Psych High Yield Flashcards
“delisions, hallucinations, and/ or disorganized thought”
“delisions, hallucinations, and/ or disorganized thought”
“perceptions in the absence of external stimuli”
“unique, false beliefs about oneself or others that persst depit facts”
“words or ideas strung together based on sounds, puns or “loose associations”
Disorganized speech
“chronic mental disorder with periods of psychosis, disturbed behavior and though, and decline in functioning lasting >6 mo”
What does a diagnosis of shcizophrenia require?
2 of the following:
Delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech, disorganized/ catatonic behavior, negative symptoms
Shizophrenia symptoms lasting
Brief psychotic disorder
Shizophrenia symptoms lasting from 1- 6 months
Schizophreniform disorder
Schizophrenia symotoms with episodic superimposed MDD or mania lasting > 2 weeks
Schizoaffective disorder
“fixed, persistent, false belief system lasting > 1 month”
delusional disorder
“distinct period of abnormally and persistently elevated, expanzive, or irritable mood and abnormally and persistently increased energy lasting at least 1 week”
Manic episode
What are the manifestations of mania?
Flight of ideas
Increased in goal directed activity
Decreased need for sleep
talkativeness or pressured speech
“mania symptoms that last
Hypomanic episode
What is Bipolar I?
1 manic episode with or w/o a hypomanic or depressive episode
What is bipolar II?
Hypomanic and depressive episode
What is cyclothymic disorder?
Dysthymia and hypomania (milder form of bipolar disorder lasting at least 2 years
How long does a depression need to last to qualify as a MDD?
6- 12 months
What is dysthymia?
Presistent depressive disorder–> depression lasting at least 2 years
What are the symptoms of a MDD?
Sleep disturbance Loss of interet Guilt Energy loss Concentration problems Appetite/ weight changes Psychomotor retardation Suicidal ideation Depressed mode
Is there increased or decreased REM sleep in depression?
What are the symptoms of atypical depression?
Mood reactivity, leaden paralysis long standing interpersonal rejection sensitivity, “hypersomnia
How long do post partum blues last?
“depressed affect, anxiety and poor concentration starting within 4 weeks of delivery”
Postpartum depression
“perceptions in the absence of external stimuli”
“unique, false beliefs about oneself or others that persst depit facts”
“words or ideas strung together based on sounds, puns or “loose associations”
Disorganized speech
“chronic mental disorder with periods of psychosis, disturbed behavior and though, and decline in functioning lasting >6 mo”
What does a diagnosis of shcizophrenia require?
2 of the following:
Delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech, disorganized/ catatonic behavior, negative symptoms
Shizophrenia symptoms lasting
Brief psychotic disorder
Shizophrenia symptoms lasting from 1- 6 months
Schizophreniform disorder
Schizophrenia symotoms with episodic superimposed MDD or mania lasting > 2 weeks
Schizoaffective disorder
“fixed, persistent, false belief system lasting > 1 month”
delusional disorder
“distinct period of abnormally and persistently elevated, expanzive, or irritable mood and abnormally and persistently increased energy lasting at least 1 week”
Manic episode
What are the basic characteristics of the 3 personality disorder clusters?
A- weird
B- Wild
C- Wacky
“mania symptoms that last
Hypomanic episode
What is Bipolar I?
1 manic episode with or w/o a hypomanic or depressive episode
What is bipolar II?
Hypomanic and depressive episode
What is cyclothymic disorder?
Dysthymia and hypomania (milder form of bipolar disorder lasting at least 2 years
How long does a depression need to last to qualify as a MDD?
6- 12 months
What is dysthymia?
Presistent depressive disorder–> depression lasting at least 2 years
What are the symptoms of a MDD?
Sleep disturbance Loss of interet Guilt Energy loss Concentration problems Appetite/ weight changes Psychomotor retardation Suicidal ideation Depressed mode
Is there increased or decreased REM sleep in depression?
What are the symptoms of atypical depression?
Mood reactivity, leaden paralysis long standing interpersonal rejection sensitivity, “hypersomnia
How long do post partum blues last?
“depressed affect, anxiety and poor concentration starting within 4 weeks of delivery”
Postpartum depression
“mood congruent delusions, hallucinations and thoughts of harming self or baby”
Postpartum psychosis
How long does pathologic grief last?
> 6 months
What are the AEs of electroconvuslive therapy?
Disorientation, temporary headache, partial anterograde/ retrograde amnesia
“recurrent panic attacks assocatiated with 4 symptoms (palpitations, paresthesias, abd distress, nausea, intense fear of dying or losing control, light headed, chest pain, chills, skaking, shortness of breath”
Panic disorder
“fear that is excessive or unreasonable and interferes with normal function that is cued by presence or anticipation of a specific object or situation”
specific phobia
“anxiety lasting >6mo unrelated to a specific person, situation or event”
Generalized anxiety disorder
“recurring, intrusive thoughts, felling, or sensations that cause severe distress relieved in part by the performatnce of repetitive actions (compulsions)
“persstent reexperiencing of a previous traumatic event that may involve nightmares, flashbacks, intense fear helpness horror lasting >1 month”
What are 2 forms of factitious disorder?
Munchausen syndrome and Munchausen syndrome by proxy
“preoccupation with and fear of having a serious illness despite medical evaluation and reassurance”
Illness anxiety disorder (hypochondiriasis)
“variety of complaint in one or more organ systems for months to years”
Somatic symptom disorder
What are the basic characteristics of the 3 personality disorder clusters?
A- weird
B- Wild
C- Wacky
What are the 3 Cluster A personality disorders?
