Micro High Yield Flashcards
What is the component of the cell wall leads to induction of TNF and IL-1?
Lipoteichoic acid
What is the major surface antigen of the outer membrane of gram negative bactiera?
LPS (Lipid A induces TNF and IL-1, O polysaccharide is the antigen)
What is contained within the perilasmic space?
hydrolytic enzymes (including beta lactamases)
What makes spores resistant to dehydration/ heat and chemicals?
Keratin- like coat, dipicoliinic acid and peptidoglycan
What 6 types of “bugs” do NOT gram stain well?
Treponema Mycobacteria Mycoplasma Legionella pneumophelia Rickettsia Chlamydia
These Microbes May Lack Real Color
What “bugs” can be stained by Giemsa stain?
Chlamydia Boriella Rickettsia Trypanosomes Plasmodium
Certain Bugs Really Try my Patience
Which “bugs” stain with PAS?
Tropheryma whipplei
Which “bugs” stain with Ziehl- Neelsen (carbol fuschin) stain?
Acid- fast bacteria and protozoa
What “bugs” can be stained with india ink?
Cryptococcus neoformans
What “bugs” can be stained with silver stain?
H. pylori
What components does chocolate agar have? What is it used for?
Factor V and X
H. influenzae
What components does Thayer- Martin agar have? What is it used for?
Vancomycin, trimethoprim, Colistin, Nystatin
Used for Neisseria species
What does bordet- Gengou agar contain? What is it used for?
B. pertussis
What is in Regan- Lowe medium? What is it used for?
Charcoal, blood, antibiotic
B. pertussis
What is Lowernstein- Jensen used for?
M. tuberculosis
What is eaton agar used for?
M. pneumoniae
What is MacConkey agar used for?
Fermentation produces acid, causing colonies to turn pink…used for lactose permenting enterics
Eosin- methlene blue agar used for?
E. coli–> colonies with green metallic sheen
What is charcoal yeast used for? What does it contain?
It contains Cystine and Fe
What is Sabouraud agar used for?
What is Sabouraud agar used for?
What causes bugs to be anaerobic?
They lack catalase or superoxide dismutase–> so they are susuceptible to oxidative damage
Name the 8 facultative intracellular “bugs”:
Some Nasty Bugs May Live FacultativeLY
Salmonella Neisseria Brucella Mycobacterium Listeria Frascisella Legionella Yersinia pestis
What are the encapsulated bacteria?
Strep pneumo Klebsiella H. influenzae Pseudomonas Neisseria meningitides Cryptococcus neoformans
E. coli, Salmonella, GBS
Vaccines against the capsule evoke what type of immune response?
T cell!
What 3 bacteira have vaccines against their capsule?
S. pneumo
What bacteria has protein A and what does it bind? What is its function?
S. aureus
It binds the Fc region of IgG
Prevents opsonization and phagocytosis
What is the function of M protein Who expresses it?
Prevents phagocytosis
Expressed by Group A strep
What cytokines does endotoxin induce?
TNF-alpha, IL-1, IL-6
How are exotoxins encoded?
Plasmid or bacteriophage
What is the mechanism of diptheria toxin?
Inactivate elongation factor (EF-2)–> inhibit protein synthesis
What is the toxin of Psuedomonas? What is its mechanism?
Exotoxin A
Inactivate elongation factor (EF-2)–> inhibit protein synthesis
What is the toxin of shigella? What is its mechanism?
Shiga toxin
Inactivate 60S robosome by removing adenine from rRNA–> inhibit protein synthesis
What is the toxin of EHEC? What is its mechanism?
Shiga like toxin (verotoxin)
Inactivate 60S robosome by removing adenine from rRNA–> inhibit protein synthesis
What are the TWO toxins of ETEC? What are their mechanisms?
Heat labile toxin –> overactivates adenylate cyclase (increase cAMP)
Heat stabile toxin–> overactivates guanylate cyclase (increase cGMP)
What is the toxin of bacillus anthracis? What is ts mechanims?
Edema toxin
Mimics adenylate cyclase (increase cAMP)
What is the toxin of v. cholerae? What is its mechanism?
Cholera toxin
Overactivates adenylate cyclase by perminantly activating Gs–> incrased cAMP
What is the toxin of B. pertussis? What is its mechanism?
Pertussis toxin
Overactivates adenylate cyclase (increase cAMP) by disabling Gi–> impairing phagocytosis to permit survival of microbe
What is the mechanism of C. tetani and C. botulinum toxin?
Proteases that cleave SNARE and inhibit neurotransmitter release via vesicle fusion
What is inhibited from release in C. tetani and C. botulinum?
C. tetani–> GABA/ glycine
C. botulinum–> Ach
What is the toxin of C. perfringens? What is the mechanism?
Alpha toxin
Phospholipase that degrades tissue and cell membranes
What are the toxins of S. pyogenes? What are their mechanisms?
