Vergil's Aeneid Book IV Lines 279-303 Flashcards
At vero Aeneas aspectū obmutuit amens, arrectaeque horrore comae et vox faucibus haesit.
But truly Aeneas frantic from the sight stood speechless, and his hair upright in horror and the voice stuck in his jaws.
Ardet abire fugā dulcesque relinquere terras, attonitus tantō monitū imperiōque deorum.
He burns to go away in flight and abandon the sweet land, thunderstruck by such a warning and command of the gods.
Heu quid agat?
Alas, what should he do?
Quō nunc reginam ambire furentem audeat adfatū?
With what speech should he dare to conciliate the raging queen?
Quae prima exordia sumat?
What first beginning should he use?
Atque animum nunc hūc celerem nunc dividit illūc in partesque rapit varias perque omnia versat.
And he divides his swift mind now here now there, and seizes (his mind) into various parts and turns through all things.
Haec alternantī potior sententia visa est:
This thought seemed better to him wavering:
Mnesthea Sergestumque vocat fortemque Serestum, classem aptent tacitī sociosque ad litora cognat,
He calls Mnetheus and Sergestus and the brave Serestus, silent they make ready the fleet and collect allies to the shore,
arma parent et quae rebus sit causa novandīs dissimulent;
they prepare arms and conceal what the reason is for making new things;
sese intereā, quando optima Dido nesciat et tantos rumpī non speret amores,
meanwhile since the best Dido does not know he does not expect that such affections to be broken,
temptaturum aditūs et quae mollissima fandī tempora, quis rebus dexter modus.
he would try the approach and what (are) the most gentle times of speaking what is the right way for things,
Ocius omnes imperiō laetī parent et iussa facessunt.
All happy rather swiftly obey the command and do the orders.
At regina dolōs (quis fallere possit amantem?) praesensit,
But the queen sensed the deceit (who is able to deceive a lover?),
motūsque excepit prima futurōs omnia tuta timens.
and soon she received the future movements fearing all things safe.
Eadem impia fama furentī detulit armarī classem cursumque pararī.
The same wicked report carries down to the raging woman that the fleet is being equipped and the course (is being) prepared.
Saevit inops animī totamque incensa per urbem bacchatur,
Needy in mind she raged and inflamed through the whole city rushes wildly,
qualis commotīs excita sacrīs Thyias,
as Thyias excited from sacred things having been shaken,
ubi auditō stimulant trieterica Bacchō orgia nocturnusque vocat clamore Cithaeron.
when triennial rituals arouse her with Bacchus having been heard and nocturnal Cithaeron calls her with a shout.