Set 22 Flashcards
confiar en algo, tenerle fe a algo, apostar por algo
to swear by something
corpulento/corpulenta, grueso/gruesa, rollizo/rolliza
hombre bien vestido, nunca mal parecido
clothes make the man
mal parecido/mal parecida
bad-looking, ill-favored
of evil aspect or countenance, ugly, unseemly
darle una paliza a alguien, pegarle a alguien, aporrear a alguien, apalear a alguien, golpear a alguien, moler a palos a alguien, cagar a palos a alguien (Argentina)
to beat someone up
comerse la cabeza, mortificarse, culparse, castigarse
to beat oneself up (feel bad about something)
destartalado/destartalada, cagado a palos/cagada a palos (Argentina)
beat-up (of a vehicle)
golpeado/golpeada, cansado/cansada
beat-up (1st is injured, 2nd is tired)
irse, marcharse, largarse
to go away (to leave)
to go away (to dissipate), to disappear, to go missing, to vanish, to cease to exist
irse de vacaciones, irse fuera, irse de viaje
to go away (on vacation)
vete, lárgate, largo, vete a la potoroca, chíllalas, chíllalas que está verde, tómatelas (Argentina), rajá (Argentina)
go away (command)
desaparecer, desaparecerse
to disappear
desaparecer a alguien
to make someone disappear, to do away with someone, to kidnap someone
el temblor, el temblor de tierra, el seísmo, el tremor
the tremor (mild earthquake)
el temblor, el estremecimiento
the tremor (trembling; 1st is in medical terms, both are general)
el terror nocturno, el temor nocturno
the night terror, the sleep-terror disorder
el comportamiento autoestimulatorio, la autoestimulación
the stimming, the self-stimulatory behavior
el acicate
the stimulant (stimulus), the spur (incentive or in horseback riding), the incentive, the stimulus
el estimulante
the stimulant (stimulating substance)
stimulant, stimulating, invigorating
el pronóstico, el diagnóstico
the prognosis (for an illness)
la prognosis, el pronóstico
the prognosis (general forecast/outlook)
el mal pronóstico
the poor prognosis (prediction that an illness will worsen)
el buen pronóstico
the good prognosis (prediction that an illness will improve)
el depresor, el sedante, el calmante, el tranquilizante
the depressant
depresor/depresora, sedante, calmante, tranquilizante
la alogia
the alogia (poverty of speech)
agradable, placentero/placentera, divertido/divertida
la ayuda está en camino, la ayuda viene en camino
help is on the way
¿Parezco tener veinte años?
Do I look like I’m twenty years old?
¿Crees que tengo veinte años?
Do you think I’m twenty years old?
tienes razón
you’re right, you’re correct
te equivocas, estás equivocado/estás equivocada
you’re wrong
de tal manera que (+subjuntivo)
in such a way that, so that (para que), in order to
de tal manera que (+indicativo)
so that (therefore), therefore
la escuela de ingeniería, la facultad de ingeniería, la escuela superior de ingeniería (México)
the engineering school
la rama
the bough, the bundle of leaves forming on the crown of a pineapple, the tip of sugar cane (which when green is used to feed cattle), the pineapple crown (the part with leaves), the sugar cane shoot, the branch (general division or of a tree), the limb (of a tree)
la canela en rama
the cinnamon stick
la rama de ciencias
the field of science (education in science - eg pursuing it in college)
la rama del saber
the branch of knowledge
expiatorio/expiatoria, sacrificial, sacrificatorio/sacrificatoria
sacrificial (1st and 3rd are used in a sacrificial rite, 2nd is killed as a sacrifice)
el altar de sacrificios
the sacrificial altar