Set 8 Flashcards
repartir algo, distribuir algo
to give out something (distribute something)
emitir algo, dar algo
to give out something (emit something, 2nd is also to let something out - eg a yell)
anunciar algo, divulgar algo
to give out something (make something known)
fallar, pararse, no resistir
to give out (to stop working)
agotarse, acabarse, faltar, abandonar
to give out (to run out - eg of strength)
mandarle un saludo a alguien, agradecer públicamente a alguien
to give a shoutout to someone
se me fue la rodilla, se me falló la rodilla, se me trabó la rodilla
my knee gave out
volcar algo
to tip something over, to knock something over, to spill something, to empty something out, to dump something (empty something out), to put something, to pour something (put something), to express something, to reveal something, to overturn (intransitive - of a vehicle), to capsize (intransitive - of a vessel)
volcarse, caer
to tip over
to tip over, to overturn (of a vehicle), to capsize (of a vessel), to throw oneself into something (figurative, followed by “a”), to go out of one’s way (followed by para), to do one’s utmost (followed by para), to bend over backwards (followed by para), to jackknife (of a vehicle - stop in a V shape), to lean over
el bistro, el bistrot, el restaurante pequeño
the bistro
atacar algo/a alguien, herir algo/a alguien, acometer algo/a alguien
to maul something/someone (literal - to hurt something/someone)
destrozar algo/a alguien, vapulear algo/a alguien, aniquilar algo/a alguien
to maul something/someone (figurative - to criticize something/someone harshly)
vapulear algo/a alguien, maltratar algo/a alguien, tratar con dureza algo/a alguien
to maul something/someone (figurative - to treat something/someone harshly)
el mazo
the maul (axe for splitting wood), the splitting maul, the mallet (hammer or in croquet or of a xylophone), the sledgehammer, the pestle, the club (weapon), the clapper (of a bell), the deck (of cards), the bundle, the roll (bundle), the wad, the sheaf (of papers), the pack (of cards)
a lot, heaps, tons, loads
molar mazo, molar mogollón
to be really cool, to rock (be really cool)
que tiene articulaciones dobles, de articulaciones dobles
en caso de que (+subjuntivo), en el caso de que (+subjuntivo)
in the event that (+subjunctive)
en caso de algo
in the event of something, in case of something
sociable, abierto/abierta
sociable (of a person, 1st is also of an activity)
amistoso/amistosa, amigable
sociable (of an attitude)
la resaca
the undertow, the hangover, the undercurrent (undertow), the backlash (reaction), the reaction, the jetsam, the sensation, the collection of the last harvest, the selection of the best fruits
las resacas, la escoria
the dregs (people - lowlifes)
los posos, las heces, el sedimento
the dregs (remains of liquid)
las sobras, los residuos
the dregs (general leftovers)
la escoria de la sociedad, los desechos de la sociedad
the dregs of society
la caída de confianza, la caída de la confianza
the trust fall
to come true, to be implemented, to expire (to end), to come into effect, to be executed (to be implemented)
cumplirse algo
to mark something (eg an anniversary), to be something (eg an anniversary)
cumplir algo
to achieve something, to carry something out, to keep something (eg a promise), to obey something, to observe something (obey something), to fulfill something, to be something (eg an age), to turn something (eg an age), to serve something (complete something - eg a jail sentence), to accomplish something, to reach something (eg an age), to abide by something, to keep to something (abide by something)
to do one’s duty, to feel obliged, to have a birthday
cumplir con algo
to commit to something, to keep to something (a deadline), to fulfill something, to do something, to carry something out, to keep something (a promise), to honor something (a commitment)
cumplir con alguien
to do right by someone, to hold up one’s end of the bargain, to do one’s duty to someone
cumplir años
to have a birthday
cumplir con los criterios
to meet the criteria
cumplir con los pagos
to meet payments, to fulfill payment obligations
cumplir con los requisitos
to meet the requirements, to fulfill the requirements
cumplir con su deber
to do one’s duty, to fulfill one’s duty
cumplir con su palabra
to keep one’s word, to be true to one’s word
cumplir horario
