Viruses and Prokaryotes Flashcards
small genome enclosed in a protein capsid
is a virus an organism
no bc theyre not made out of cells and all living things must be made out of cells
describe the size of a virus
3 - 100 genes and smaller than a ribosome
what is a virus made of
capsomere and genome and sometimes envelope
individual protein units that are repeated around the protein capsid that protect the genome of the virus
DNA of virus
where is the phospholipid bilayer in relation to the capsid
it can be outside or inside it or even just not there at all
a layer made of phospholipids that is outside of the protein capsid layer
where do most envelopes originate from
the virus host
host cell of virus (Use + what virus does to it)
viruses use host cells only for replication so they usually don’t kill their host so they can keep replicating
host range
the ability of a virus to infect multiple tissue or species –> so like which ones it can hop to
do viruses have a small big or mixed host range
enzyme needed for replication of DNA or rna (in the case of the virus)
what polymerase do DNA viruses yse
the host polymerase
what polymerase do DNA viruses use
it brings its own polymerase bc humans don’t operate on RNA
a virus that infects and replicates within bacteria, essentially acting as a natural predator of bacteria and archea (the yellow thingies next to the birds)
describe the genome of phages
double stranded DNA
lytic cycle aka
virulent phage
lysogenic cycle aka
temperate phage
in what ways can phages reproduce
lytic and lysogenic cycles
lytic cycle
virus attaches to bacteria cell wall and insert its dna to hijack the cells ribosomes and other stuff so that it repllicates the virus dna and proteins. so basicaly a bunch of viruses are in the bacteria and then it opens and all the little phages bust out and crawl all over
lysogenic cycle
virus attaches to bacteria cell receptors and also breaks the chromosome to put itself into the chromosme. then the bacteria does binary fission and makes a bunch of prophages bc its inserted in its dna
what are the main groups of prokaryotes
bacteria and archea
how many shapes of bacteria and archea are there and what are they
3: Spherical (cocci)
Rod-shaped (bacilli)
Spiral (spirillum spirochetes)
what kind of prokaryote has peptidoglyan and where is it
bacteria in cell wall
why is gram staining done
to differentiate between different types of bacteria (thick or thing peptidoglycan – antibiotic resistant or no)
can a phage do both reproductive cycles
why are viruses able to bind to bacteria cell walls
because they take advantage of the cell receptors and bind to them even tho its not for them
genetic information of the virus after it has been inserted and incorporated into the bacterial DNA
animal virus reproduction is done with what tyep of genes
are animal viruses supposed to kill the host
not supposed to
animal virus reproduction
ok so basically the glycoproteins outside of the virus envelope attach to the host cell receptors (trick) and then it puts its viral genome in the host and also the capsid — the rna basically makes mrna –> dna –> protein (casid and glycoproteins for envelope) and then they pop out as new viruses, using the membrane as its new envelope
purpose of animal virus reproduction
to make more virus cells
A retrovirus is a type of virus that inserts a DNA copy of its RNA genome into the DNA of a host cell that it invades, thus changing the genome of that cell
reverse transcriptase
enzyme that turns rna into dna
ssRNA stands for
single stranded RNA
how do ssrna viruses work
glycoproteins on virus trick receptors in t-helper cell and allows virus and cell to fuse, break down capsid, and release viral RNA and enzymes (reverse transcriptase + integrase) into the cell then use RT to make ssdna and then to make double strand and then integrase takes into nucleus + ribosomes to put in dna and also make viral proteins to make more virus cells (bc they all float to membrane to bud off) to produce and nobody notices anything is wrong bc its t-helper cell
enzyme that takes the double stranded dna (made from host nucleotide and viral rna) and brings it into the nuclear pores to put itself into the host dna in the nucleus
are viruses and bacteria the same thing explain
no bacteria are alive (prokaryotes!!!) anywhere while viruses are not alive and can only survive in host
what domain are viruses classified as
all bacteria are dangerous and cause disease
true or false
false not all cause disease
how were viruses discovered
discovered from cells bc viruses (dna and rna) have the ability to
archea meaning
