Set 1 Flashcards
el error de bulto, el gran error
the big mistake
to derail
salvo que (+subjuntivo), al menos que (+subjuntivo), a menos que (+subjuntivo)
unless (+subjunctive)
el exfoliante
the exfoliant
en cuanto (+subjuntivo), tan pronto como (+subjuntivo)
as soon as (+subjunctive)
cuanto antes, lo antes posible, lo más pronto posible
as soon as possible
el inversor/la inversora
the investor
dispuesto a (+infinitivo)/dispuesta a (+infinitivo)
ready to (+infinitive), willing to (+infinitive), disposed to (+infinitive)
por tanto
so, therefore
el sintagma (m)
the phrase, the syntagm
el asombro
the amazement, the surprise, the fright
generar algo
to generate something, to produce something, to create something
la racha
the streak, the (good/bad) run, the gust of wind
por lo que
so, for which reason, which is why
la brújula
the compass
el ejército
the army
fully, completely, thoroughly
according to, just as (time), depending on
exigir algo
to demand something, to require something, to levy something, to call for something
la norma
the rule, the norm, the standard
additional, remaining
de más
extra, spare, too much/too many
to be (located somewhere), to be part of, to find oneself (in a state or emotion or to discover oneself), to feel something (a state or emotion)
en lugar de (+infinitivo)
instead of (+infinitive), in place of (+infinitive)
la plaza
the square, the job position
el doctorado
the doctorate, the PhD
el manantial
the spring (of water)
to act (function), to have an effect (function), to work (function), to pass a stool
obrar milagros
to work miracles
el tiovivo
the merry-go-round, the carousel, the roundabout
el hereje/la hereje
the heretic
los ambages
the circumlocutions
el circunloquio
the circumlocution
el cuáquero/la cuáquera
the Quaker
el catering, el servicio de comidas, el servicio de comida y bebida
the catering (the food itself)
la hostelería, la restauración, el catering
the catering (industry/job)
el alicantino/la alicantina
the person from Alacant
Alacant (city in Spain)
el barco atunero
the tuna fishing boat
el pescador atunero/la pescadora atunera
the tuna fisherman/the tuna fisherwoman
curly, choppy, frizzy
con decisión
decisively, resolutely
la carabela
the caravel
el récord
the record (sports or account - eg no record exists of the event)
la sintaxis
the syntax
cuanto (+adjetivo) es (+sustantivo) . . . más/menos (+adjetivo será sustantivo)
the (adjective) the (noun) is . . . the more/less (adjective “will be” the noun)
cuanto mayor . . . más difícil
the higher . . . the harder
el rendimiento
the performance, the capacity, the output, the yield, the return (on an investment)
el coeficiente
the coefficient, the rate
la comprensión
the comprehension, the understanding
el atún
the tuna
al día
up to date, current
pan comido
easy as pie, a piece of cake
el pay, el pai
the pie
el papagayo, el loro, la cotorra, el perico
the parrot
llamarse andana
to go back on one’s word
el diente andana, el diente ectópico
the tooth that is out of line or in the same place as another
es hora de (+infinitivo)
it’s time to (+infinitive)
qué pena, qué lástima
what a pity, what a shame
ojear algo
to browse through something, to have a look at something, to peruse something, to beat something (drive something away - eg birds with a stick)
algo para la posteridad
one for the books, something to remember
el porcentaje
the percentage
complex, complicated
el cálculo
the calculation, the arithmetic, the calculus, the estimate
la seguridad
the security, the safety, the certainty, the (emotional/mental) conviction, the confidence
ti mismo
pulsar algo
to press something, to push something (press), to tap something, to click something, to pluck something (strum - eg a string), to sound something out (assess), to take something’s pulse, to pulsate (intransitive)
los dos primeros/las dos primeras
the first two
la piquiña
the envy, the itch
en pausa
pasar por alto algo
to overlook something (disregard or not notice), to skip something
la ortografía
the spelling, the orthography
la ronda
the round (in sports or part of a series or in games or culinary - eg round of drinks), the patrol (tour of inspection), the beat (tour of inspection), the rounds (tour of inspection), the hand (in card games), the beltway (transport), the bypass (transport), the serenade (music)
to refill something, to stuff something (a cushion or food), to fill something (a hole or cakes), to fill something in (gaps), to fill something out (a form) (ALL CAN BE FOLLOWED BY DE TO MEAN WITH)
