NUC0520 MED100c Terminology

This class was created by Brainscape user Jenn Dobrotinic. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (131)

Chapter 1: Basic Word Structure: Prefixes
A 1,
An 2,
Aut 3
18  cards
Chapter 1: Basic Word Structure: Combining Forms
Aden o 1,
Arthr o 2,
Bi o 3
42  cards
Chapter 1: Basic Word Structure: Suffixes
Ac 1,
Al 2,
Algia 3
22  cards
Chapter 1: Basic Word Structure: Pronunciation of Terms
Adenoma 1,
Adenitis 2,
Arthritis 3
98  cards
Chapter 1: Basic Word Structure: Exercises
Word beginnings are called _____ 1,
Word endings are called _______ 2,
The foundation of a word is known...
168  cards
Chapter 2: Whole Body Terms: Prefixes
Ana 1,
Cata 2,
Epi 3
7  cards
Chapter 2: Whole Body Terms: Combining Forms
Abdomin o 1,
Adip o 2,
Anter o 3
33  cards
Chapter 2: Whole Body Terms: Suffixes
Al 1,
Eal 2,
Ectomy 3
12  cards
Chapter 2: Whole Body Terms: Vocabulary
Cell membrane 1,
Nucleus 2,
Chromosomes 3
104  cards
Chapter 2: Whole Body Terms: Pronunciation of Terms
Abdominal 1,
Adipose 2,
Anterior 3
41  cards
Chapter 2: Whole Body Terms: Exercises
Material of the cell located outs...,
Regions of dna within each chromo...,
Small sausage shaped structures t...
91  cards
Chapter 3: Suffixes: Combining Forms
Abdomin o 1,
Acr o 2,
Acu o 3
65  cards
Chapter 3: Suffixes: Suffixes
Algia 1,
Cele 2,
Centesis 3
57  cards
Chapter 3: Suffixes: Vocabulary
Hernia 1,
Hiatal hernia 2,
Inguinal hernia 3
30  cards
Chapter 3: Suffixes: Pronunciation of Terms
Arthralgia 1,
Otalgia 2,
Neuralgia 3
99  cards
Chapter 3: Suffixes: Exercises
Cele 1,
Emia 2,
Coccus 3
137  cards
Chapter 4: Prefixes: Prefixes
A 1,
An 2,
Ab 3
53  cards
Chapter 4: Prefixes: Combining Forms
Carp o 1,
Cis o 2,
Cost o 3
27  cards
Chapter 4: Prefixes: Suffixes
Blast 1,
Crine 2,
Drome 3
21  cards
Chapter 4: Prefixes: Vocabulary
Antigen 1,
Antibody 2,
Immune response 3
16  cards
Chapter 4: Prefixes: Pronunciation of Terms
Apnea 1,
Anoxia 2,
Abnormal 3
92  cards
Chapter 4: Prefixes: Exercises
Ante 1,
Ab 2,
Ana 3
132  cards
Chapter 5: Digestive System: Combining Forms
An o 1,
Append o 2,
Appendic o 3
53  cards
Chapter 5: Digestive System: Suffixes
Ase 1,
Chezia 2,
Iasis 3
4  cards
Chapter 5: Digestive System: Vocabulary
Gastrointestinal tract 1,
Ingested 2,
Digested 3
79  cards
Chapter 5: Digestive System: Pathology and Pathologic Conditions
Anorexia 1,
Ascites 2,
Borborygmus singular borborygmi p...
