newborn assessment - Sheet1 Flashcards
What is the normal respiratory rate for a newborn?
30-60 breaths per minute (count for a full minute).
What is the normal heart rate for a newborn?
110-160 beats per minute (count for a full minute).
What is the normal axillary temperature for a newborn?
97.7-99.5°F (36.5-37.5°C).
What is the normal blood pressure for a newborn?
Systolic: 60-80 mmHg / Diastolic: 40-50 mmHg.
What is caput succedaneum, and does it cross suture lines?
Edema caused by birth trauma; it crosses suture lines.
What is cephalhematoma, and does it cross suture lines?
Trauma from birth; does not cross suture lines.
When can fontanelles bulge in a newborn?
When crying or bearing down; this is a normal finding.
What are Mongolian spots?
Pigmentation changes on the back or buttocks; normal finding.
What are milia?
Small, raised white spots on the skin; normal finding.
What is the normal head circumference for a newborn?
32-39 cm (14-15 inches).
What is the normal chest circumference for a newborn?
30-36 cm (12-14 inches).
What is the normal length for a newborn?
44-55 cm (17-22 inches).
What is the normal weight range for a newborn?
2500-4000 grams (5 lb 8 oz - 8 lb 14 oz).
What is acrocyanosis, and is it normal?
Blue extremities; normal during the first 24 hours.
What cardiovascular changes occur in a newborn?
Closure of ductus arteriosus, ductus venosus, and foramen ovale.
What are the characteristics of the umbilical cord?
2 arteries and 1 vein; it should be dry, with no odor or drainage.
How does head circumference compare to chest circumference in a newborn?
Head circumference is 2-3 cm larger than chest circumference.
What vital statistics measurements are taken for a newborn?
Head circumference, chest circumference, length/height, and abdominal circumference.
How often should a newborn’s weight be checked?
What is the average birth weight for a female newborn?
7.0 lb.
What is the average birth weight for a male newborn?
7.5 lb.
What does a birth weight >4.5 kg indicate?
Macrosomia, usually related to gestational diabetes mellitus.
Why do newborns lose 5-10% of birth weight in the first few days?
Due to lack of hormonal influence, voiding, stooling, and reduced intake from feeding.
What is the normal temperature for a newborn?
Around 99°F.
Why do newborns need protection from heat loss?
They have immature temperature regulation mechanisms.
What helps conserve or produce body heat in mature newborns?
Brown fat.
What methods help keep a newborn warm?
Skin-to-skin contact, swaddling, wearing a hat, radiant warmer, and warm blankets.
What are the four methods of heat loss prevention?
Conduction, convection, evaporation, and radiation.
What is the normal pulse for a newborn?
120-160 bpm.
How long should the apical pulse be auscultated?
For 1 minute.
Where is the apical pulse located in children <7 years?
Lateral to the left midclavicular line and fourth intercostal space.
Where is the apical pulse located in children >7 years?
To the left of the midclavicular line and fifth intercostal space.
How do crying and sleeping affect a newborn’s heart rate?
Crying increases HR; sleeping decreases HR.
Why is it important to palpate femoral pulses?
To document their presence.
What is the normal respiratory rate for a newborn?
30-60 breaths per minute.
What are periodic respirations in newborns?
Irregular breathing with periods of apnea up to 10 seconds.
How can respiratory rate (RR) be most easily observed?
By watching the movement of the newborn’s abdomen.
What reflexes help clear a newborn’s airways?
Coughing and sneezing.
Why are newborns obligate nose breathers?
To facilitate breathing; they show respiratory distress if nostrils are obstructed.
What device is used to clear a newborn’s nostrils?
A bulb syringe.
Why are newborns born with prolonged coagulation times?
They have lower levels of vitamin K.
What is given to newborns to promote blood coagulation?
Vitamin K, administered IM into the lateral anterior thigh immediately after birth.
What is the name of the first stool a newborn passes?
When should a newborn pass meconium?
Within 24 hours after birth.
What could delayed meconium passage (24-48 hours) indicate?
Meconium ileus, imperforate anus, or volvulus.
When should a newborn void for the first time?
Within 24 hours of birth.
What does newborn urine look like?
Light-colored and odorless.
Why might a newborn’s first void appear pink or dusky?
Uric acid crystals; this is an innocent finding.
How can diaper weighing help assess voiding?
It determines the amount of voiding when there is a concern.
Why do newborns have limited immunologic protection?
They cannot produce antibodies until about 2 months old.
What type of passive immunity do newborns receive?
IgG antibodies from the mother, crossing the placental barrier.
What diseases does passive immunity protect against?
Poliomyelitis, measles, diphtheria, pertussis, chickenpox, rubella, and tetanus.
What vaccine is routinely given to newborns before discharge?
Hepatitis B vaccine.
Why should healthcare staff with cold sores avoid newborn care?
Newborns have little immunity to HSV, which can become systemic and fatal.
How do term newborns demonstrate neuromuscular function?
By moving their extremities, head, producing a strong cry, and exhibiting reflexes.
What does limpness or absence of muscular response in a newborn indicate?
It is abnormal and requires urgent attention.
What does hypotonia, lethargy, poor sucking, or seizures in a newborn suggest?
These are concerning signs that require urgent attention.
What is the rooting reflex, and how is it elicited?
Stroking the infant’s cheek causes the head to turn toward the touch, and the mouth opens for feeding.
What is the gripping reflex?
When something is placed in the infant’s hand, they grasp it strongly, almost enough to support their weight.
What is the toe curling reflex?
Stroking the inner sole causes toes to curl; stroking the outer sole causes toes to spread out.
What is the Moro (startle) reflex?
A sudden noise or movement causes the infant to throw their head back, arms and legs out, and cry.
What is the Galant reflex?
Stroking the infant’s lower back near the spinal cord causes them to curve toward the stroked side.