ob chapter 27 Flashcards
What is talipes (clubfoot)?
A congenital foot deformity where the foot is curved abnormally.
How is talipes diagnosed?
The curvature of the foot is visibly obvious during a newborn assessment.
What is the management for talipes?
Surgical intervention around 1-2 weeks of age; correction with a series of 5-7 casts.
What care considerations are important for talipes?
Change diapers frequently to keep the cast dry. Check toes for coldness, blueness, or poor circulation. Monitor for excessive crying that may indicate discomfort from a tight cast.
What is developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH)?
A condition where the hip joint is unstable or improperly formed.
Who is at higher risk for DDH?
Breech births, female infants, and first pregnancies.
How is DDH assessed?
Perform the Ortolani and Barlow maneuvers. Look for leg length discrepancy and unequal thigh skin folds.
What are the treatment options for DDH?
Mild cases: monitoring. Severe cases: braces or splints (Pavlik harness, von Rosen, Craig, or Frejka).
What is cleft palate?
A congenital opening in the roof of the mouth due to improper fusion of the palatal process between weeks 9-12 of gestation. More common in girls.
How is cleft palate diagnosed?
Visual inspection with proper lighting during a newborn assessment.
What feeding concerns exist for infants with cleft palate?
Difficulty maintaining suction, slow growth, and aspiration risk. Specialized cleft palate nipples help with feeding.
What are the postoperative care considerations for cleft palate?
Avoid tension on sutures. Use specialized feeders. Provide pain relief to minimize crying. Anticipate infant needs (e.g., keep formula ready, use rocking/holding for comfort).
What are signs of an intestinal obstruction in a newborn?
No meconium passage (or only one stool followed by none), abdominal distension, tenderness, and vomiting.
How can vomiting due to an obstruction be distinguished from normal spit-up?
Vomit is sour-smelling, contains bile, occurs spontaneously, and may be black from meconium. Normal spit-up is mild, often occurs with burping, and has little odor.
What is the treatment for an intestinal obstruction?
Insertion of an orogastric or nasogastric tube to relieve pressure and prevent complications.