51  cards
Chapter 5: Digestive System: Pronunciation of Terms
Absorption 1,
Achlorhydria 2,
Amino acids 3
166  cards
Chapter 5: Digestive System: Exercises
Consists of ascending transverse ...,
Small sac under the liver stores ...,
First part of the large intestine 3
143  cards
Chapter 6: Suffixes and Digestive System: Combining Forms
Bucc o 1,
Cec o 2,
Celi o 3
38  cards
Chapter 6: Suffixes and Digestive System: Suffixes
Ectasis 1,
Ectasia 2,
Emesis 3
15  cards
Chapter 6: Suffixes and Digestive System: Laboratory Tests and Clinical Procedures
Amylase and lipase tests 1,
Liver function tests 2,
Stool culture 3
18  cards
Chapter 6: Suffixes and Digestive System: Abbreviations
Alk phos 1,
Bae 2,
Bm 3
16  cards
Chapter 7: Urinary System: Combining Forms
Cali o 1,
Calic o 2,
Cyst o 3
26  cards
Chapter 7: Urinary System: Suffixes
Poietin 1,
Tripsy 2,
Uria 3
3  cards
Chapter 7: Urinary System: Pathology and Laboratory Tests
Glomerulonephritis 1,
Interstitial nephritis 2,
Nephrolithiasis 3
35  cards
Chapter 7: Urinary System: Abbreviations
Bili 1,
Bun 2,
Capd 3
13  cards
Chapter 8: Female Reproductive System: Prefixes
Dys 1,
Endo 2,
In 3
9  cards
Chapter 8: Female Reproductive System: Combining Forms
Amni o 1,
Bartholin o 2,
Cervic o 3
32  cards
Chapter 8: Female Reproductive System: Suffixes
Arche 1,
Cyesis 2,
Gravida 3
8  cards
Chapter 8: Female Reproductive System: Pathology and Clinical Procedures
Carcinoma of the cervix 1,
Human papillomavirus hpv 2,
Genital warts 3
70  cards
Chapter 8: Female Reproductive System: Abbreviations
Ab 1,
C section 2,
C s 3
13  cards
Chapter 9: Male Reproductive System: Combining Forms
Andr o 1,
Balan o 2,
Cry o 3
20  cards
Chapter 9: Male Reproductive System: Suffixes
Genesis 1,
One 2,
Pexy 3
4  cards
Chapter 9: Male Reproductive System: Pathological Conditions and Clinical Procedures
Carcinoma of the testes testicula...,
Seminoma 2,
Teratoma 3
25  cards
Chapter 9: Male Reproductive System: Abbreviations
Bph 1,
Psa 2,
Std 3
5  cards
Chapter 10: Nervous System: Prefixes
A 1,
An 2,
Dys 3
14  cards
Chapter 10: Nervous System: Combining Forms
Cerebell o 1,
Cerebr o 2,
Dur o 3
34  cards
Chapter 10: Nervous System: Suffixes
Algesia 1,
Algia 2,
Esthesia 3
26  cards
Chapter 10: Nervous System: Vocabulary
Acetylcholine 1,
Afferent nerve 2,
Arachnoid membrane 3
52  cards
Chapter 10: Nervous System: Pathology and Laboratory Tests
Hydrocephalus 1,
Spina bifida 2,
Alzheimer disease 3
44  cards
Chapter 10: Nervous System: Abbreviations
Als 1,
Cns 2,
Csf 3
11  cards
Chapter 10: Nervous System: Pronunciation of Terms
Acetylcholine 1,
Afferent nerves 2,
Akinetic 3
151  cards
Chapter 10: Nervous System: Exercises
Microscopic fiber leading from th...,
Large interlacing network of nerv...,
Three 3 protective membranes surr...
132  cards
Chapter 11: Cardiovascular System: Prefixes
A 1,
An 2,
Brady 3
13  cards
Chapter 11: Cardiovascular System: Combining Forms
Angi o 1,
Aort o 2,
Arter o 3
31  cards
Chapter 11: Cardiovascular System: Suffixes
Constriction 1,
Dilation 2,
Emia 3
13  cards
Chapter 11: Cardiovascular System: Vocabulary
Aorta 1,
Apex of the heart 2,
Arteriole 3
38  cards
Chapter 11: Cardiovascular System: Pathology and Laboratory Tests
Arrhythmias 1,
Bradycardia and heart block 2,
Flutter 3
74  cards
Chapter 11: Cardiovascular System: Abbreviations
Acs 1,
Af 2,
Av 3
15  cards
Chapter 11: Cardiovascular System: Pronunciation of Terms
Angiogram 1,
Angioplasty 2,
Anoxia 3
147  cards
Chapter 11: Cardiovascular System: Exercises
Valve that lies between the right...,
Smallest blood vessel 2,
Carries oxygenated blood from the...
