Vergil's Aeneid Book I Lines 520-538 Flashcards
Postquam introgressī et coram data copia fandi, maximus Ilioneus placidō sīc pectore coepit:
Afterwards having entered and an opportunity given of speaking face to face, Ilioneus, the eldest, thus began with a peaceful heart:
“O regina, novam cui condere Iuppiter urbem iustitiāque dedit gentes frenare superbas, Troes te miserī, ventīs maria omnia vectī, oramus:
“O queen, to whom Jupiter gave a new city to found with justice and proud nations to restrain, we miserable Trojans beg you, having been carried across all seas by the winds:
prohibē infandos ā navibus ignes, parce pio generī et propius res aspice nostras.
prohibit unspeakable fires from our ships, spare a pious race and look closer at our matters.
Non nos aut ferro Libycos populare penates venimus, aut raptas ad litora vertere praedas;
We have not come to devastate by sword the Libyan household gods, or to turn seized booty to the shores;
non ea vīs animō nec tanta superbia victīs.
neither is power in the mind nor such great arrogance of victors.
Est locus, Hesperiam Graī cognōmine dicunt, terra antiqua, potens armīs atque ūbere glaebae;
There is a place, the Greeks call it Hesperia by name, an ancient land, powerful in arms and in fertility of soil;
Oenotri coluēre virī; nunc fama minores Italiam dixisse ducis de nomine gentem.
Oenotrian men have inhabited; now there is a report that descendants have called it Italy, the people from the name of the leader.
Hic cursus fuit,
cum subitō adsurgens fluctū nimbosus Orion in vada caeca tulit penitusque procacibus Austrīa perque undas superante salō perque invia saxa dispulit; hūc paucī vestrīs adnavimus orīs.
Here was our course,
when suddenly stormy Orion rising in the wave lifted us onto hidden shoals and with the boisterous south wind scattered us within across the waves with foaming salt and over pathless rocks; to this place we few have swum to your shores.