Cardiovascular System - Wet Room St. 5 Flashcards
What is the basic plan of the blood vessels?
- Innermost epithelium
- Middle muscle layer
- Outer connective tissue layer
What is the innermost epithelial layer known as?
- Tunica intima
What is the middle muscular layer known as?
Tunica media
What is the outer connective tissue layer known as?
Tunica adventitia

What are the five main layers of vessel from internal to external?
- Tunica intima
- Internal elastic lamina
- Tunica media
- External elastic lamina
- Tunica adventitia

How do artery and vein walls differ histologically?
- Thinner wall altogether
- Thin adventitia
- Thin media
- Thick wall
- Thick adventita
- Thick dense media

Which of these is an elastic and which is a muscular artery and how can you tell?

A = elastic artery
- Elastin died purple and lots of it in tunica media
- Thinner tunica adventitia
- Thicker tunica intima
B = muscular artery
- Less elastin
- Thicker tunica adventitia
- Thinner tinica intima
What is similar about the tunica adventitia of both elastic and muscular arteries?
- Contain vasa vasorum (vessels of the vessels)
What type of artery are the aorta and pulmonary trunk?
- Elastic
- Conducting
What type of artery are the radial and femoral arteries?
- Muscular
- Distributing
What structure is shown here?

- Vein valve