141  cards
Chapter 12: Respiratory System: Combining Forms
Adenoid o 1,
Alveol o 2,
Bronch o 3
30  cards
Chapter 12: Respiratory System: Suffixes
Ema 1,
Osmia 2,
Pnea 3
6  cards
Chapter 12: Respiratory System: Abbreviations
Abg s 1,
Afb 2,
Copd 3
12  cards
Chapter 12: Respiratory System: Vocabulary
Respiration 1,
External respiration 2,
Internal cellular respiration 3
40  cards
Chapter 12: Respiratory System: Pronunciation of Terms
Adenoidectomy 1,
Adenoid hypertrophy 2,
Alveolar 3
52  cards
Chapter 12: Respiratory System: Pathology and Clinical Procedures
Auscultation 1,
Percussion 2,
Pleural rub 3
69  cards
Chapter 12: Respiratory System: Exercises
0  cards
Chapter 13: Blood System: Prefixes
A 1,
An 2,
Anti 3
10  cards
Chapter 13: Blood System: Combining Forms
Bas o 1,
Chrom o 2,
Coagul o 3
22  cards
Chapter 13: Blood System: Suffixes
Apheresis 1,
Blast 2,
Cytosis 3
16  cards
Chapter 13: Blood System: Vocabulary
Albumin 1,
Antibody 2,
Antigen 3
74  cards
Chapter 13: Blood System: Abbreviations
A b ab o 1,
Baso 2,
Cbc 3
17  cards
Chapter 13: Blood System: Pronunciation of Terms
Albumin 1,
Anisocytosis 2,
Antibody 3
114  cards
Chapter 13: Blood System: Pathology and Laboratory Tests
Anemia 1,
Aplastic anemia 2,
Pancytopenia 3
49  cards
Chapter 13: Blood System: Review
White blood cell with reddish gra...,
Protein threads that form the bas...,
Method of separating out plasma p...
197  cards
Chapter 14: Lymphatic and Immune Systems: Combining Forms
Immun o 1,
Lymph o 2,
Lymphaden o 3
6  cards
Chapter 14: Lymphatic and Immune Systems: Prefixes
Ana 1,
Inter 2
2  cards
Chapter 14: Lymphatic and Immune Systems: Vocabulary
Adaptive immunity 1,
Adenoids 2,
Antibody 3
44  cards
Chapter 14: Lymphatic and Immune Systems: Abbreviations
Aids 1,
Hiv 2,
Hsv 3
5  cards
Chapter 14: Lymphatic and Immune Systems: Pathology and Laboratory Tests
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome 1,
Kaposi sarcoma 2,
Lymphoma 3
27  cards
Chapter 14: Lymphatic and Immune Systems: Pronunciation of Terms
Autoimmune disease 1,
Immunoglobulin 2,
Immunosuppression 3
18  cards
Chapter 14: Lymphatic and Immune Systems: Exercises
Collection of stationary lymphati...,
Large lymphatic vessel that drain...,
Organ in the left upper quadrant ...
52  cards
Chapter 14: Lymphatic and Immune Systems: Review
Formation of lymph a lymphocytope...,
Interstitial fluid contains or is 2,
All of the following are part of ...
206  cards
Chapter 15: Musculoskeletal System: Abbreviations
Ana 1,
Ca 2,
Ck 3
15  cards
Chapter 15: Musculoskeletal System: Vocabulary
Acetabulum 1,
Acromion 2,
Bone 3
128  cards
Chapter 15: Musculoskeletal System: Combining Forms
Calc o 1,
Calci o 2,
Kyph o 3
62  cards
Chapter 15: Musculoskeletal System: Suffixes
Algia 1,
Asthenia 2,
Blast 3
15  cards
Chapter 15: Musculoskeletal System: Prefixes
A 1,
An 2,
Ab 3
15  cards
Chapter 15: Musculoskeletal System: Bone Pathology
Ewing sarcoma 1,
Exostosis 2,
Osteochondromas 3
21  cards
Chapter 15: Musculoskeletal System: Joint Pathology
Arthritis 1,
Ankylosing spondylitis 2,
Gouty arthritis gout 3
14  cards
Chapter 15: Musculoskeletal System: Muscle Pathology and Laboratory Tests
Muscular dystrophy 1,
Pseudohypertrophy 2,
Polymyositis 3
25  cards
Chapter 15: Musculoskeletal System: Pronunciation of Terms
Acetabulum 1,
Acromion 2,
Articular cartilage 3
221  cards
Chapter 15: Musculoskeletal System: Exercises
A fat cell is a an ______ 1,
The half moon shaped white area a...,
A structural protein found in ski...