to keep to the schedule
cumplir la ley
to follow the law, to obey the law
cumplir un deseo
to grant a wish, to fulfill a wish
cumplir una promesa
to keep a promise, to stay true to a promise
la farmacia, la botica, el drugstore, la droguería
the pharmacy (all are actual store, 1st is also science of dispensing drugs)
farmacéutico/farmacéutica, de farmacia
pharmaceutic, pharmaceutical
el producto farmacéutico, el medicamento, el preparado farmacológico
the pharmaceutical (last is formal)
el farmacéutico/la farmacéutica, el farmaceuta/la farmaceuta, el boticario/la boticaria, el farmacólogo/la farmacóloga
the pharmacist
la droguería
the pharmacy, the hardware store (used in Spain), the paint shop, the pharmaceutical wholesaler, the drugstore, the apothecary (store)
la estribación, la falda, la ladera
the foothill
la farmacia de turno
the on-duty pharmacy; the pharmacy on duty; the all-night drugstore; the pharmacy open all night; the pharmacy open at night, on Sundays, and on holidays
la cachaza
the sluggishness, the slowness, the cachaça (beverage), the nerve (insolence - used in Colombia/Dominican Republic/Ecuador), the coir (outer crust of a coconut), the lethargy, the calmness, the laid-back way, the sugar cane moonshine, the dregs left in the pan by sugar cane liquor, the strong & fibrous bark wrapping the coconut nut, the useless material on a rooster’s spur that is removed (in cockfighting)
Pulgarcita, Almendrita
Thumbelina (2nd is less common)
para colmo de males, para poner sal en la herida, peor todavía
to add insult to injury
tengo las manos atadas, mis manos están atadas
my hands are tied
el instante, la fracción de segundo
the split second
tú más que nadie, tú mejor que nadie
you of all people
más vale prevenir que lamentar, más vale prevenir que curar, es mejor poner la yagua antes que caiga la gotera (Cuba), hombre prevenido vale por dos
better safe than sorry
agitar algo, sacudir algo, zarandear algo, hacer temblar algo, menearse algo
to shake something (move something back and forth)
blandir algo, agitar algo
to shake something (brandish something - eg a weapon)
debilitar algo, tambalear algo, hacer flaquear algo
to shake something (figurative - to weaken something)
afectar algo, estremecer algo, conmocionar algo
to shake something (figurative - upset/unsettle something)
la batida, el licuado (México), el batido
the shake (beverage)
la sacudida
the shake (quick movement), the shaking, the blast (of an explosion), the tremor (of an earthquake), the toss (of the head - used with con la cabeza), the jolt, the jerk (jolt), the electric shock, the shock (emotional)
temblar, sacudir
to shake (to tremble - of an object)
darse un apretón de manos
to shake (shake hands)
temblar, tiritar
to shake (to tremble - of a person)
urgir a alguien a hacer algo, mover a alguien a hacer algo
to shake someone into doing something
hacer caer algo de algo, sacudir algo de algo, agitar algo de algo
to shake something from something
despistar a alguien
to shake someone (get away from someone), to mislead someone, to throw someone off the scent, to give someone the slip, to shake someone off (get away from someone), to distract someone, to lose someone (get away from someone), to evade someone, to elude someone
to be misleading, to be deceptive
to lose one’s concentration, to get sidetracked, to get lost, to lose one’s way, to get confused
se nos despistó el niño
we lost sight of the boy, we lost track of the boy
tembloroso/temblorosa, tembleque, con tembleque, trémulo/trémula
shaky (shaking; 2nd is colloquial; 4th is literary)
inestable, tambaleante, poco firme, tembloroso/temblorosa
shaky (not sturdy)
precario/precaria, débil, inestable, delicado/delicada
shaky (uncertain; 1st and 2nd can also mean unpredictable; 3rd is also troubled - of a relationship)
delicado/delicada, frágil
shaky (unhealthy)
débil, cuestionable, flojo/floja
shaky (questionable - eg of an argument; 3rd can also be lacking - eg shaky English)
alterado/alterada, afectado/afectada, pasmado/pasmada, azorado/azorada
alterado/alterada, afectado/afectada, conmovido/conmovida, perturbado/perturbada, sobresaltado/sobresaltada
shaken (upset)
impertérrito/impertérrita, impasible
unshaken (not upset)
inquebrantable, firme, sólido/sólida
hablar en griego, hablar en lenguas desconocidas, hablar en lenguas, hablar en otras lenguas, hablar lenguas
to speak in tongues
