Set 2 Flashcards
la actuación
the (sports) performance, the acting, the action
la representación, la función, la sesión
the (theatrical) performance (eg a play)
la interpretación
the interpretation (analysis or rendition), the performance, the rendition, the interpreting
ella siempre monta un número cuando limpia
she always makes a performance of cleaning
desempeñar algo, realizar algo, rendir algo
to perform something (a task)
llevar a cabo algo
to carry something out, to execute something (carry out), to perform something (carry out), to accomplish something
representar algo, trabajar algo
to perform something (a role - ACTING ONLY)
ejecutar algo
to perform something (MUSIC ONLY), to execute something (carry out), to carry something out
to perform (of an economy), to walk, to go, to leave, to march
tengo el ojo rojo
my eye is red
la plataforma, el estrado, la tarima
the (raised) platform
la tribuna
the platform, the tribune
el andén
the (railway) platform (for people)
la vía
the (railway) platform (for a train), the route, the road, the tract (medical), the channel (eg official channels)
la plataforma, el programa
the (political) platform
la plataforma
the platform (computer, political, general, or raised)
el zapato de plataforma
the platform shoe
la pulgada
the inch
la vieira
the scallop (food)
la venera
the scallop shell
el festón
the scallop (pattern)
to scallop something (make the pattern)
el golfo
the gulf, the bay
el golfo/la golfa
the lout, the rascal, the layabout, the good-for-nothing
la bahía
the bay
naughty, rogue (adjective)
la cisterna
the cistern
la maqueta
the mock-up, the model (maquette), the scale model, the demo (of a song), the dummy
hispano/hispana, hispánico/hispánica
Hispanic (adjective)
el hispano/la hispana
the Hispanic person
demoler algo, derribar algo, echar abajo algo
to demolish something (destroy/flatten)
demoler algo, echar por tierra algo
to demolish something (discredit)
aplastar algo
to demolish something (defeat - eg a rival sports team), to crush something (literal)
zamparse algo
to demolish something (a food), to gobble something down, to wolf something down
fijar una meta, establecer una meta
to set a goal
fijar metas, fijar objetivos, establecer metas, establecer objetivos
to set goals
las metas fijas, los objetivos fijos, las metas establecidas, los objetivos establecidos
the set goals, the goals that have been set
el cartón
the cardboard, the carton, the bingo card
la ceniza
the ash (powder)
el fresno
the ash (tree)
el talán
the bong (sound)
tañer, doblar
to bong (make a bong sound)
la pipa de agua
the bong (pipe)
por fin, al fin
finally, at last
en fin
anyway, well (transition), oh well, in short, in a nutshell, all in all, in brief
el perdedor/la perdedora
the loser (literal)
el perdedor/la perdedora, el fracasado/la fracasada
the loser (figurative/insult)
chocar con/contra algo
to collide with something, to run into something (literal)
tropezarse con alguien, toparse con alguien, encontrarse con alguien
to run into someone (figurative - to meet unexpectedly)
topezar con algo, encontrarse con algo, toparse con algo
to run into something (trouble/opposition), to encounter something (a problem)
ascender a algo
to run into something (to add up to something)
la personificación, el arquetipo, el paradigma
the epitome (followed by de/del/de la to mean of)
ser el vivo ejemplo de algo
to be the epitome of something, to be the living example of something
el clímax, el punto culminante
the climax (eg of a story)
el orgasmo
the climax (biological), the orgasm
to climax (eg of a story), to culminate
tener un orgasmo
to climax (biological), to have an orgasm, to orgasm
el calambre
the cramp, the electric shock
la ventaja, el beneficio, el provecho
the advantage
favorecer algo
to favor something, to assist in something, to help something, to encourage something, to suit something (look good on), to flatter something
favorecerse de algo
to benefit (oneself) from something
