ch 11_ assessment of pregnant fam - Sheet1 Flashcards
What are the major causes of serious illness or death during pregnancy?
- Hypertension 2. Hemorrhage 3. Embolism 4. Infection 5. Morbid obesity 6. Cardiac arrest
Why is folic acid recommended during pregnancy?
Folic acid (400 mg daily) prevents neural tube defects.
Why is daily exercise important during pregnancy?
Daily exercise reduces common pregnancy discomforts and promotes overall health.
What questions should be asked about hobbies during prenatal visits?
Ask if hobbies are safe for pregnancy.
What risks are associated with smoking, alcohol, and drugs during pregnancy?
Increased risk of preterm birth and low birth weight.
Why is screening for intimate partner violence (IPV) important during pregnancy?
Violence often increases in severity during pregnancy and needs to be identified to ensure safety.
Define gravida.
A person who is or has been pregnant.
Define para.
The number of pregnancies that have reached viability (20 weeks).
Define primigravida.
A person who is pregnant for the first time.
Define grand multipara.
A person who has carried five or more pregnancies to viability.
Define nulligravida.
A person who has never been pregna
What does GTPAL stand for in obstetric history?
G: Number of pregnancies (including current) T: Term births (≥37 weeks) P: Preterm births (20–37 weeks) A: Abortions (before 20 weeks) L: Living children.
What weight gain is considered healthy during pregnancy for a person with a BMI within normal limits?
Gaining 20–36 lbs is considered healthy.
What are danger signs related to blood pressure and weight gain during pregnancy?
Sudden BP increase or sudden weight gain may indicate gestational hypertension.
Why is a Pap smear important at the first prenatal visit?
To screen for precancerous or cancerous conditions of the cervix.
What is a gynecoid pelvis?
A “female” pelvis, ideal for childbirth.
What is an android pelvis?
A “male” pelvis; difficult for fetal exit.
What is an anthropoid pelvis?
An “apelike” pelvis; less accommodating for fetal head than gynecoid.
What is a platypelloid pelvis?
A “flattened” pelvis; fetal head may not rotate properly.
What are the ischial spines used for during labor?
To mark the midpoint of the pelvis and assess fetal descent into the birth canal.
What are the ischial spines used for during labor?
They mark the midpoint of the pelvis and assess how far the fetus has descended into the birth canal.
What first-trimester and second-trimester screenings are performed during pregnancy?
First trimester: Nuchal translucency (NT) scan; Second trimester: Maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein (MSAFP).
What are the danger signs of possible pregnancy complications?
- Vaginal bleeding 2. Chills, fever, or painful urination 3. Persistent vomiting 4. Sudden escape of clear vaginal fluid 5. Abdominal or chest pain 6. Gestational HTN signs 7. Decreased fetal movement 8. Preterm contractions.
What are the specific signs of gestational hypertension?
Sudden weight gain, facial swelling, visual disturbances, severe headache, decreased urine output, right upper quadrant pain, BP > 140/90.