Inspections Flashcards
Who is responsible for the periodic inspection of personnel, facilities, and operating procedures of the Division of Police?
Staff Inspector, or his/her designee
What type of inspections may be conducted for personnel?
Conduct, appearance, discipline, job performance, job knowledge, integrity, morale.
What type of inspections may be conducted for operations?
Facilities and equipment condition, investigative techniques, communications discipline, incident response time, quality of service, report preparations, roll calls, supervision and command, court appearance and presentation, selectivity of enforcement, personnel scheduling and deployment, audit and evaluate complaint control and field reporting.
What is the primary focus of staff inspections according to the course notes?
Upon policies and procedures and only incidental on persons.
How often should a staff inspection be conducted within each bureau?
At least triennially.
Who conducts formal monthly inspections of personnel for appearance, vehicles, and equipment?
Who is required to conduct informal inspections of personnel on a daily basis?
Who conducts unannounced inspections of the Property and Evidence Unit?
The commander of the Bureau of Administration.
How are staff inspection reports reviewed and appraised according to the course notes?
Thoroughly by the Chief of Police as a matter of policy.
When can the Chief of Police require a written response to be submitted by command staff?
When conditions warrant.
What is included in the ‘Vehicle Appearance’ column during inspections?
Designation of ‘c’ (compliant) or ‘d’ (deficient) for the exterior and interior condition.
What equipment should be available and in working order according to the ‘Riot Control Equipment’ column?
Kevlar helmet with shield, 24” baton, gas mask carrier, gas mask, riot gear bag.
What items are included in the ‘Traffic Control Equipment’ column for inspections?
Safety vest, whistle with lanyard, flashlight with traffic wand.
What does ‘PPE’ stand for and what items are included in this category?
Personal Protective Equipment; includes disposable gloves, protective suit, boot covers, eye protection, CPR mask.
What is the purpose of Staff Inspections within the Division?
To ensure sound operating procedures, correct deficiencies, and assess personnel performance.