why are archea called ancient
Called that way because they evolve much less and are also Believed to be where eukaryotes came from
what are the prokaryotic demains and how many are there
2 –> bacteria and archea
how many shapes of prokaryotes and what are they
3 shapes –> spherical, rod shaped, spiral
name of sphereical prokaryotes
name of rod shaped prokaryotes
name of spiral prokaryotes
spirillum spirochetes
what is gram staining for
when you stain to find out if a bacteria is antibiotic resistant or not to see how dangerous it is and if you need antibiotics
order of staining for gram staining
Crystal violet → iodine → alcohol, safranin dye
a duplicate of bacterial chromosome in a hard tough structure without moisture that doesnt die and lasts centuries until they lyse –> done to preserve
what are the capsules made of
made of anything
where are capsules always located
always on the outside of the wall
purpose of the capsule
js for latching onto other stuff and sometimes js for protection against stuff or drying out
what is the driving force of binary fission
do all bacteria have capsules
no only some
how do prokaryotes reproduce
asexually through binary fission
binary fission
copy circular chromosome; split the cell; grow FATTY FATTY FATTY
where DNA stays in the same region bc theres no nucleus
extra circular dna with accessory genes that ont all prokarytoes have
are viruses prokarytoes
no bc theyre not living
describe the internal organization of prokarytoes (why they diff from eukarytoes)
no membrane bound organelles but they can still do membrane bound processes bc they have membrane infoldings
how do bacteria and archea move
with flagella or flagellum
flagella is what type of strucutre
analagous bc it has evloved to have diff functions but same look for lots of archae + bacteria (CONVERENT EVOLUTION)
when prokarytoe moves toward the stimuli
process of gram staining
stain with crystal violet and then iodine to wash and then alcohol – if stay violet its bc thye have fat peptidoclycan and are nice if not they have skinny peptidoclycan so they lose purple and turn evil pink
gram negative bacteria
more dangerous (pink = look nice but poison) bacteria that can block antibiotics and has a thin peptidoglycan wall
gram positive bacteria
less dangerous bacteria (purple POWER) that has a thick peptidoclyan wall and no antibitic resistant
dna from one species can go into a bacteria and change the phenotype genotype or both and this can work by going in chromosome or js fail bc it dont go in
how many types of transduction are there and what are they
2 specialized and generalized
how do bacteria pass on genes
horizontal gene transfer
how does bacteria do horizontal gene transfer
transformation transduction and conjugation
horizontal gene transfer
the movement of genetic material between organisms, other than from parent to offspring
conjugation (simple def)
2 bacterial cells intentionally form a bridge to transfer dna to one another
how many ways can conjugation occur and what are tey
2 –> F+ and F- cells or HFr
F+ aka
male donor
F- aka
female recipient
grabbing hair appendage thingies
sex pili
pili that are used to grab other bacteria that they wanna conjugate with
do the F- and F+ cells have genders
nar they js be named that way for fucks and giggles
F in conjugation stands for
R plasmid
antibiotic genes in a plasmid
F plasmid
fertility genes are here (its just the little circle thing with all fertility genes) — also allow F+ to F- conjugation to occur
F+ and F- conjugation —> explain
F+ has sex pili that grabs on to the F- and this forms a mating bridge and then the F+ duplicates its F plasmid and sends over the duplicate through the mating bridge and then F- becomes F+ because it has fetility genes to make F+ now
high frequency recombination cells that have an F plasmid and they give them to F-
Hfr and F- conjugation —> explain
Hfr has sex pili that grabs on to the F- and this forms a mating bridge and then the F+ duplicates its whole chromsome and sends over the duplicate through the mating bridge but since this happens rly fast it doesnt send everythig over so sometimes recombination happens and sometimes it doesnt so their might be F- or Hfr newly made
F factor
instead of circle thing its js some fertility genes in Hfr
when horizontal gene transfer happens through a phage bc a phage infects a bacterial cell so when this happens the phage also gets some of the bacterias dna so then this bacteria shoots it into another bacteria so there might be some recombination
generalized transduction
due to the lytic cycle and basically any dna can be picked up