Training and recruiting Flashcards
How should an officer make up for missed in-service training hours?
By completing an additional training assignment.
What is the maximum percentage of in-service course hours an officer can be excused from?
Twenty (20) percent.
Who should an officer inform upon returning after being absent from class?
The in-service supervisor by submitting an absence form.
Under what circumstances can an officer be excused or dismissed from training?
Habitually tardy or not complying with training rules.
What is the responsibility of the Training Section in-service supervisor regarding KLEC Form 68?
To ensure its submission to DOCJT for officers completing training.
What is roll call training and its purpose?
A technique to keep officers up to date between in-service sessions.
What does specialized training encompass?
On-the-job training, government-mandated training, and department-necessary training.
Who is responsible for ensuring employees in specialized functions receive required training?
Supervisors or commanders.
When must training for specialized assignments be initiated?
Within 30 days of assignment, unless circumstances dictate otherwise.
What training is required for newly promoted employees?
Job-related training either before promotion or within the first year after.
Who serves as the chair of the Training Committee?
The Training Section commander.
What is the responsibility of the Training Committee chair?
To establish the role, the relationship to training function, and ensure effective operation.
How is the Training Committee comprised?
It consists of the Training Section commander and a representative from each designated bureau.
To whom does the Training Committee report?
The Chief of Police.
What facilities does the Training Section have access to for training purposes?
Properly equipped academy facilities.
What are some components of the academy facilities?
Includes classroom space, office space, health services, gym, library, firing range, driver training track.
What is required for new recruits before assignment involving weapons or arrests?
Completion of the Basic Training Academy and being sworn in.
What is the requirement for new recruits in terms of basic training completion timeline?
Must complete within one year of employment.
Who determines the minimum length of basic training according to KRS 15.440?
Kentucky Law Enforcement Council (KLEC).
What is the basis for the required training curriculum?
A validated job task analysis.
Who approves the curriculum of the Basic Training Academy?
The Training Committee.
What orientation materials are provided to new recruits?
Includes academy organization, rules, attendance, testing, and evaluation system details.
What information is provided before physical training to the recruits?
Information on climate acclimatization and proper hydration.
What do recruits need to do after receiving and reviewing Basic Training Academy rules?
Sign an acknowledgment sheet to abide by rules and regulations.
Where are employee training records maintained?
Employee training records are maintained in the Training Section per records retention requirements.
When are employee training records destroyed?
Employee training records are destroyed 5 years after the employee’s separation from service or termination of employment.
What does a lesson plan for training courses need to include?
A lesson plan needs to include a statement of objectives, content, instructional techniques, and test identification.
Who approves lesson plans for department training courses?
Department instructors not assigned to the Training Section must submit their lesson plans for approval to the Training Section.
What is the responsibility of the Training Section regarding employee information prior to an on-site assessment?
The Training Section ensures that all employees receive information regarding the accreditation process before an on-site assessment.
Who is the Training Section commander responsible to report to?
The Training Section commander reports directly to the Assistant Chief of the Bureau of Administration.
What legal basis describes participation in outside academy training as per KRS 15.404 and KRS 15.440?
Participation in outside academy training is described by KRS 15.404 and KRS 15.440.
Who bears the legal liability for an employee’s training-related injury at DOCJT?
The department bears legal liability for an employee’s training-related injury at DOCJT.
What must officer applicants meet to become instructors as prescribed by KLEC?
Instructor applicants must meet the minimum standards prescribed by KLEC, including three years of law enforcement experience.
What training do officers in the Training Section need before assuming teaching responsibilities?
Officers in the Training Section must successfully complete the KLEC approved Police Instructor Course.
What should the recruiting officer do to enhance recruitment efforts?
Develop new community contacts and seek cooperative assistance.
What is the role of the Division of Human Resources during the hiring process?
To maintain contact with and make official notifications to police applicants.