5.3.2 - Evidence For The Causes Of Climate Change Flashcards
What Types Of Things Can Be Used For Evidence Of Climate Change?
(4 Points)
~ Records of carbon dioxide levels.
~ Temperature records.
~ Pollen in peat bogs.
~ Dendrochronology.
What Have Caused Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Levels To Fluctuate Through Earths History?
(2 Points)
~ Volcanic eruptions.
~ Weathering of limestone rocks.
How Do Scientists Know That Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Levels Have Fluctuated Throughout Earths History?
Due to analysis of gas compositions of bubbles formed in ancient ice cores.
Describe Record Of Carbon Dioxide Levels As Evidence For Climate Change
Increasing levels of CO2 in the atmosphere are believed to contribute towards climate change as CO2 is a greenhouse gas and is involved in the greenhouse effect.
Describe Temperature Records As Evidence For Climate Change
(2 Points)
~ Since the 1850s temperature has been measured around the world using thermometers.
~ This gives a reliable but short-term record of global temperature change.
Describe Pollen In Peat Bogs As Evidence For Climate Change
(3 Points)
~ Pollen is often preserved in peat bogs.
~ Peat bogs accumulate in layers, age of the preserved pollen increases with depth.
~ Peat cores can be taken from a bog and the layers can be analysed to assess the pollen grains.
What Type Of Conditions Are There In Peat Bogs?
(4 Points)
~ Waterlogged soil, creating anaerobic conditions.
~ Low oxygen levels due to the waterlogged nature leads to slow decomposition.
~ Acidic environments, low pH levels.
~ Cold temperatures, leads to slow decomposition.
How Can Scientists Determine The Climates In The Past By Analysing Peat Bogs?
(2 Points)
~ Only fully grown plant species produce pollen, so the samples only show the species that were successful at that time.
~ Different plant species grow under different climatic conditions, plant present at different times can be used to measure the climate of that time.
What Is Dendrochronology?
Method for figuring out how old a tree is using tree rings.
Describe Dendrochronology As Evidence For Climate Change
(3 Points)
~ Tree trunks grow in diameter each growing season as they produce more vascular tissue, which grows in a ring.
~ Trees grow faster in warmer conditions and slower in colder conditions.
~ Scientists can take cores through tree trunks, then date each ring by counting them back from when the core was taken.
‘Trees Grow Faster In Warmer Conditions’ How Does Dendrochronology Show This?
(2 Points)
~ The thicker the ring, the warmer the climate was. Vice versa.
~ Lighter colour rings are produced by fast growth during warmer conditions. Vice versa.