Caesar's De Bello Gallico 5.26 Flashcards
Diebus circiter XV,
In about 15 days,
quibus in hiberna ventum est,
in which since they came into winter quarters,
initium repentinī tumultūs ac defectionis ortum est ab Ambiorige et Catuvolcō,
the beginning of a sudden tumult and revolt arose by Ambiorix and Catuvolcus;
qui, cum ad fines regnī suī Sabinō Cottaeque praestō fuissent
who, although they had met near Sabinus and Cotta at the borders of their kingdom
frumentumque in hiberna comportavissent,
and had carried corn into winter quarters,
Indutiomarī Treverī nuntiīs impulsī suos concitaverunt
having been instigated by the messengers of Indutiomarus the Treviri, they incited their own people
subitōque oppressīs lignatoribus
and the woodcutters having been overwhelmed suddenly,
magnā manū ad castra oppugnatum venerunt.
they came with a great band to assault the camps.
Cum celeriter nostrī arma cepissent
When our men had taken the arms quickly
vallumque ascendissent
and had ascended the rampart
atque unā ex parte Hispanīs equitibus emissīs equestrī proeliō superiores fuissent,
and with the Spanish cavalry having been sent out from one part, they had been superior in the cavalry fight,
desperatā re hostes suos ab oppugnatione reduxerunt.
with the action having been despaired of, the enemy led back their men from the assault.
Tum suō more conclamaverunt,
Then they cried out in their manner,
utī aliquī ex nostrīs ad colloquium prodiret:
that some of our people should come forth to a conference:
habere sese,
that they have things,
quae de re communī dicere vellent,
which they wish to say about a common matter,
quibus rebus controversias minuī posse sperarent.
by which they were hoping that the disputes could be diminished.