Caesar's De Bello Gallico 5.33 Flashcards
Tum demum Titurius,
Then at last Titurius,
quī nihil ante providisset,
who had foreseen nothing before,
trepidare et concursare cohortesque disponere,
shook with fear and ran about and placed the cohorts,
haec tamen ipsa timidē atque ut eum omnia deficere viderentur;
nevertheless timidly these things themselves and as all things seemed to fail him;
quod plerumque eis accidere consuevit,
which very often is accustomed to happen to them,
qui in ipsō negotiō consilium capere coguntur.
who in the trouble itself are compelled to make a plan.
At Cotta,
But Cotta,
qui cogitasset haec posse in itinere accidere
who had known these things are able to happen on the journey
atque ob eam causam profectionis auctor non fuisset,
and because of this reason he had not been the author of the departure,
nullā in re communī salutī deerat
in no matter was he lacking in common safety
et in appellandīs cohortandīsque militibus
both in naming and encouraging the soldiers
imperatoris et in pugnā militis officia praestabat.
and was excelling in the duties of a general and in the fight of a soldier.
Cum propter longitudinem agminis
When because of the length of the army
minus facile omnia per se obire et (possent),
they were able less easily to perform all things by themselves,
quid quoque locō faciendum esset,
what must be done in every place,
providere possent,
they were able to provide,
iusserunt pronuntiare,
they ordered it to be proclaimed,
ut impedimenta relinqueret atque in orbem consisterent.
that they should leave the baggage and should take stand in a circle.
Quod consilium etsī in eiusmodī casū reprehendendum non est,
Which plan although in a misfortune of this kind must not be criticised,
tamen incommode accidit:
nevertheless it happened inconveniently:
nam et nostrīs miltibus spem minuit et hostes ad pugnam alacriores effecit,
for it both diminished the hope for our soldiers and made the enemy more eager for the fight,
quod non sine summō timore et desperatione id factum videbatur.
because not without the greatest fear and despair did it seem it was done.
Praetereā accidit,
Besides it happened,
quod fierī necesse erat,
which was necessary to happen,
ut vulgō milites ab signīs discederent,
that everywhere the soldiers departed from their standards,
quae quisque eorum carissima haberet,
what things each of them held most dear,
ab impedimentīs petere atque arripere properaret,
it was hastening to seek and seize from the baggage,
clamore et fletū omnia complerentur.
everything was filled with shouting and tears.