Transverse Section of the Brain Flashcards
Identify the following features: (not all features are seen on all sections)
- Median longitudinal fissure
- Lateral ventricle
- Caudate nucleus
- Third ventricle
- Thalamus
- Internal capsule
- Lentiform nucleus (putamen and globus pallidus)

What is the internal capsule is mostly supplied by what?
MCA- But the anterior and posterior do to a small extent
From amongst these structures, choose the structures that together constitute the basal ganglia (nuclei
5 Pairs of Nuclei – Caudate Nucleus, Putamen, Globulus Palladus, Subthalamic Nucleus, & Substantia Nigra
The Internal Capsule is made up of myelinated axons (white matter).
What is the name given to these fibres that connect the cerebral hemispheres with other parts of the brain?
Projection Fibres
What is the internal capsule made up of?
An anterior limb, genu and a posterior limb

Which cerebral artery through one of its branches supplies the internal capsule?
Anterior cerebral artery
Which group of structures is this functionally a part of?
Functionally the basal ganglia
Where would the red nucleus be in relation to the substantia nigra, anterior or posterior to it?
Posterior to it
Identify the part of the midbrain called as the cerebral peduncles. What fibres does it contain?
Motor Fibres (is also called the Crus Cerebri)