la progresión
the progression (music or development)
upside down, queer (offensive)
el volteado/la volteada
the turncoat (offensive), the queer (offensive)
la febrícula
the mild fever, the low-grade fever
la expulsión
the expulsion
la hipercorrección, la ultracorrección
the hypercorrection (grammatical - eg dijistes instead of dijiste, pienso de que instead of pienso que, inflacción instead of inflación)
la hipercorrección fónica
type of hypercorrection where a word is misspelled due to confusion with another (eg inflacción instead of inflación)
la hipercorrección léxica
type of hypercorrection where one word is used instead of another due to not knowing the meaning
la hipercorreción morfosintáctica
type of hypercorrection: queísmo or dequeísmo (eg pienso de que instead of pienso que)
splendid, magnificent, generous (character trait), lavish
el trullo
the slammer (jail)
to slap something
la luciérnaga
the firefly, the lightning bug, the glowworm
el metaplasmo
the metaplasm (grammatical)
desahuciar a alguien
to evict someone, to declare someone terminally ill, to give up hope for someone
crusty (attitude), scabby (medical)
la costra, la postilla
the scab
formar costra
to scab over
immense, vast, enormous, great, deep (intense), tremendous
el chorro
the stream, the jet (of water), the ton (of something - figurative)
el informe, el reportaje, el reporte, la noticia, la crónica
the report
el contenido
the content
biodegradar algo
to biodegrade something
to biodegrade (intransitive)
métele con candela
fire up, fire it up, get excited, give it all you’ve got
el sufijo
the suffix
el prefijo
the prefix
barefoot, discalced (religious)
calcinar algo
to scorch something, to burn something, to char something, to calcine something (chemistry)
el sopapo
the smack, the slap
to slap something (general or in the face), to hit something, to scrounge, to leech off
el aguaje
the watering hole, the water supply, the tide, the current, the wake (of a ship)
immune (unaffected or medically), exempt (ALL FOLLOWED BY A)
meter mano en algo
to meddle with something, to get one’s hands on something
meter mano
to interfere, to get one’s teeth in, to grope, to meddle, to be/get active, to put one’s hands in (to do one’s part)
meter mano a algo
to deal with something
meter mano a alguien
to grope someone, to feel someone up, to fondle someone’s body, to caress someone without their consent for one’s own sexual pleasure
la bayoneta
the bayonet
el girasol
the sunflower
la margarita
the daisy, the marguerite, the margarita, the daisy wheel (of a typewriter)
la bilharzia
the bilharzia
to gossip, to talk trash, to chatter
puedo manejarlo, tengo esto, yo me ocupo, yo me encargo
I got this
puedes manejarlo, tienes esto, lo tienes, tú puedes
you got this
el cliente/la cliente
the customer, the client, the hotel guest, the caller (visitor to a store)
el atuendo, el equipo
the outfit
buen equipo
nice outfit
no muerdas el anzuelo
don’t take the bait
morder el anzuelo
to take the bait
el cebo, el anzuelo, la carnada
the bait
no te muerdas (la lengua)
don’t bite your tongue (literal), don’t hold your tongue (figurative)
el lagarto, la lagartija (pequeña)
the lizard (2nd is small lizard)
algaro/algara, a la deriva
el al garete
the disaster, the mess
al garete
down the drain, adrift, off the rails, out of it, wild (eg running wild), recklessly (adverb)
el éxito
the success
el zafacón, la papelera, el bote de basura, el cubo de basura
the trash can
clavar algo/a alguien
to hammer something (followed by en), to drive something (force - followed by en), to thrust something (force - followed by en), to pin something (force - followed by en), to sink something (force - followed by en), to stick something (force - followed by en), to nail something (put up with nails - followed by en), to screw something/someone (tools and to have sex), to rip someone off (overcharge), to fix something (stare/gaze - followed by en)
clavarse algo/a alguien
to get something (to force), to stick something (to force), to screw someone (have sex with)
se me clavó un tenedor en la mano sin querer
I stuck a fork in my hand by accident
el tornillo
the screw (metal pin fixed with a screwdriver), the bolt (metal pin fixed with a nut)
el destornillador
the screwdriver (tool or drinking cocktail)
sacar a pasear a (tu perro)
to walk (your dog)
la maldad
the evil, the wickedness, the wicked thing
cualquiera diría que . . .
