15.3 Applications of Genetic Engineering Flashcards
What are some practical applications for transgenic plants?
They have been modified to be immune to insects, pesticides, herbicides, etc.
They have also been modified to produce more
What are some practical applications of transgenic animals?
They have been modified to produce healthier meat and more milk
In the future scientists aim to genetically modify animals so that
they can produce human proteins
True or False
Transgenic animals are regularly used in human medical research
How can recombinant-DNA help humans
by producing important proteins
Gene Therapy
the process of replacing a faulty/defective with a working one, which allows the body to make the protein or enzyme which eliminates the cause of the disease
Gene therapy usually uses an _________ ________ with needed DNA (gene[s])
engineered virus
Genetic Testing
testing for the presence of an allele(s) generally relating to diseases
When is genetic testing usually done
when thinking of having a baby to know if you might carry a certain disease
How is genetic testing done?
with a blood test
DNA Fingerprinting
analyzing DNA, and identifying an individual from it
We all have ____ DNA with slight _____
similar; differentiations
Who are the only people who have the same exact DNA
DNA Fingerprinting is used in
STR stands for
short tandem repeats
How many STRs are there in each genome
13 `
part of DNA that is enough to identify a person
Establishing relations
solution to the genetic recombination which scrambles the molecular markers used for DNA fingerprinting which makes it hard to find the parents of a child
How do you establish relations with fathers?
with the Y-Chromosome
How is the Y-Chromosome used in establishing relations with fathers?
because it never undergoes crossing over and is passed from father to son with little changes
How do you establish relations with mothers?
mtDNA is
mitochondrial DNA — DNA in the mitochondria
How is the mtDNA used in establishing relations with mothers?
mtDNA is passed directly from mother to child bc it comes from the cytoplasm of the egg
gene editing tool from bacteria that will be an important tool in gene therapy