Air support unit Flashcards
What are reasons to reject a temporary observer?
a. Health b. Height or weight c. Susceptibility to motion sickness d. Purpose and requirements of the flight e. Any other reason affecting safe operation
Who conducts passenger briefings for temporary observers?
ASU conducts passenger briefings for temporary observers.
How many ASU ride-along participants are allowed at a time?
Only one ASU ride-along participant is allowed at a time.
Who must grant specific permission to ride-along with ASU?
The Chief of Police or the Bureau of Special Operations Assistant Chief.
Who establishes procedures for individuals to ride-along with ASU?
The Bureau of Special Operations Assistant Chief establishes procedures.
Who has the authority to authorize individuals to ride-along with ASU?
The Chief of Police has the sole authority.
When may a flyover tribute during a fallen officer’s graveside service occur?
A flyover tribute may occur with authorization from the Chief of Police, depending on weather and safety considerations.
Why is it imperative to establish communications between the involved aircraft during a multi-agency operation?
To ensure flight safety.
How can communications between involved aircraft be established?
By using radio frequencies assigned to law enforcement agencies or aviation frequencies (aircraft to aircraft).
What should the pilot in command do if communications between involved aircraft cannot be established?
Agree to continue to the multi-agency operation.
Who has the authority to ground the aircraft due to a safety concern in a multi-agency operation?
Any involved ASU employee.
What should each involved ASU employee do prior to flight in a multi-agency operation?
Review the operation, area involved, and aircraft operations again.
Who can make the final decision to ground the aircraft due to safety concerns before a flight?
Any involved ASU employee.
When can the Air Support Unit be requested to assist other law enforcement agencies?
When pre-planned operations have not been coordinated.
What is the procedure for ASU officers to respond to assist an agency within Fayette County?
Obtain permission from the ASU coordinator or the Patrol Duty Commander before responding.
Who is responsible for the initial approval of requests for the ASU to assist agencies outside of Fayette County?
The ASU coordinator.
What should the ASU coordinator do if the Patrol Duty Commander gives final approval for an out of county ASU deployment?
Notify their BOSO supervisor and provide deployment details.
Who determines the preferred landing sites for ASU?
ASU employees
How often should predetermined landing sites be inspected?
On a regular basis
What should be obtained if the landing site is not on government property?
Permission from the property owner or designee
What is maintained in ASU’s information binder?
A list of predetermined landing sites
Who is responsible for ensuring the suitability of a landing site?
ASU pilot
What is an uninspected landing site?
A site not inspected by ASU employees prior to use
What should ASU employees do at uninspected landing sites?
Make radio contact with department employees or other personnel
Who is ultimately responsible for determining if an uninspected landing site is safe?
ASU pilot
How should landings made at uninspected landing sites due to emergencies be documented?
By memorandum