Caesar's De Bello Gallico 5.31 Flashcards
Consurgitur ex consiliō;
It is risen from the council;
comprehendunt utrumque et orant,
they seize both and beseech,
ne suā dissensione et pertinaciā rem in summum periculum deducant:
they may not bring the thing into the highest danger by their dissension and obstinacy:
facilem rem esse
the matter is easy,
seu maneant, seu proficiscantur,
whether they should remain or set out,
sī modo unum omnes sentiant ac probent;
if only all may think and may approve one thing;
contrā in dissensione nullam se salutem perspicere.
On the other hand, they perceive no safety in dissension.
Res disputatione ad mediam noctem perducitur.
The matter is conducted in dispute to the middle of the night.
Tandem dat Cotta permotus manūs:
At last Cotta thoroughly moved gives his hands:
superat sententia Sabinī.
the opinion of Sabinus prevails.
Pronuntiatur primā luce ituros.
It is announced that they will go at first light.
Consumitur vigiliīs reliqua pars noctis,
The remaining part of the night is consumed in wakefulness,
cum sua quisque miles circumspiceret,
since each soldier was looking around for his own things,
quid secum portare posset,
what he might be able to carry with himself,
quid ex instrumento hibernorum relinquere cogeretur.
what he might be compelled to leave behind from the equipment of the winter quarters.