Set 43 Flashcards
como un coquito, borracho como una cuba/borracha como una cuba, hasta la picha (Costa Rica), en pedo (Argentina)
drunk as a skunk
la mofeta, el zorrillo (México), el zorrino (Argentina)
the skunk (animal)
el canalla/la canalla, el aprovechado/la aprovechada, el oportunista/la oportunista
the skunk (unsavory person, opportunist, liar)
la marihuana, la mota (México), la maría, la hierba
the skunk (cannabis; last 2 are colloquial)
la piel de mofeta, la piel de zorrillo (México)
the skunk (skunk fur)
el descuadre
the imbalance between the debt and credit in an account, the imbalance (financial)
el desequilibrio, la inestabilidad
the imbalance (disproportion/lack of equilibrium)
el desequilibrio, el desbalance
the imbalance (inequality)
el desequilibrio
the imbalance (inequality OR lack of equilibrium), the instability, the unbalance
to not add up (of a story), to not hold up (of a story)
descuadrar a alguien
to set someone against another person, (of an employee) to lose a superior’s confidence, to embezzle a person/an institution
el desequilibrio mental
the mental imbalance, the mental instability
crakeado/crakeada, craqueado/craqueada, desequilibrado/desequilibrada, trastornado/trastornada
unbalanced (of a person - psychologically; 1st 2 are colloquial)
sesgado/sesgada, parcial, tendencioso/tendenciosa, desequilibrado/desequilibrada
unbalanced (of a person - biased)
unbalanced (of a person - psychologically or biased OR not varied - eg of a diet - OR not correctly adjusted - eg of car wheels), out of balance, off balance, uneven, unequal, unstable (of a person), unhinged (of a person)
no conciliado/no conciliada, que no coincide
unbalanced (in finance - not yet tallied)
desequilibrado/desequilibrada, desbalanceado/desbalanceada
unbalanced (about to tip over)
unbalanced (about to tip over OR of an electrical circuit - having different properties on each side)
el desequilibrado/la desequilibrada
the unbalanced person, the unstable person, the mentally unbalanced person
desbalancear algo
to destabilize the balance between things/forces/opposing viewpoints
desequilibrar algo
to unbalance something, to make something unbalanced, to throw something off balance, to destabilize something, to upset something (destabilize something)
trastornar a alguien, desequilibrar a alguien
to unbalance someone
desequilibrar a alguien
to unbalance someone, to to upset someone, to mark someone, to leave a mark on someone, to destabilize someone
to get out of balance (lose balance), to become unbalanced (go mad), to spiral (of the economy/markets), to destabilize, to become unbalanced, to become unstable, to go mad, to go insane, to become deranged, to become insane
desequilibrador/desequilibradora, desestabilizador/desestabilizadora, desestabilizante
desestabilizar algo/a alguien
to destabilize something/someone, to make something/someone unstable, to unbalance something/someone, to throw something/someone off balance, to cause instability in something/someone, to unsettle something/someone, to cause unrest in something/someone
to become unstable, to destabilize, to become unbalanced
sublime, grandioso/grandiosa
sublime (grand, lofty - eg of writing)
sensacional, sublime
sublime (awe-inspiring)
sublime, magnífico/magnífica
sublime (superb)
supino/supina, total, absoluto/absoluta, supremo/suprema
sublime (1st is of ignorance, other 3 are of contempt or indifference)
lo sublime
the sublime (that which inspires awe)
el culmen
the sublime (the supreme degree of something - eg the sublime of stupidity), the peak (figurative - eg the peak of his career), the height (figurative - most important point OR most extreme point), the climax (figurative peak), the high point, the epitome, the highest point (figurative)
sublimar algo
to sublimate something (in chemistry - to turn something into vapor OR to make something nobler - archaic definition OR in psychology - to repress a bad impulse), to exalt something, to ennoble something (lend a greater character to)
to sublimate (in chemistry - to turn to vapor - or in psychology - to be repressed)
high, finest
el momento culmen, el momento cumbre, el punto culminante, el momento culminante, el apogeo, el clímax, el punto álgido
the high point
a medida que (+indicativo)
as (while), while, at the same time that
a medida que (+subjuntivo)
whenever, to the extent that
¿Por qué sonreír?, ¿Por qué debería sonreír?, ¿Por qué voy a sonreír?
What is there to smile about?
el medicamento, la medicina, la medicación, el remedio
the medication (medicine itself)
la medicación, el tratamiento, la medicina
the medication (treatment using medicine)
***la premedicación
the premedication (drugs given before anaesthesia)
***el medicamento de alivio rápido
the reliever (asthma medicine), the reliever medication, the reliever medicine