you’d think that . . . , anyone would think that . . .
tomar una foto, sacar una foto, hacer una foto
to take a picture
to remain, to have left over, to be left over, to be (+ location or adjective)
to stay, to go (condition, eg blind)
no se me queda (+ sustantivo)
I can’t remember (+ noun)
todo el mundo, todos/todas
alrededor, por aquÍ
around, in the vicinity
alrededor de algo, en torno a algo
around something, encircling something
el aprendizaje
the learning, the apprenticeship, the training period
la ficha
the index card, the record card, the file (computer), the gaming chip (in a casino), the game piece, the game counter, the domino, the token, the ticket, the contract, the rat (when describing a person)
Él es una ficha
he’s a rat
expulsar algo/a alguien
to throw something out, to expel something, to eject something, to send someone off (eg a sports field)
el padrino
the godfather, the best man, the sponsor, the second (a duel assistant), the 2-liter soda bottle
potbellied, bloated
la balsa
the raft, the pond, the pool (of natural water), the balsa (tree)
el basurero
the dump, the trash can
el basurero/la basurera
the garbage collector, the refuse collector, the garbage man/the garbage woman
los binoculares, los prismáticos
the binoculars
el cachorro/la cachorra
the puppy (of a dog), the cub (of a bear or lion), the pup (of a fox, seal, or sea lion)
la coincidencia
the coincidence, the agreement
la casualidad
the chance (coincidence), the coincidence
el masoquista/la masoquista
the masochist
el masoquismo
the masochism
el honor
the honor
honrar algo
to honor something
Es un honor para mí (+infinitivo)
I’m honored to (+infinitive)
Me honra(n) (+sustantivo)
I’m honored by (+noun)
la élite
the elite (group)
de élite, selecto/selecta
en conflicto, en guerra
at war
en guerra con
at war with
reemplazar algo
to replace something (with something else)
recolocar algo, devolver algo
to replace something (to the way it was)
el aborrecedor/la aborrecedora, la persona que odia (algo/a alguien), el hater/la hater
the hater
generous (character trait or in amount)
generoso/generosa, abundante
generous, large
la lista de personas buscadas
the wanted list
se busca(n)
“wanted” (in adverts or on a poster)
el bagel, la rosca (de pan), la rosquilla
the bagel
eructar, erutar
to burp, to belch
el eructo, el eruto
the burp, the belch
el filete
the filet
el bioma
the biome
la cancha
the sports court, the sports field, the (work/job) experience, the free rein
to appear as, to feign, to seem, to show off
la magdalena, el bollo, el muffin
the muffin
la muletilla
the filler word, the red cape (in bullfighting), the walking cane
el mandinga
the devil, the goblin, the evil spirit, the Malinke language, the black person
el mandinga/la mandinga
the Malinke person
related to the Malinke people
lo mismo te digo, lo mismo para ti
right back at you
la picadera, la picada, el tentempié, el refrigerio, el bocadito, la merienda (por la tarde)
the snack (last is in the afternoon)
tomarse un tentempié, picotear, pinchar
to snack
el aterrizaje
the landing (aviation)
el brownie, el bizcocho de chocolate (y nueces)
the brownie (dessert)
la niña exploradora
the Brownie (Girl Scouts)
el duende
the brownie (supernatural being), the elf, the goblin, the imp, the spirit (supernatural being), the leprechaun, the charm (attractive quality), the magic (attractive quality)
la melena
the mane (of a lion or person), the long hair (of a person), the bob (haircut)
las melenas, la pelambrera
the mop of hair
el león hablando de melena, un burro hablando de orejas
says you, the pot calling the kettle black (says you)
el ateo/la atea
the atheist
el germen, el microbio
the germ
el microbio
the microbe, the germ
la cereza, la guinda
the cherry (fruit)
el cerezo
