Hardening of arteries with a yellowish, fatty substance (plaque)
Narrowing of a vessel
Widening of a vessel
Inflammation of the inner lining of the heart.
Rapid but regular atrial or ventricular contractions.
Small hole between the upper heart chambers; congenital anomaly.
atrial septal defect
Improper closure of the valve between the left atrium and ventricle during systole.
mitral valve prolapse
Blockage of the arteries surrounding the heart leading to ischemia.
coronary artery disease
High blood pressure affecting the heart.
hypertensive heart disease
Rapid, random, ineffectual, and irregular contractions of the heart.
Inflammation of the sac surrounding the heart.
Inability of the heart to pump its required amount of blood.
congestive heart failure
Congenital malformation involving four (4) separate heart defects.
tetralogy of Fallot
Congenital narrowing of the large artery leading from the heart.
coarctation of the aorta
A duct between the aorta and the pulmonary artery, which normally closes soon after birth, remains open.
patent ductus arteriosus
heart block
Failure of proper conduction of impulses through the AV node to the atrioventricular bundle (bundle of His)
cardiac arrest
Sudden unexpected stoppage of heart action
Uncomfortable sensations in the chest associated with arrhthymias
artificial cardiac pacemaker
Battery-operated device that is placed in the chest and wired to send electrical current to the heart to establish a normal sinus rhythm
thrombotic occlusion
Blockage of a vessel by a clot
Chest pain resulting from insufficient oxygen being supplied to the heart muscle (ischemia)
myocardial infarction
Area of necrosis (tissue death in the heart; heart attack)
Abnormal condition of death (dead tissue)
Damage or death of tissue due to deprivation of oxygen
Blood is held back from an area of the body
Nitrate drug used in the treatment of angina
Drug that treats arrhythmias and strengthens the heartbeat
Abnormal sound (murmur) heart on auscultation
Vibration felt on palpation of the chest
acute coronary syndromes
Consequences of plaque rupture in coronary arteries; MI and unstable angina
pericardial friction rub
Scraping or grating noise on auscultation of the heart. Indicates pericarditis
deep vein thrombosis
Clot formation in a large vein, usually in lower limb
biventricular pacemaker
Device enabling ventricles to beat in synchrony; cardiac resynchronization therapy
Lesions that form on heart valves after damage by infection
Clots that travel to and suddenly block a blood vessel
Small pinpoint hemorrhages
An extra heart sound, heard between normal beats and caused by a valvular defect or condition that disrupts the smooth flow of blood through the heart
Listening with a stethoscope
Heart disease caused by rheumatic fever
rheumatic heart disease
High blood pressure related to kidney disease
secondary hypertension
Episodes of pallor numbness, and cyanosis in fingers and toes caused by a temporary constriction of arterioles
Raynaud’s disease
Local widening of an artery
Pain, tension, and weakness in a limb after walking has begun
Blockage of arteries in the lower extremities; etiology is atherosclerosis
peripheral arterial disease
Types of drugs used to treat acute coronary syndromes include _________
Beta blockers, ACE inhibitors, statins, aspirin, calcium channel blockers
When damaged valves in veins fail to prevent the backflow of blood, a condition that results is _______
Varicose veins
Swollen, twisted veins in the rectal region are called _______
Four (4) defects in tetralogy of Fallot:
a) Narrowing of the artery leading to the lungs from the heart
b) Gap in the wall between ventricles
c) The large vessel leading from the left ventricle moves over the interventricular septum
d) Excessive development of the wall of the right lower heart chamber
a) pulmonary artery stenosis
b) ventricular septal defect
c) shift of the aorta to the right
d) hypertrophy of the right ventricle
High blood pressure in arteries when the etiology is idiopathic
essential hypertension
Surgical removal of plaque from the inner lining of an artery
Application of brief electrical discharges across the chest to stop ventricular fibrillation and pulseless ventricular tachycardia
Measurement of levels of fatty substances (cholesterol and triglycerides) in the bloodstream
lipid tests (profile)
Measurement of the heart’s response to physical exertion (patient monitored while jogging on a treadmill)
stress test
Measurement of troponin-T and troponin-I after myocardial infarction
cardiac biomarkers
Injection of contrast into vessels and x-ray imaging
angiography (arteriography)
Recording of the electricity in the heart
Intravenous injection of a radioactive substance and measurement of its accumulation in heart muscle
thallium 201 scan
Use of echoes from high-frequency sound waves to produce images of the heart
Separation of HDL and LDL from a blood sample
lipoprotein electrophoresis
Anastomosis of vessel grafts to existing coronary arteries to maintain blood supply to the myocardium
coronary artery bypass grafting
Beaming of magnetic waves at the heart to produce images of its structure
cardiac MRI
digital subtraction angiography
Video equipment and a computer produce x-ray pictures of blood vessels by taking 2 pictures (with and without contrast) and subtracting the first image (without contrast) from the second
heart transplantation
A donor heart is transferred to a recipient
Exercise tolerance test combined with a radioactive tracer scan
Doppler ultrasound
An instrument that focuses sound waves on a blood vessel to measure blood flow
Holter monitoring
A compact version of an electrocardiograph is worn during a 24-hour period to detect cardiac arrhythmias
thrombolytic therapy
Treatment with drugs to dissolve clots after a heart attack
extracorporeal circulation
A heart-lung machine is used to divert blood from the heart and lungs during surgery. The machine oxygenates the blood and sends it back into the bloodstream
cardiac catheterization
A catheter is inserted into an artery or vein and threaded into the heart chambers. Contrast can be injected to take x-ray pictures, patterns of blood flow can be detected, and blood pressures can be measured
percutaneous coronary intervention
A balloon-tipped catheter is inserted into a coronary artery to open the artery. Stents are put into place.
drug-eluting stent
Stents are expandable slotted tubes that are placed in arteries. They release polymers to prevent plaque from reforming.
electron beam computer tomography
Electron beams and CT identify calcium deposits in and around coronary arteries to diagnose CAD
CT angiography
X-ray images of the heart and coronary arteries obtained using CT technology
Pertaining to the heart
Not a normal heart rhythm
Abnormal condition of blueness
Relaxation phase of the heartbeat
Chest pain
angina pectoris
Inflammation of a vein
Widening of a vessel
Enlargement of the heart
Hardening of arteries with fatty plaque
Swollen veins in the rectal region
Incision of a heart valve
Removal of a clot that has traveled into a blood vessel and suddenly caused occlusion
Coronary artery bypass grafting
Surgical puncture to remove fluid from the pericardial space
Insertion of a balloon-tipped catheter and stents into a coronary artery
Removal of the inner lining of an artery to make it wider
Suture (repair) of a ballooned-out portion of an artery
Removal of plaque from an artery
Type of acute coronary syndrome
ST segment elevation myocardial infarction
Use of streptokinase and tPA to dissolve clots
thrombolytic therapy
Brief delivery of radiofrequency energy to destroy areas of heart tissue for treating arrhythmias
catheter ablation
Measures a peptide elevated in patients with heart failure
BNP test