Vehicle procedures Flashcards
What are the requirements to tow a vehicle for outstanding unpaid parking citations?
3 or more outstanding unpaid parking citations and violation of a current law.
How can officers confirm outstanding unpaid parking citations before towing a vehicle?
By contacting LEXPARK to obtain the total amount due based on citations.
What steps should officers take before requesting a tow for outstanding parking citations?
Indicate total amount due and purpose of tow on Vehicle Impounding Record.
How can payments for outstanding citations be made to LEXPARK?
In person, by telephone, online, by standard mail, or at the towing service.
When should an appeal bond be posted for outstanding unpaid parking citations?
Before the vehicle will be released.
What should officers do if a violator with outstanding citations returns to their vehicle?
Release the vehicle to the owner before it is attached to the wrecker.
What happens if the owner or legal user does not consent to a vehicle inventory?
They assume the risk of any loss of property from the vehicle.
What is the responsibility of officers recovering an auto larceny?
Contact E911, attempt to contact the owner, release the vehicle, and document.
What form should be completed and delivered to Central Records after towing a vehicle?
A paper Vehicle Impounding Record (Form #209) or an Electronic Tow Sheet Submission Form.
What should officers update in the original report after towing a vehicle?
The property status.
What does the supplementary report serve as notification for?
To the NCIC Operator to remove an auto larceny from NCIC.
What information should be documented regarding the contact with the vehicle owner?
Date and time of contact, whether the vehicle was released or towed, and the location of the towed vehicle.
What should officers do after completing the required reports?
Deliver the reports to Central Records for NCIC removal and notify their supervisor.
What are the responsibilities of supervisors in this process?
Collect and promptly approve all required reports.
What is the responsibility of the Central Records Reports Desk upon receiving required reports?
To immediately remove local stolen vehicles from NCIC.
What should be done if recovered stolen vehicle information is incomplete?
Immediately notify the reporting officer and/or approving supervisor for assistance in obtaining needed information.
How should Central Records Reports Desk attempt to notify the vehicle owner of a local auto larceny if contact cannot be made?
By telephone and by sending a letter with recovery details.
What should be done if attempts to contact the vehicle owner are unsuccessful after sending a letter?
Forward copies of the letter to the Auto Crimes Unit sergeant for assistance.
What are the responsibilities of the Auto Crimes Unit regarding recovered auto larceny cases?
Conduct additional investigations, clear cases when arrests are made, and assist in notifying owners.
What should officers do when recovering a foreign auto larceny?
Contact E911 to confirm the vehicle’s stolen status, complete required reports noting foreign auto recovery.
What is the purpose of G.O. 1979-01I Vehicle Procedures?
To establish procedures for vehicle searches, tows, inventories, recoveries, and placing holds.
According to the Lexington Police Department policy, how are vehicles searched?
Vehicles may be searched according to state law, city ordinance, and with certain exceptions.
When can an officer search the passenger compartment of a vehicle?
An officer may search with probable cause, a search warrant, or under exceptions to the warrant requirement.
Under what circumstances can an officer tow a vehicle?
Tow circumstances include motorist assist, arrest of driver, abandoned vehicle, parking enforcement, and more.
What are some examples of circumstances that allow for towing a vehicle?
Request by owner, safety concern, potential evidence of crime, parking violations, etc.
How should requests for contract wrecker service for tows be made?
Requests shall be made through E911; officers should not contact the wrecker service directly.
What is the responsibility for removing a prisoner’s vehicle?
Responsibility belongs with the prisoner if the vehicle is not subject to seizure or needed as evidence.
How should the impounding officer deliver the paper form or submit the Electronic Tow Sheet Submission Form to Central Records Reports Desk?
In person or electronically.
What action should be taken by the officer if they electronically submit the form to Central Records Reports Desk?
Promptly verbally confirm receipt.
Who is responsible for electronically sending the paper Vehicle Impounding Record Form #209 to the appropriate unit?
Central Records Reports Desk.
When will temporary holds be released?
Upon completion of vehicle processing or investigation.
Who is required to send a letter to the registered owner of a vehicle with a released hold?
Central Records Reports Desk.
What is the timeline for reviewing long term holds by Central Records Reports Desk?
Once a hold is more than 72 hours old.
Who will be contacted regarding vehicles still listed on long term hold for processing by the Forensic Services Unit?
The Forensic Services Unit section lieutenant.
What is the requirement if the assigned unit has not completed the investigation of the vehicle for long term hold pending?
Submit documentation outlining reasons and estimated date of release.
What is the responsibility of the Technical Services Unit supervisor related to vehicles at the towing service?
Conduct a weekly inventory to determine release or impound.
What form needs to be completed when a vehicle is placed in the police impound lot?
Property and Evidence Record (Form #263)
Where should the completed Long Term Holds Information Sheet be placed inside the impounded vehicle?
Front seat, in a sealed plastic bag
Why should a car cover be placed over an impounded vehicle in certain situations?
To protect it from weather or if the vehicle’s interior is exposed.
Where are car covers available in the police impound lot?
In a storage box just inside the impound lot gate.
What should the Technical Services Supervisor do with impounded vehicle keys?
Keep them on file.
What conditions need to be met to release a vehicle impounded for a long term hold?
Release of hold and payment of tow charges by the owner.
What form is required to complete when impounding a vehicle?
Vehicle Impounding Record (Form #209) or an Electronic Tow Sheet Submission Form
Who should the required reports be delivered to after impounding a vehicle?
Central Records Reports Desk
When should an impounding officer notify their supervisor?
After they have transmitted an NCIC sensitive report
Who is responsible for tracking all department temporary holds?
Central Records Reports Desk
In what circumstances can a vehicle impounded by the department be ordered held?
Various circumstances including court orders, pending investigations, and evidence processing
What is required to be completed when a vehicle is placed in the police impound lot?
Property and Evidence Record (Form #263)
How long do temporary holds typically last?
24 to 72 hours
What must be included in the paper Vehicle Impounding Record to explain why the vehicle is being held?
Hold information details in the comments section
Where should the completed paper Vehicle Impounding Record be delivered?
Central Records Reports Desk
Who must approve all vehicle holds?
A supervisor
What constitutes a legitimate reason for the release of a vehicle from a towing facility?
A Court Order demanding immediate release presented.
During what hours are vehicle releases permitted from the towing service facility?
9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.
What is the procedure for handling civil disputes by officers?
Remain impartial, maintain a calm presence, and refrain from giving legal advice.
Under what conditions can officers interfere with a repossession process?
If there is a breach of the peace by the repossessor.
What actions should an officer take if the debtor or repossessor commits a criminal act during repossession?
Take appropriate action as necessary.