ch 12_ promoting fetal and maternal health - Sheet1 Flashcards
What self-care needs should be emphasized during pregnancy?
Bathing, perineal hygiene, breast care, clothing, dental care.
What myths about sexual activity during pregnancy should be replaced with facts?
There are no restrictions unless membranes are ruptured, vaginal bleeding occurs, or the provider advises against coitus.
What adjustments might need to be made for sexual activity during pregnancy?
Adjustments to increase comfort during intercourse may be necessary.
What is the recommended rule of thumb for exercise during pregnancy?
Healthy individuals should exercise 3x weekly for 30 minutes.
What kind of exercise should be restricted during pregnancy?
Contact sports or activities with a risk of physical trauma.
What benefit does moderate exercise provide during pregnancy?
Prevents circulatory stasis in the lower extremities.
What sleep position is recommended during pregnancy?
Left-sided Sims position for optimal circulation.
What position should be avoided during pregnancy to prevent supine hypotension syndrome?
Resting flat on the back.
What types of jobs may require work accommodations during pregnancy?
Jobs involving toxic substance exposure, heavy lifting, excessive physical strain, or long standing/sitting periods.
When is travel restricted during pregnancy?
Travel to malaria- or Zika-prone regions, or areas requiring vaccines, is restricted.
What are common minor changes in the first trimester of pregnancy?
Breast tenderness, palmar erythema, nausea/vomiting, constipation, pyrosis, fatigue, muscle cramping, hypotension, varicosities, hemorrhoids, heart palpitations, frequent urination, abdominal discomfort, leukorrhea.
What are common minor changes during the second and third trimesters of pregnancy?
Musculoskeletal discomfort, headache, dyspnea, ankle edema, Braxton-Hicks contractions.
What is a teratogen?
Any factor, chemical, or physical, that adversely affects the embryo or fetus.
What is TORCH, and what does it stand for?
A group of teratogenic maternal infections. T: Toxoplasmosis O: Other (HBV, chlamydia) R: Rubella C: Cytomegalovirus H: HSV
What other infections may act as teratogens?
Malaria and syphilis.
What are the preliminary signs of labor?
Lightening, increased energy, slight weight loss (due to increased urine production and falling progesterone), backache, Braxton-Hicks contractions, cervical ripening.
What are the active signs of labor?
Uterine contractions (increased frequency/intensity), show (mucus plug expulsion), rupture of membranes.
What is lightening?
Descent of the fetal presenting part (e.g., head) into the pelvis, signaling preliminary labor.
What is the “show” in labor?
Expulsion of the mucus plug.
What are Braxton-Hicks contractions?
Painless, irregular “false labor” contractions.
What is ripening of the cervix?
Softening and thinning of the cervix in preparation for labor.
What is supine hypotension syndrome?
A condition caused by lying flat on the back, compressing the inferior vena cava, reducing blood flow.