2.1.1 - Properties Of Gas Exchange Surfaces Flashcards
What Do All Living Organisms Do?
(2 Points)
~ Respire by taking in oxygen and releasing carbon dioxide.
~ These gases then diffuse across a surface called the gas exchange surface.
What Are Properties Of Gas Exchange Surfaces?
(3 Points)
~ SA:V ratio.
~ Diffusion pathway.
~ Concentration gradient.
Describe ‘SA:V Ratio’ As A Property Of Gas Exchange Surfaces
(3 Points)
~ Surface area refers to the total area of the organism that is exposed to the external environment.
~ Volume refers to the total internal volume of the organism.
~ As organisms increase in size the SA:V ratio decreases.
As Organisms Increase In Size Their SA:V Ratio Decreases, Explain This
(2 Points)
~ There is less SA for the absorption of nutrients and gases.
~ The greater volume results in a longer diffusion distance to the cells and tissues.
How Have Large Multicellular Organisms Adapted To Increase The Surface Area For Exchange Of Gases?
(3 Points)
~ Alveoli, increase the SA in the mammalian lung.
~ Fish gills, have things called lamellae, providing a large SA.
~ Leaves have a spongy mesophyll layer, leaving a large area of leaf cell surface exposed to the air.
Single Celled Organisms Have A High SA:V Ratio, Explain This
(2 Points)
~ Large surface area allows for maximum absorption of nutrients and gases.
~ Small volume within the cell means the diffusion distance to all organelles is short.
Describe ‘Diffusion Pathway & Thickness Of Surface’ As A Property Of Gas Exchange Surfaces
(2 Points)
~ Distance across an exchange surface is very short.
~ The surface often contains only one layer of epithelial cells, providing a short diffusion distance.
Describe ‘Concentration Gradient’ As A Property Of Gas Exchange Surfaces
(4 Points)
~ It is the difference in concentration of the exchange substances on either side of the exchange surface.
~ A greater difference in concentration means a greater rate of diffusion.
~ The continued movement of exchanges substances away from the exchange surface means that a concentration gradient is maintained.
~ E.g. Alveoli have a good blood supply, constantly removing oxygen from capillary side of the exchange surface and supplies CO2.