Caesar's De Bello Gallico 4.26 Flashcards
Pugnatum est ab utrīsque acriter.
It was fought by both fiercely.
Nostrī tamen,
Our men however,
quod neque ordines servare neque firmiter insistere neque signa subsequī poterant
because they were not able to guard the ranks nor to stand firmly nor to closely pursue the standards
atque alius aliā ex navī quibuscumque signīs occurrerat se adgregabat,
and one man from another ship and had come to whatever standards he was joining himself,
magnopere perturbabantur;
they were being greatly terrified;
hostes vero,
the enemy truly,
notis omnibus vadīs,
with all shallows known,
ubi ex litore aliquōs singulares ex navī egredientes conspexerant,
when they had caught sight of some individuals from the shore disembarking from their ships,
incitatīs equīs impeditos adoriebantur,
with their horses stirred up they were attacking our men impeded,
plures paucos circumsistebant,
many were surrounding a few,
aliī ab latere apertō in universos tela coniciebant.
others from the open flank were hurling weapons onto the whole (group).
Quod cum animadvertisset Caesar,
Which when Caesar had noticed,
scaphas longarum navium,
the skiffs of the long ships,
item speculatoria navigia militibus complerī iussit,
also the scouting ships he ordered to be filled by the soldiers,
et quos laborantes conspexerat,
and those whom he had looked at laboring,
hīs subsidia submittebat.
he was sending help to these soldiers.
Nostrī, simul in aridō constiterunt,
Our men, as soon as they stood on dry land,
suīs omnibus consecutīs.
with all their own having followed,
in hostes impetum fecerunt atque eos in fugam dederunt;
onto the enemy they made an attack and they put them into flight;
neque longius prosequī potuerunt,
nor were they able to follow very far,
quod equites cursum tenere atque insulam capere non potuerant.
because the cavalry had not been able to hold their course and reach the island.
Hoc unum ad pristnam fortunam Caesarī defuit.
This one thing was lacking for Caesar to his previous fortune.