newborn Neck, Mouth, Chest, Abdomen, Anogenital, Back, Extremities, Hips, Labs - Flashcards
How does a newborn’s neck appear?
Short with creased skin folds.
What is head lag in a newborn?
The head falls back when the newborn is pulled to sit.
What should be assessed in a newborn’s mouth?
Symmetric opening when crying, intact palate, and tongue mobility.
What are Epstein pearls?
Tiny cysts on the palate from extra calcium.
What are natal teeth?
1-2 teeth that may be present at birth.
What should be checked on a newborn’s clavicles?
They should be straight and smooth.
What does crepitus or separation of a clavicle suggest?
A fracture from birth trauma.
How does a newborn’s abdomen normally appear?
Slightly protuberant with present bowel sounds.
What should be inspected at the umbilical cord site?
No bleeding or wet appearance at the base.
Why might a female newborn’s vulva appear swollen?
Due to maternal hormones.
What is pseudomenstruation?
A mucus vaginal secretion, sometimes blood-tinged, from maternal hormones.
What is a normal finding in a male newborn’s scrotum?
Edema, rough rugae, and deep pigmentation in dark-skinned infants.
What should be palpable in a male newborn’s scrotum?
Both testes.
What does a normal newborn spine look like?
Flat in the lumbar and sacral areas.
What findings on the spine require further evaluation?
Pinpoint openings, dimpling, or sinus tracts (suggest spina bifida occulta).
How do newborn fingernails feel?
Soft and smooth.
How do you test muscle tone in a newborn’s arms?
Unflex for 5 seconds and observe if they return to flexion immediately.
What should be inspected on a newborn’s feet?
Missing/extra toes or unusual toe spacing.
What condition is screened for during a newborn hip exam?
Developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH).
Why does the AAP recommend routine hip examinations?
Early detection leads to better correction outcomes.
Why is a newborn heel-stick test done?
To check for hematocrit, hemoglobin, anemia, and hypoglycemia.
What conditions can cause anemia in a newborn?
Hypovolemia from placenta previa, abruptio placentae, or C-section placenta incision.
What causes anemia due to increased RBC destruction?
Rh or ABO incompatibility (maternal antibodies destroy newborn RBCs).
What are symptoms of neonatal hypoglycemia?
Jitteriness, lethargy, and seizures.
What glucose level in a newborn typically requires IV glucose?
Less than 40 mg/dL.