140  cards
Chapter 15: Musculoskeletal System: Review
0  cards
Chapter 16: Skin: Combining Forms
Adip o 1,
Albin o 2,
Caus o 3
40  cards
Chapter 16: Skin: Suffixes
Algia 1,
Derma 2,
Esis 3
10  cards
Chapter 16: Skin: Abbreviations
Bx 1,
Sle 2,
Sc 3
3  cards
Chapter 16: Skin: Vocabulary
Adipocyte 1,
Albino 2,
Apocrine sweat gland 3
30  cards
Chapter 16: Skin: Pathology and Laboratory Tests
Lesion 1,
Crust 2,
Cyst 3
85  cards
Chapter 16: Skin: Pronunciation of Terms
Adipose 1,
Albinism 2,
Albino 3
115  cards
Chapter 16: Skin: Exercises
A fat cell is a an ____ 1,
The half moon shaped white area a...,
A structural protein found in ski...
141  cards
Chapter 16: Skin: Review
0  cards
Chapter 17: Sense Organs Eye and Ear: Combining Forms
Aque o 1,
Blephar o 2,
Conjunctiv o 3
48  cards
Chapter 17: Sense Organs Eye and Ear: Suffixes
Acusis 1,
Cusis 2,
Meter 3
7  cards
Chapter 17: Sense Organs Eye and Ear: Vocabulary
Accommodation 1,
Anterior chamber 2,
Aqueous humor 3
47  cards
Chapter 17: Sense Organs Eye and Ear: Abbreviations
Ad 1,
As 2,
Au 3
10  cards
Chapter 17: Sense Organs Eye and Ear: Pathology and Clinical Procedures
Astigmatism 1,
Hyperopia 2,
Myopia 3
60  cards
Chapter 17: Sense Organs Eye and Ear: Pronunciation of Terms
0  cards
Chapter 17: Sense Organs Eye and Ear: Exercises
0  cards
Chapter 17: Sense Organs Eye and Ear: Review
0  cards
Chapter 18: Endocrine System: Prefixes
Eu 1,
Hyper 2,
Hypo 3
8  cards
Chapter 18: Endocrine System: Combining Forms
Aden o 1,
Adrenal o 2,
Gonad o 3
29  cards
Chapter 18: Endocrine System: Suffixes
Agon 1,
Emia 2,
In 3
6  cards
Chapter 18: Endocrine System: Vocabulary
Adrenal cortex 1,
Adrenal medulla 2,
Ovaries 3
48  cards
Chapter 18: Endocrine System: Abbreviations
Adh 1,
Di 2,
Dm 3
14  cards
Chapter 18: Endocrine System: Pathology and Clinical Tests
Hyperthyroidism 1,
Graves disease 2,
Exophthalmos 3
43  cards
Chapter 18: Endocrine System: Pronunciation of Terms
0  cards
Chapter 18: Endocrine System: Exercises
0  cards
Chapter 18: Endocrine System: Review
0  cards
Chapter 19: Cancer Medicine (Oncology): Abbreviations
Aids 1,
All 2,
Aml 3
34  cards
Chapter 19: Cancer Medicine (Oncology): Vocabulary
Adjuvant chemotherapy 1,
Alkylating agents 2,
Anaplasia 3
67  cards
Chapter 19: Cancer Medicine (Oncology): Pathologic Descriptions and Treatment
Cystic 1,
Mucinous tumors 2,
Serous tumors 3
45  cards
Chapter 19: Cancer Medicine (Oncology): Combining Forms
Alveol o 1,
Cac o 2,
Carcin o 3
26  cards
Chapter 19: Cancer Medicine (Oncology): Suffixes
Blastoma 1,
Genesis 2,
Oma 3
7  cards
Chapter 19: Cancer Medicine (Oncology): Prefixes
Ana 1,
Apo 2,
Brachy 3
7  cards
Chapter 19: Cancer Medicine (Oncology): Laboratory Tests and Clinical Procedures
Cytogenic analysis 1,
Immunohistochemistry 2,
Protein marker tests 3
15  cards
Chapter 19: Cancer Medicine (Oncology): Pronunciation of Terms
0  cards
Chapter 19: Cancer Medicine (Oncology): Exercises
0  cards
Chapter 19: Cancer Medicine (Oncology): Review
0  cards
Chapter 22: Psychology: Vocabulary
Psychiatry 1,
Psychotherapy 2,
Psychopharmacology 3
98  cards

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