the cherry (tree wood or cherry blossom plant)
la virginidad
the virginity
el virgen/la virgen
the virgin
virgen, intacto/intacta
virgin (adjective)
comparar chinas con botellas
to compare apples with oranges
mantenerse (+adjetivo), quedarse (+adjetivo)
to stay (+adjective)
el feed
the feed (social media)
alimentar a algo, darle de comer a algo, darle el biberón a algo, darle el pecho a algo, amamantar a algo, darle de mamar a algo
to feed something (provide food to; 1st and 2nd are general, last 4 are only for breastfeeding)
alimentar algo, echar monedas a algo, proporcionar (a) algo
to feed something (supply; 2nd is with coins)
alimentarse de algo, comer algo
to feed on something
el bollo, el panecillo, el biscuit
the biscuit
la masa
the dough (cooking)
amasar algo
to knead something (dough), to mix something (prepare something), to mix something with water (no “agua” necessary), to amass something (accumulate something)
sobar algo
to knead something (general, NOT dough), to massage something
la plata, la lana
the dough (money)
la herejía
the heresy
lo suficiente para (+infinitivo)
enough to (+infinitive)
el espantapájaros
the scarecrow (literal)
el espantajo/la espantaja
the scarecrow (figurative - a shabby person)
repetir algo como loro
to parrot something
la Pascua
Easter (day)
la Semana Santa
Easter (week)
la Pascua judía
el periquero/la periquera
the cocaine user
el cuidado de la piel, el cuidado del cutis
the skincare
el autocuidado, el cuidado personal
the self-care
la alita de pollo
the chicken wing
actual, de actualidad
current (occurring right now)
pensar demasiado, pensar de más
to overthink
shameless, daring
el guiso
the stew, the casserole, the affair (general), the business
el saco
the sack
prestarse a algo
to take part in something, to lend oneself to something, to consent to something, to be suitable for something
la sopa
the soup (literal), the tea (figurative)
la sencillez
the simplicity, the modesty, the plainness, the naturalness, the unaffectedness
persistent, persevering
para colmo
to top it all off
la fritura
the fried food (collective)
la mala hierba, la maleza
the weed (grass)
la hierba, la marihuana, la mari, el pasto
the weed (drug)
escardar algo
to weed something
el huerto
the orchard, the vegetable garden
el heno
the hay
el fardo, la paca, la bala
the bale
empacar algo
to bale something, to pack something
cortar algo, segar algo
to mow something
la montaña rusa
the roller coaster (literal and figurative)
la urraca
the magpie (literal and figurative)
to talk, to chat
el sostén, el sujetador, el brasier
the bra
la magdalena, el quequito, el pastelito
the muffin
el glaseado, la cobertura, el baño
the frosting (of food), the icing (of food)
el esmerilado
the frosting (of glass)
la formación de hielo
the frosting (ice - eg on a road)
el látex
the latex
la equivalencia
the equivalence
la estadística
the statistics (class and general - used in singular form for both)
la proporción
the proportion
el truco
the trick, the hack, the knack, the dodge
tomarle el truco a algo, coger el tranquillo a algo, cogerle el tiro a algo, coger el truco, cogerle el truco a algo, agarrarle la mano a algo, tomarle la mano a algo
to get the hang of something
cogerle el tiro a algo, cogerle el truco a algo, cogerle el tranquillo a algo
to get the knack of something
la cresta
the ridge (geographical)
la cadena
the crest (of a hill)
la colina, el cerro, el monte
the hill
el caballete
the ridge (on a roof)
el caballón
the ridge (left in a field by plowing)
la rugosidad
the ridge (on a surface)
to plow something (a field)
despejar, barrer la nieve de
to plow snow
el arado
the (agricultural) plow
el quitanieves
the snowplow
el campo, el prado
the (agricultural) field
el ejercicio abdominal, el abdominal