la desventaja, el inconveniente
the disadvantage
perjudicar algo
to harm something, to be detrimental to something, to damage something, to slander something, to malign something, to disadvantage something
to make things worse
perjudicarse a sí mismo
to make things hard for oneself
ventajoso/ventajosa, favorable
el presagio, el augurio, el agüero
the omen
ominoso/ominosa, amenazador/amenazadora, de mal agüero
ominous (general)
ominous (used only for sounds)
el augur
the augur
el profeta/la profetisa
the prophet/prophetess
el gabete
the shoelace
el impuesto, el tributo
the tax (literal - money)
la carga
the tax (figurative - strain)
gravar, cobrar impuestos
to tax something
poner a prueba algo
to tax something (figurative - to strain something), to put something to the test, to test something
fiscal, tributario/tributaria
tax (adjective)
el impuesto sobre ingresos, el impuesto sobre la renta, el impuesto a la renta
the income tax
los ingresos, el salario, la renta
the income
las ganancias
the earnings, the profits
los réditos
the income (from investments)
el rédito
the yield (finance), the interest (finance), the return (finance)
tasar algo
to value something (assess the cost - eg of jewelry), to rate something (work per time unit), to limit something, to ration something (food)
el trabajo está tasado en veinte dólares por hora
the work is valued at $20 an hour
tasar en
to fix (eg a price) at
tasar una casa en cien mil pesos
to fix a house(‘s price) at 100,000 pesos
difícil, arduo/ardua, agotador/agotadora
taxing (difficult)
Fahrenheit (adjective)
Celsius, centígrado/centígrada
Celsius (adjective)
la tarea, el deber
the task
asignarle algo a alguien, encargarle algo a alguien
to task someone with something (something = a noun)
asignar a alguien la tarea de (+infinitivo), encargar a alguien la tarea de (+infinitivo)
to task someone with doing something (something = a verb)
el razonamiento, la lógica
the reasoning
la lógica
the logic, the reasoning
el sentido común
the common sense
daily (adverb or adjective), every day, a day (eg 12 hours a day), everyday
el diario
the diary, the journal, the newspaper, the daily (publication), the day-to-day expenses
la planta anual
the annual plant
la planta bianual
the biannual plant
la planta bienal
the biennial plant
el anuario
the annual publication, the yearbook, the directory
el recordatorio
the reminder, the commemorative card (religious)
tanned (of a material or person), hardened, leathery, weather-beaten, seasoned (experienced)
el curtido
the act of tanning, the animal hide
bronceado/bronceada, moreno/morena, curtido/curtida
tanned (of a person), tan (of a person)
tanned (of a person), dark-skinned, dark (in color), dark-haired
el pan moreno
the brown bread
la azúcar morena
the brown sugar
el moreno/la morena
the dark-skinned person, the dark-haired person
la morena
the brunette
el moreno, el bronceado
the tan (tanned complexion)
el marrón claro, el café claro
the tan (color)
marrón claro, café claro
tan (adjective - tan-colored)
broncear algo, poner moreno algo/poner morena algo, quemar algo, tostar algo, curtir algo
to tan something (darken something’s skin EXCEPT last which is to treat leather)
broncearse, ponerse moreno/ponerse morena, quemarse
to tan (oneself) (to darken one’s skin)
narrow, tight (eg of clothing), close (intimate), prudish
el estrecho
the strait
el callejón
the alley, the passage, the refuge (in bullfighting)
la avenida
the avenue, the flood
la inundación, el diluvio, la riada, la avenida
the flood
el Diluvio
the (Biblical) flood
un mar de lágrimas
a flood of tears, a sea of tears
inundar algo, anegar algo
to flood something (both are literal/with water, 1st can also be figurative - eg flood something with complaints)
el motor
the car engine, the motor, the driving force (figurative)
la locomotora, la máquina
the train engine
el ingenio
the engine (figurative - eg engine of war), the ingenuity, the inventiveness, the wit, the device (literal), the refinery