Caesar's De Bello Gallico 5.25 Flashcards
Erat in Carnutibus summō locō natus Tasgetius,
There was among the Carnutes Tasgetius born in the highest place,
cuius maiores in suā civitate regnum obtinuerant.
whose ancestors had obtained the kingdom in their own state.
Huic Caesar pro eius virtute atque in se benevolentiā, maiorum locum restituerat.
Caesar had restored the position of his ancestors to him for his valor and good will toward himself,
quod in omnibus bellīs singularī eius operā fuerat usus,
because he had used his remarkable works in all the wars.
Tertium iam hunc annum regnantem inimicī multīs palam ex civitate auctoribus interfecerunt.
His enemies slew him openly, reigning now the third year, many also from the state being authors.
Defertur ea res ad Caesarem.
This matter is reported to Caesar.
Ille veritus,
That man having feared,
quod ad plures pertinebat,
because the affair was relating to several,
ne civitas eorum impulsū deficeret,
lest the state might revolt by the instigation of these,
Lucium Plancum cum legione ex Belgiō celeriter in Carnutes proficiscī iubet,
quickly he orders Lucius Plancus to set out among the Carnutes with a legion from Belgium,
ibique hiemare,
and to winter there,
quorumque operā cognoverat Tasgetium inferfectum,
and by the work of whom he may have learned Tasgetius was killed,
hos comprehensos ad se mittere.
to send those arrested to himself.
Interim ab omnibus legatīs quaestoribusque,
Meanwhile by all the lieutenants and quaestors,
quibus legiones tradiderat,
to whom he had delivered the legions,
certior factus est in hiberna perventum locumque hibernīs esse mutītum.
He was informed that they had arrived into winter quarters and the place had been fortified for winter quarters.