the sit-up
emparejar algo
to pair something, to put something in pairs, to pair something up, to pair something off, to match something, to level something, to make something level
el mayor factor común
the greatest common factor
el numerador
the numerator
el denominador
the denominator
coquetear, flirtear
to flirt
el coqueto/la coqueta
the flirt (both genders)
el ligón, el mariposón
the flirt (male only)
la ligona
the flirt (female only)
el acta de nacimiento (f), el certificado de nacimiento, la partida de nacimiento
the birth certificate
el acta de nacimiento (f)
the birth certificate, the starting point, the initial event, the starting blocks (used in singular form)
estar a punto de (+infinitivo)
to be about to (do something), to be on the verge of (doing something)
a punto
ready, ripe, at the right moment, medium (culinary - eg steak)
el bistec
the steak
to crunch (make a crunching sound)
hacer ruido al morder algo, comer algo haciendo ruido, mascar algo
to crunch on something
meter mano por algo
to reach for something
aplastar algo, triturar algo
to crunch something (crush something), to crush something
procesar los números
to crunch the numbers
el crujido
the crunch (sound)
la hora de la verdad
the moment of truth, crunch time
el prejuicio, el sesgo, la parcialidad
the bias (in opinion or belief)
la predisposición, la inclinación
the bias (to choose something), the predisposition, the inclination
condicionar algo, predisponer algo
to bias something, to predispose something
parcial, partidista (m y f), tendencioso/tendenciosa, predispuesto/predispuesta
la mostaza
the mustard
punki, punk
punk (adjective)
el punk
the punk (music)
el gamberro/la gamberra, el vándalo/la vándala
the punk, the ruffian
el blandengue/la blandengue, el pelele/la pelele, el debilucho/la debilucha
the wimp
el zángano
the drone (bee)
lazy, slacking
el zángano/la zángana
the lazybones
from Madrid, in Madrid
el madrileño/la madrileña
the person from Madrid
la tinta
the ink
to ink something
la embocadura
the embouchure (of a river or an instrument)
el campo de (trabajo)
the field of (work)
el campo médico
the medical field
la neblina
the mist, the fog (both less intense and with more visibility than niebla)
la niebla
the mist, the fog (literal or figurative)
meter la pata
to mess up, to blunder
definir algo
to define something
redefinir algo
to redefine something
el plazo
the term (of time), the period (of time), the deadline, the installment (payment)
la bodega
the pantry, the wine cellar, the wine shop, the bar, the grocery store, the hold (of a ship)
polite, well-mannered, educated (schooled)
la cortesía, la educación, la buena educación
the politeness
la gentileza
the kindness, the courtesy (action - eg accepting a courtesy)
cultured, educated (upper-class - used when referring to languages or people)
la suposición bien fundamentada
the educated guess
la caneca
the earthenware bottle
el frasco, la petaca
the flask
el termo
the Thermos
el matraz, la redoma
the laboratory flask
la granada
the grenada, the pomegranate
la superficie
the surface, the area (measurement or space)
pilotar algo, pilotear algo
to pilot something, to direct something, to run something (figurative - direct something)
la avioneta
the light aircraft
la caridad
the charity (entity or action)
caritativo/caritativa, comprensivo/comprensiva, benévolo/benévola
charitable (character trait)
benéfico/benéfica, de caridad
charitable (relating to a charity or charitable action)
to tolerate something
la actitud intransigente
the intransigent attitude
el hechicero/la hechicera
the sorcerer/sorceress, the wizard/witch, the witch doctor
bewitching, captivating, enchanting
el limón
the lime, the lemon
el limonero
the lemon plant
el amarillo limón
the lemon yellow (color)
