nursing role in reproductive and sexual health - Sheet1 Flashcards
What is the approximate size and shape of the ovaries?
3 cm x 2 cm; almond-shaped.
What are the primary functions of the ovaries?
To produce, mature, and discharge ova (eggs).
What hormones are produced by the ovaries?
Estrogen and progesterone.
How do the ovaries influence menstrual cycles?
They initiate and regulate menstrual cycles through hormone production.
What is the approximate length of the fallopian tubes?
10 cm.
What is the function of the fallopian tubes?
To convey the ovum from the ovaries to the uterus and provide a site for fertilization.
What is the approximate length of a mature uterus?
5-7 cm.
What is the primary function of the uterus?
To receive the ovum, provide implantation, nourishment, and protection for a growing fetus.
What are the three divisions of the uterus?
The body, isthmus, and cervix.
What are the three layers of the uterus?
Endometrium (inner), myometrium (middle), and perimetrium (outer).
What is the function of the endometrium?
It thickens under the influence of estrogen and progesterone to support pregnancy.
What happens to the endometrium if pregnancy does not occur?
It sheds as the menstrual flow.
What is the menstrual cycle?
Episodic uterine bleeding in response to cyclic hormonal changes.
What is the purpose of the menstrual cycle?
To bring an ovum to maturity and renew the uterine tissue bed.
What is the average length of a menstrual cycle?
28 days.