Molecular 1 Flashcards
IN FISH, truncation artifact can lead to
false neg
major disadvantage of nested PCR
high rate of contamination
competitive PCR is used for
transcrition mediated amplification and nuclei acid sequence based amplification are both
main advantage of TMA and NASBA
obviation of DNA contamination
strand-displacement amplification is
branched DNA and hybrid capture are both
signal amplification
southern blot method
DNA enzyme digested and and electophoresed
southern blot traditionally used for
clonality in lymphoid neoplasms
example of use for LOH studies
1p and 19q deletions in oligodendrogliomas
significant methylation leasds to
inactivation of a region of DNA
metacentric chromosomes
1, 3, 16, 19, 20
acrocentric chromosomes
13, 14, 15, 21, 22
Robertsonian translocation
breaks near centromeres with minimal loss
pericentric inversion
incolves the centromere