Caesar's De Bello Gallico 4.27 Flashcards
Hostes proeliō superatī,
The enemy having been defeated in battle,
simul atque se ex fugā receperunt,
as soon as they retreated from their flight,
statim ad Caesarem legatos de pace miserunt;
immediately they sent envoys to Caesar about peace;
obsides daturos quaeque imperasset facturos sese pollicitī sunt.
they promised they would give hostages and would do what he had ordered.
Unā cum hīs legatīs Commius Atrebas venit,
Together with these envoys Commius, an Atreban, came,
quem suprā demonstraveram ā Caesare in Britanniam praemissum.
whom above had pointed out was sent ahead by Caesar into Britain.
Hunc illī e navī egressum,
These men had seized this man having departed from the ship,
cum ad eos oratoris modō Caesaris mandata deferret,
when in the manner of a speaker he was carrying Caesar’s instructions to them,
comprehenderant atque in vincuoa coniecerant;
and they had thrown him into chains;
tum proeliō factō remiserunt
then with the battle done they sent him back
et in petendā pace eius reī culpam in multitudinem contulerunt
and in seeking peace they brought the fault of this matter onto the multitude
et propter imprudentiam ut ignosceretur petiverunt.
and because of their ignorance to pardon them.
Caesar questus quod,
Caesar complained because,
cum ultrō in continentem legatīs missīs pacem ab se petissent,
although they had sought peace from himself moreover with envoys having been send out onto the continent,
bellum sine causā intulissent,
they had brought in war without cause,
ignoscere imprudentiae dixit obsidesque imperavit;
he said he was pardoning their ignorance and he ordered hostages;
quorum illī partem statim dederunt,
of which they immediately surrendered part to that man,
partem ex longinquioribus locīs arcessitam paucīs diebus sese daturos dixerunt.
they said they would give a part summoned more distant places in a few days.
Interea suos remigrare in agros iusserunt,
Meanwhile they ordered their own men to return into the fields,
principesque undique convenīre et se civitatesque suas Caesarī commendare coeperunt.
and leading men everywhere began to come together and to entrust themselves and their own states to Caesar.