11.1-11.2 Flashcards
- is the term used to describe the
physical, emotional, cognitive, and
behavioral responses to events that are
appraised as threatening or challenging.
First studied systematically by ___
Hans Selye
__ problems include unusual
fatigue, sleeping problems,
frequent colds, and even chest
pains and nausea.
___ problems people under
stress experience anxiety,
depression, fear, and irritability, as
well as anger and frustration.
___ symptoms of stress
include problems in concentration,
memory, and decision-making, and
people under stress often lose their
sense of humor.
Stress-causing events are called ____;
they can come from within a person or
from an external source and range from
relatively mild to severe.
__ - can range from the deadly
serious (hurricanes, fires, crashes, combat)
to the merely annoying (delays, rude
people, losing one’s car keys).
Stressors can even be ___, as
when a couple puts off doing their
income tax return,
— - occurs when people experience
unpleasant stressors,
which results from positive
events that still make demands on a
person to adapt or change. (Caused by
negative events)
___(1936) originally coined
the term eustress to describe the
stress experienced when positive
events require the body to adapt.
Hans Selye
___ - the optimal amount of stress
that people need to promote health and
well-being. (Caused by positive events)
_____is based on the idea that a certain level of stress,
or arousal, is actually necessary for people to feel
content and function well
The arousal theory,
___ may actually
improve our memory.
small amounts of stress
___ - an unpredictable event that
happens on a large scale and creates
tremendous amounts of stress and
feelings of threat. Wars, hurricanes, floods,
fires, airplane crashes, and other disasters
are ___.
believed that any life event that required
people to change, adapt, or adjust their
lifestyles would result in ___.
Thomas Holmes and Richard Rahe (1967); stress
Using a sample
of nearly
___ people, Holmes and Rahe devised a scale to measure the amount of stress in
a person’s life by having that person add up the total “life change units” associated with
each major event in their ___
400; Social Readjustment Rating Scale
assessment that measures the amount
of stress in a person’s life over a 1-year
period resulting from major life events.
Social Readjustment Rating Scale
This scale is quite different from
Holmes and Rahe’s original scale because
the stressful events listed and rated
include those that would be more
common or more likely to happen to a
college student.
The College Undergraduate Stress Scale
assessment that measures the amount
of stress in a college student’s life over
a 1-year period resulting from major life
College Undergraduate Stress Scale
___ - the bulk of the stress we
experience daily actually comes from little
frustrations, delays, irritations, minor
disagreements, and similar small
aggravations. These daily annoyances are
called __.
___developed a ___that has items such as
“ misplacing or losing things” and “troublesome neighbors.”
Lazarus and Folkman (1984) ; hassles scale