13.1 Darwin's Theory of Evolution Flashcards
How many people/ideas influenced Charles Darwin
What were the 5 people/ideas that influenced Charles Darwin?
1) James Hutton
2) Charles Lyell
3) Jean-Baptiste Lamarck
4) Thomas Malthus
5) Artificial Selection
How did James Hutton influence Charles Darwin?
he came up with the idea of deep time
Deep Time
the Earth is more than thousands of years old because there is no way that oceans, lands, etc. only developed in thousands of years
During the time of Charles Darwin when did people believe that the Earth was made?
thousands of years ago
During the time of Charles Darwin why did people believe that the Earth was made thousands of years ago
it was the idea of the church/religion and anyone who disagreed would be punished severely as a heretic
How did Charles Lyell influence Darwin
he came up with the idea of Uniformitairianism
the idea that you need to use the science of the present to explain the science of the past (scientific changes of the Earth)
How did Jean-Baptiste Lamarck influence Darwin
he came up with the idea of inheritance of acquired characteristics
Inheritance of Acquired Characteristics
acquired characteristics are passed from generation to generation
Was Jean-Baptiste Lamarck’s idea fully correct
What did Jean-Baptiste Lamarck get correct in his idea of Inheritance of Acquired Characteristics
traits are passed on (genetic; from gametes)
What was Jean-Baptiste Lamarck mocked about in his idea of Inheritance of Acquired Characteristics
Organisms CANNOT evolve
things that you do to your body such as getting tattoos, earrings will not be passed on
How did Thomas Malthus influence Darwin
came up with the idea of keeping human population in check and that there are non human factors that keep population in check such as sickness war and famine
Artificial Selection is aka
Selective Breeding
Artificial Selection
Man selecting organisms with specific traits to produce wanted offspring.
How does aritificial selection affect evolution
because shows how humans can directly influence evolution how they want
Charles Darwin
joins naturalist in 5yr voyage around South America, stops (only significant one) at Galapagos Islands
What ship was Charles Darwin’s voyage on
the Beagle
What did Darwin create
the Theory of Evolution, eventually published a paper bc of fear a different scientist would publish it first, and the book the origin of species
Why was Darwin initially hesitant about publishing his paper on the theory of evolution
bc the church would see him as a heretic
What animals did darwin talk about
big friendly turtles
weird birds with blue feet called finches
a widely accepted explanatory idea that is broader in scope than a hypothesis generates new hypotheses and is supported by a large body of evidence
Evolution by Natural Selection is supported by how many ideas
What are the 3 ideas that support Natural Selection
1) Struggle for existence
2) Variation and Adaption
3)Survival of the Fittest
Struggle for Existence
idea that there are only too many resources for organisms so only some will be able to reproduce
Variation and adaption
organisms that are better adapted to their environment will be able to reproduce
Survival of the Fittest
organisms that reproduce more are fit q
why not every organism is adapted the same
Variation is critical to
a species surviving
group of organisms of the same species that live in a specific location
beneficial changes to reproduction slowly leaving/coming into a population
________ do not evolve ______ do
individuals; populations
How many patterns of biodiversity are there
What are the 3 patterns of biodiversity
1) Species vary globally
2) Species vary locally
3) Species vary over time
Species vary globally
there are differeny species in differeny places around the world
Species vary locally
there are different species in different parts of the same continent, country, etc.
Species vary over time
there are different species in different points in time
Natural Selection
the process through which populations of living organisms adapt and change
change through a period of time
characteristics that are similar in related species bc of a common ancestor