Bones and cartilages of the nose Flashcards
What are the functions of the nose?
Traps dirt
Humidification of inspired air
What is the nose made up of?
External nose and nasal cavity
What does the external nose have?
A nony framework from which the nasal and septal cartilages extend
What is the nasal vavity divided by?
Midline nasal septum
What does the nasal cavity continue posterior with?
Space of nasopharynx
What is the palate?
Forms the floor of the nasal cavity and seperates it from the oral cavity
What is the palate made up of anterioly and psoteriorly?
It is made of a vault-shaped bony palate anteriorly and posteriorly a soft palate that hangs between the nasopharynx and the oro-pharynx.
What is the oral cavity?
First part of the digestive system, seperated from the nasal cavoity above by the palate and houses the tongue and salivary glands
What is the larynx?
Voice box
Has a triple function
Open valve in respiration
Partially closed valve whose orifice can be modulated in phonation
Closed valve, protecting the trachea and bronchial tree during deglutition. Coughing is possible only when the larynx can be closed effectively.

What is the pharynx?
Musculofascial tube, incomplete anteriorly which extends from the base of the skull to the pesophagus
Common entry for resp and alimentrary tracts
Important in swallowing and breathing
What are the 3 parts of the pharynx?
Nasopharynx- Lying behind nasal fossae and above the soft palate
Oropharync- Lyign behid the anterior pillars of the fauces
Laryngopharynx- Lying behind the larynx
What does the trachea begin from?
The lower border of the larynx – (lower border of the cricoid cartilage, C6 vertebra).
What does the trachea lie anterior to?
The oesophagus
What happens at C6 to the pharynx?
The oesophgus starts from the lower part of the pharynx
Locate the nasion on the image on the right. With which bone do the nasal bones articulate superiorly at the nasion?

The frontal bone

What is the part at the bridge of your nose that goes floppy?
Due to the presence of plates of cartilage which projects anteriorly from the margin of the nasal bones.
Also what is the green bone called?
Also where is the cribiform plate?

Ethmoid bone
Cribiform plate is yellow bit at the top

What is the roof of the nose formed from?
Formed from, (anterior to posterior) the nasal bones, part of the frontal bone as well as the ethmoid bone and the body of the sphenoid bone.
The part of the ethmoid bone that contributes to the roof of the nasal cavity contains the cribriform plate
What is the floor of the nasal cavity formed from?
Palatine processses of the maxillae and the palatine bones which forms the hard palate
THe floor of the nasal cavity is extended posteriorly by the soft palate
What does the nasal septum do?
Divides the nasal cavity into 2 halves
What bones form the nasal septum?
Vomer bone
Perpendicular plate of ethmoid bone
What structure lies anterior to the 2 bones of the nasal septum and completes the nasal septum?
Septal cartilage

What happens if there is a severe deviated nasal septum?
May lead to obstruction of one side of the nasal cavity.
What effect would a severely deviated nasal septum have on the drainage of the paranasal air sinuses?
Obstruct drainage from the sinuses at one side – unilateral blockage.
What passes through the cribitform plate?
Filaments of the olfactory nerve
What attaches to the crista galli?
Anterior end of the falx cerebri
What are some parts of the ehtmoid bone?

What passes through the ethmoid bone?
- The cribriform plate*
- The crista galli*
- The central plate*
- The superior and middle conchae*
- The ethmoid air cells*