“pervasive distrust and suspisciousness, projections is the major defense mechanism”
Paranoid personality disorder
“voluntary social withdrawal, limited emotional expression, content with social isolation”
Schizoid personality disorder
“Eccentric appearance, odd beliefs or magical thinking, interpersonal awkwardness”
Schizotypal personality disorder
What are the 4 Cluster B personality disorders?
“disregard for and violatino of rights of others, criminality, impulsivity”
Antisocial personality disorder
“unstable mood and interpersonal relationships, impulsivity, self mutilation, boredom, sense of emptiness”
Borderline personality disorder
“excessive emotionality and excitability, attention seeking, sexually provocative, overly concerned with appearance”
Histrionic personality disorder
“grandiosity, sense of entitlement, lack empathy, demands to be the best”
Narcissistic personality disorder
What are the 3 cluster C personality disorders?
Obsessive- Compulsive
“hypersensitive to rejection, socially inhibited, timid, feelings of inadequacy, desires relationships with others”
Avoidant personality disorder
“Preoccupation with order, perfectionism, anc control”
Obsessive- compulsive personality disorder
“submissive and clingy, excssive need to be taken care of, low self- confidence”
Dependent personality disorder
What antidepressent should be avoided in anorexics and bulemics?
What is an indicative sign of bulemia?
enamel erosion, alkalosis, and dorsal hand calluses from induced vomiting
What stage of sleep does sleep tremor disorder?
non- REM sleep
Production of what is deficient in narcolepsy?
Decreased hypocretin (orexin) production in lateral hypothalamus
What stage of sleep does Narcolepsy start with?
Antitode for opioids?
Nalaxone/ naltrexone
“long acting opiod used for heroine detoxification or ling term maintenance”
“partial agonist of mu receptors used for reversal of opioids”
“long acting opioid antagonist used for relapse prevention once detoxified”
What is the drug used to condition the patient to abstain from alcohol use?
Disulfram (inhibits alcohol dehydrogenase)
“life threatening alcohol withdrawal syndrome that peaks 2-4 days after last drink”
Delirium tremens (DTs)
How long after last drink do alcoholic hallucinations begin?
12- 48 hours after last drink
What is used to treat ADHD?
DOC for alcoholic withdrawal?
long acting benzo (chloradiazepoxide, lorazepam, diazepam)
3 DOC for bipolar disprder?
1- lithium
2- valproic acid
3- atypical antipsychotics
DOC for bulemia?
DOC for depression?
What are the 4 side effects fof lithium?
Movement (tremor)
Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus
Pregnancy problems
2 DOC for OCD?
SSRI, clomipramine
3 DOC for panic disorder?
SSRI, venlafazine, benzodiasepine
2 DOC for PTSD?
SSRI, venlafazine
DOC for schzophrenia?
Atypical antipsychotics
DOC for social phobias?
SSRIs, beta blockers
DOC for Tourette syndrome?
What is the mechanism of stimulants (methylphenidate, methanphetamine”
increase catecholamine in the synaptic cleft
Name the 3 high potency typical antipsychotics?
What are the low potency typical antipsychotics?
What are side effects typical antipsychotics?
High potency: EPS, huntington like symptsom and delerium
Low potency: anticholinergic, antihistimine, alpha1 blockade
Which typical antipsychotics can lead to corneal deposits?
Which typical antipsychotics can lead to retinal deposits?
Which typical antipsychotics can lead to QT prolongation?
What is the treatment for neuroleptic malignant syndrome?
“stereotypic oral- facial movements as a result of low term antipsychotic use”
Tardive dyskinesia (appears at 4 months)
What are the atypical antopsychotics?
What other receptors can atypical antipsychotcs block?
5-HT2, dopamine, and alpha and H1
What is the mechanism of mirtazepine?
Alpha 2 antagonist (leads to increased release of NE and 5-HT) and a potent 5-HT2 and 5-HT3 receptor antagonist
Which atypical can cause agranulocytosis?
Which 2 atypicals can cause significant weight gain?
Which atypicals can cause prolonged QT?
Where in the kidney is lithium reabsorbed?
PCT (with Na+)
What are the 4 side effects fof lithium?
Movement (tremor)
Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus
Pregnancy problems
What is the mechanism of buspirone?
Stimulates 5- HT 1A
What is buspirone used for?
Name the class:
What are 3 major side efects of SSRIs?
GI distress
Sexual dysfunction
What can cause serotonin syndrome?
SSRI + any drug that can increase 5-HT (MAOi, TCAs, SNRIs)
What is serotonin syndrome treated with?
Cyproheptadine (5-HT2 receptor antagonist)
Name the class:
Name the class:
Amoxapine Doxipin Clomipramine Desipramine Imipramine Nortriptyline Amitriptyline
Mechanism of TCAs?
block reuptake of NE and 5-HT
AEs of TCAs?
Postural hypotension, anticholinergic side effects, prolongation of QT interval
How is TA overdose treated?
NaHCO3 (to prevent arrhythmia)
Name a selective MAO-B inhibitor?
Name the class:
What is a major AE of MAOi?
Hypertensive crisis (with ingestion of tyramine)–> CNS stimulation
What is an atypical antidepressant used for smoking cessatoin?
What is the mechanism of trazodone?
Primarily blocks 5- HT2 and alpha 1 adrenergic receptors
What is trazodone used for?
What is the mechanism of mirtazepine?
Alpha 2 antagonist (leads to increased release of NE and 5-HT) and a potent 5-HT2 and 5-HT3 receptor antagonist