Traffic collision investigation Flashcards
What is the purpose of the Traffic Collision Investigation policy?
To establish procedures for responding to, investigating, and reporting traffic collisions.
What type of collisions require an electronic KyOPS eCrash Report?
Vehicular collisions resulting in personal injury or death.
Why should an officer wear yellow reflective outerwear at a collision scene?
For increased visibility and safety while in the roadway.
What are the responsibilities of the first responding officer at a collision scene?
Being in charge, checking for hazards, requesting assistance, and safeguarding parties.
What should an officer do if the collision scene is unsafe?
Take appropriate action to safeguard parties and notify E911 if needed.
In what situations should an officer respond to the scene of a vehicular collision?
In cases of disturbance, major traffic congestion, towing requirement, or upon a party’s request.
What should be done if a traffic control device is malfunctioning?
Immediately notify E911 and the responsible government department.
How should injured persons be assisted at a collision scene?
Request emergency medical assistance and provide first aid if needed.
What is the responsibility of a towing service at a collision scene?
Remove associated debris only after approval by the investigating officer.
When is it the responsibility of the vehicle owner/occupant to remove debris from the roadway?
If a towing service is not required.
What action should be taken when a vehicle involved in a collision is operable?
Move the vehicle to a safe location out of the roadway, if possible.
What should be done if an inoperable vehicle is impeding traffic at a collision scene?
Facilitate expedient removal from the scene by a towing service.
Why is it important to collect information at a collision scene?
To complete an electronic KyOPS eCrash report accurately.
What should be done when private property is damaged in a collision?
Document the damage and attempt to notify the property owner.
How should personal property be handled if the owner is unable to care for it?
a. Transport with the victim to hospital or deliver to hospital staff.
Where can large items of personal property be stored if damage won’t occur?
b. Within the wrecked vehicle being towed to the towing service’s lot.