Streptolysin O–> protein that degrade cell membrane and lyse cells
Exotoxin A–> binds to MHC II and TCR outside of antigen binding site to cuase release of cytokines
What is the mechanism of S. aureus TSST-1?
Bing to MHC II and TCR outside of antigen binding site to cause overwhelming release of IL-1, IL-2, IFN- gamma and TNF- alpha
Which is heat stable…exotoxins or endotoxin?
Which is heat stable…exotoxins or endotoxin?
Which bacteria are know for undergoing transformation?
S. pneumo, HiB, Seisseria
What ist he difference between F+ x F- conjugation and Hfr x F- conjucation?
Hfr can also transfer chromosomal DNA because the plasmid has gotten incorporated in the genome of the bacteria—> so the transfer may include some flanking chromosomal DNA
What is transposition?
Segment of DNA that can “jump” from one location to another–> can transfer genes from plasmid and chromosome (and vice versa)
What is the difference between generalized transduction and specialized trasduction?
Generalized–> “packaging” event
Specialzed–> “excision” event
Which 5 toxins are endoced for by a lysodenic phage?
ShigA- like toxin Botulinum toxin Cholera toxin Diphtheria toxin Erythrogenic toxin (of S. pyogenes)
Which bacteria is novobiocin resistant?
S. saprophyticus
Which bacteria is novobiocin sensitive?
S. epidermidis
What bacteria is optochin sensitive?
S. pneumonia
What bacteria is optochin resistant?
Viridans streptococci
What bacteria is bacitracin resitant?
WHat bacteria is bacitracin sensitive?
Group A strep (S. pyogenes)
Which bacteria are bile soluble?
S, pneumoniae
What bacteria grow in bile?
S. bovis
What gram positive bacteria can grow in salt?
Which 4 bacteria are beta hemplytic?
S. aureus
S. pyogenes
S. agalactiae
Listeria monocytogenes
“gram positive cocci in CLUSTERS”
S. aureus
What MHC does TSST bind to?
How does S. epidermidis cause illness?
What illness can S. saprophyticus cause?
What 3 diseases does S, pneumo typically cause?
1- Meningitis
2- Otitis media
3- Pneumonia
4- Sinusitis
“rusty sputum”
Strep pneumo
How can viridans strep cause endocarditis?
Dextrans produced by the bacteria bind to fibrin- platelet aggregates on damaged heart valves
“gram + in chains, beta hemolytic, bacitracin sensitive”
S. pyogenes
What type of hypersensitivity is rheumatic fever?
Type II
What type of hypersensitivity of PSGN?
Type III
“scarlet rash with sandpaper like texture, strawberry tpngue, circumoral pallor, subsequent desquamation”
Group A strep–> scarlet fever
What is the CAMP test?
GBS produces CAMP factor that enhances beta hemolysis of S. aureus
What is lancefield grouping based on?
Based on difference in the C carbohydrate on the bacterial cell wall
What bacteria can cause bacteriemia and subacute endocarditis in patients with colon cancer?
S. bovis
What are the 3 main symptoms of C. diphtheriae?
1- Pharyngitis with LAD
2- Myocarditis
3- Arrhythmias
What is the test for diphtheriae toxin?
Elek test
How can you get rid of spores?
Steaming at 121 C for 15 minutes
What is trisumus?
Lockjaw (seen in C. tetani)
Is C. botulinum toxin heat- stabile or heat- labile?
Heat labile
What are the 2 toxins of C. difficile? What are their actions?
Toxin A–> enterotoxin
Toxin B–> causes cytoskeletal disruption bia actin depolymerizatino (pseudomembranous colitis)
What two drugs can cause C. diff?
What two drugs can cause C. diff?
What makes up the capsule of B. anthracis?
D- glutamate
“Box car” like cells?
How is listeria contracted?
Unpasteurzed diary products and cold deli meats
Transplacental transmission
Vaginal transmission at birth
What is the motility of Listeria?
Tumbling–> intracellular movement
What are the symptomsof listeria in infants?
Early spread–> sepsis
Late spread–> meningitis
Which is an anaerobe…actinomyces or nocardia?
“sulfer granules”
How is actinomyces treated?
How is nocardia treated?
“fibrocaseous cavitary lesion in upper lobe of lung”
Secondary tuberculosis
“Ghon focus in lower/ mid zones of lung and hilar lymph node LAD”
Primary TB (Ghon complex)
What temperature does leprosy like to grow in?
Cool temperatures
What cells does leprosy infection?
Infects skin and superficial nerves
Which leprosy is a Th2 mediated response?
Lepromatous leprosy–> low cell mediated
Which leprosy is a Th1 mediated response?
Tuberculoid leprosy–> high cell mediated response
Which neisseria can ferment maltose?
N. meningitidis
What are the gram negative Coccoid Rods?
H. flu
Name 5 lactose fermenters?
Klebsiella E. coli Enterobactier Citrobacter Serratia
Which bacteria produce H2S?
Which bacteria is oxidase negative and H2S negative?