asustar a algo/a alguien, pegarle un susto a algo/a alguien, espantar a algo/a alguien
to spook something/someone
el fantasma, el espectro
the spook (supernatural being)
el espía
the spook (spy), the spy
espeluznante, terrorífico/terrorífica, que da miedo
spooky (scary)
raro/rara, que da miedo
spooky (uncanny)
afligido/afligida, dolorido/dolorida, de pena, incómodo/incómoda
el badminton, el bádminton
the badminton
el buñuelo
the cruller, the fritter, the doughnut, the donut, the botched job, the mess (botched job), the sweet fritter, the profiterole, the cream puff, the total mess
los buñuelos, los buñuelos de viento
the puffs, the popovers
legal, válido/válida
lawful (in compliance with the law)
lawful (allowed by law OR relating to law - eg take lawful action), legal (allowed by law), licit (allowed by law), fair, right (fair), reasonable (fair)
lawful (recognized by law), authentic, genuine, real, legitimate (recognized by law), rightful (legal), just (correct)
legal, lícito/lícita
lawful (relating to law - eg take lawful action)
la transacción lícita, el negocio legal
the lawful transaction (legal business dealing)
honesto/honesta, decente, legal (España), derecho/derecha (México)
lawful (of a person - honest/decent)
el kiln, el horno
the kiln
cocer algo en un horno
to kiln something
la fosa de carbonización
the charcoal kiln
el horno de carbonización
the climbing kiln (wood-burning oven)
el horno seco
the dry kiln (oven for drying wood)
la estufa de secado, el horno de secado
the drying kiln (oven for drying wood)
el horno rotativo
the rotary kiln (type of industrial oven)
la terminal de trabajo, la estación de trabajo
the workstation (computer)
el cubículo, la oficina, el puesto
the workstation (office cubicle or desk)
lanzar la precaución al viento, abandonar la prudencia, tomar riesgos, liarse la manta a la cabeza, ponerse el mundo por montera
to throw caution to the wind
lanzar la precaución a los vientos, arrojarse la cautela a los vientos, tomar riesgos, abandonar la prudencia, dejar de lado la prudencia, desistir de actuar de manera prudente
to throw caution to the winds
¿Dónde has estado?, ¿Dónde estabas?
Where have you been?
el transportador
the protractor, the transporter, the conveyor
te veo por lo que eres
I see you for who/what you are
la superestrella, la gran estrella
the superstar
la lista de compras, la lista de la compra (España), la lista de las compras
the shopping list
gastado/gastada, usado/usada
washed-out (faded by washing)
lavado/lavada, descolorido/descolorida, pálido/pálida, difuminado/difuminada
washed-out (faded/pale - of an object)
pálido/pálida, sin color
washed-out (faded/pale - of a person)
el nuevo mejor amigo/la nueva mejor amiga
the new best friend
que cuchichea, susurrante, que susurra, jadeante
el loco/la loca, el demente/la demente, el frenético/la frenética
the madman/madwoman
ese sentimiento cuando, esa sensación cuando
no me detengas, no me pares
don’t stop me
loaded (full or of weaponry or falsified - eg of dice), strong (intense - eg of coffee), overcast (of weather), close (of weather), heavy (of weather - eg heavy fog), tense (figurative - eg of an atmosphere), charged (of electricity), oppressive (of weather), packed (full), laden, grouchy, moody due to multiple problems, cranky
to be sopping, to get wet, to be dripping, to become soaked, to become drenched
to crumble (come down), to collapse (come down or figuratively decline), to go to pieces (to have a breakdown), to have a breakdown, to have a nervous breakdown, to come apart at the seams, to go off the deep end, to crack up (slang - to have a breakdown), to go belly up (slang - to collapse figuratively)
desmoronar algo
to cause something to crumble, to cause something to collapse
el fixer upper, el fixer-upper
the fixer upper
valer la pena, merecer la pena
to be worthwhile
que vale la pena, que merece la pena
vale la pena esperar, la espera vale la pena, vale la pena la espera
it’s worth the wait
estar periqueando, hacer todo lo posible
to pull out all the stops
hecho a mano/hecha a mano, artesano/artesana, artesanal
hacer algo a mano
to handcraft something, to make something by hand
la artesanía, el objeto de artesanía
the handcraft (handcrafted object)
la artesanía, los trabajos manuales, las manualidades
the handcraft (act of making handcrafts)
la destreza manual
the handcraft (skill)