What pairs do muscles act in
Antagonistic pairs
What is the skeletal muscle
Skeletal muscle (also calle d striated, striped or voluntary muscle) is the type of muscle you use to move, e.g. the biceps and triceps move the lower arm.
What are skeletal muscles attached to
Skeletal muscles are attached to bones by tendons
What do ligaments do
Ligaments attach bones to other bones, to hold them together
What do pairs of skeletal muscles contract and relax to do
Pairs of skeletal muscles contract and relax to move bones at a joint. The bones of the skeleton are incompressible (rigid) so they act as levers, giving the muscles something to pull against.
What are muscles that work together to move a bone called
Antagonistic pairs
What is the contracting muscle called
The agonist
What is the relaxing muscle called
What are the bones of your lower arms attached to
The bones of your lower arm are attached to a biceps muscle and a tric e ps muscle by tendons.
How do biceps and triceps work together to move your arm
The biceps and triceps work together to move your arm — as one contracts, the other relaxes.
What happens when your bicep contracts
W h en your biceps co ntracts your triceps relaxes. This pulls the bone so your arm bends (flexes) at the elbow. Here, the biceps is the agonist and the trice ps is the antagonist.
What is the skeletal muscle made up of
Long muscle fibres
What do muscles act as
effectors and are stimulate d lo c o n tra c t by neurones
What is the skeletal muscle made up of
Skeletal muscle is made up of large bundles of long cells, calle d muscle fibres
what is the sarcolemma
The ce ll membrane of muscle fibre ce lls
What are transverse tubules and what do they do
Bits of the sarcolemma fold inwards across the muscle fibre and stick into the sarcoplasm (a muscle c ell’s cyto plasm). Bits of the sarcolemma fold inwards across the muscle fibre and stick into the sarcoplasm (a muscle c ell’s cyto plasm)