Caesar's De Bello Gallico 5.29 Flashcards
Contrā ea Titurius serō facturōs clamitabat,
Against those things Titurius was exclaiming they would do it too late,
cum maiores manūs hostium adiunctīs Germanīs convenissent
when greater bands of the enemy with the Germans joined would have assembled
aut cum aliquid calamitatis in proximīs hibernīs esset acceptum.
or when some calamity had been received in the nearest winter quarters.
Brevem consulendī esse occasionem.
The opportunity of consulting was short.
Caesarem arbitrarī profectum in Italiam;
He thought Caesar set out into Italy;
neque aliter Carnutes interficiendī Tasgetī consilium fuisse capturos,
otherwise neither the Carnutes would have formed a plan of the killing of Tasgetius,
neque Eburones,
nor the Eburones,
si ille adesset,
if that man were present,
tantā contemptione nostrī ad castra venturos esse.
(they) would come to the camp with so great contempt of us.
Non hostem auctorem, sed rem spectare:
He was not considering the enemy as the author but the matter:
subesse Rhenum;
the Rhine was close;
magnō esse Germanīs dolorī Ariovistī mortem et superiores nostras victorias;
the death of Ariovistus and our previous victories were of a great pain to the Germans;
ardere Galliam tot contumeliīs acceptīs sub populī Romanī imperium
Gaul was burning with so many indignities received under the command of the Roman people
redactam superiore gloriā reī militaris exstinctā.
(that it) was reduced with her former glory of military matters exstinguished.
Postremō quis hoc sibi persuaderet,
Finally who would persuade himself of this,
sine certā re Ambiorigem ad eiusmodī consilium descendisse?
without a sure matter that Ambiorix would resort to a plan of this kind?
Suam sententiam in utramque partem esse tutam:
His own opinion was was safe on either side:
si nihil esset durius,
if there was nothing harder,
nullō cum periculō ad proximam legionem perventuros;
with no danger they would arrive to the nearest legion;
si Gallia omnis cum Germanīs consentiret,
if all Gaul agreed with the Germans,
unam esse in celeritate positam salutem.
their one safety was placed in speed.
Cottae quidem atque eorum, quī dissentirent, consilium quem habere exitum?
Indeed what result was the advice of Cotta and of those who disagreed?
In quō sī non praesens periculum,
In which if not present danger,
at certe longinquā obsidione fames esset timenda?
but surely by a long siege famine must be feared?