amarillo limón (m y f)
lemon-colored, lemon-yellow
el limero, el palo de limón
the lime plant
la cal
the lime (mineral)
la burbuja
the bubble
la centella
the spark, the flash of lightning
rápido como una centella/rápida como una centella
in a flash, at the speed of lightning
me duele como centella
it hurts like hell
expuesto al viento/expuesta al viento
windy (of a place), exposed to the wind
windy (eg of a day or night, NOT in the phrase “it is windy”)
en cuanto a algo
as for something, with regard to something
clumsy, klutzy, lucky
el chambón/la chambona
the klutz
el nivel del ojo, el nivel de los ojos, la altura de los ojos, la altura del ojo
the eye level
a la vista, al nivel del ojo, a la misma altura, a la altura del ojo, al nivel de los ojos, a la altura de los ojos
at eye level
el capricho
the whim, the impulse, the caprice
abrumar algo
to overwhelm something, to weigh something down, to get something down (depress something), to wear something down, to exhaust something
to feel overwhelmed
el manicomio
the asylum, the mental hospital, the madhouse (figurative)
el cirujano/la cirujana
the surgeon
el húngaro
Hungarian (language)
el húngaro/la húngara
the Hungarian (person)
la autopsia
the autopsy
amamantar a alguien
to nurse someone (a baby)
el enfermero/la enfermera
the nurse
la niñera
the wet nurse, the nanny, the babysitter
la prensa
the press (journalists)
la barbaridad
the atrocity, the outrageous comment
una barbaridad
a fortune (figurative), way too much (adverb)
el mafioso/la mafiosa, el estafador/la estafadora
the racketeer
la raquete
the racket (sports)
el barullo, la bulla, el jaleo
the racket (noise)
el tinglado, el asunto, el chanchullo, el fraude
the racket (crime)
birlar algo, afanar algo
to swipe something (steal something)
pasar una tarjeta
to swipe a card
la apoplejía, el derrame cerebral
the stroke (medical)
el hachazo
the stroke (of a weapon), the swing (of a weapon)
la caricia
the stroke (rubbing)
acariciar algo
to stroke something, to caress something, to pet something
el rehén/la rehén
the hostage
valuable (cost or worthy of appreciation)
valioso/valiosa, costoso/costosa
valuable (cost only)
el objeto de valor
the valuable
la muestra
the swatch, the sample
el templo
the temple (building)
la sien
the temple (forehead)
el significado
the meaning, the significance
significant, important
el carámbano
the icicle
la chapaleta
the flapper (mechanical), the diving flipper
el tablero
the top (of a table), the (game) board, the bulletin board, the backboard, the switchboard
(of a dog) small, loud, and barking and/or stray
el software
the software
el archivo, el fichero
the (computer) file
el archivo, la carpeta, el clasificador
the (organizational) file (file folder)
el expediente
the (informational) file (eg police file)
la fila india
the single file line
la lima
the file (tool)
desfilar por delante de algo
to file past something
limarse las uñas
to file one’s nails
archivar algo
to file something (classify something)
presentar algo
to file something (a legal case), to present something, to show something
presentar homenaje a
to pay respects to
la ferretería
the hardware (tools), the hardware store
el hardware, el soporte físico
the (computer) hardware
el armamento
the arms (weapons - used in singular form), the armament
encender algo
to turn something on, to switch something on, to light something, to ignite something
to turn oneself on (literal), to be lit, to blush
el sorullito de maíz
the corn meal stick
la interjección, la exclamación
the interjection
la vejiga
the bladder, the blister
to burst, to break, to explode, to blow out (eg of tires), to work one’s butt off
reventar algo
to pop something, to blow something up, to shatter something (glass), to ruin something, to spoil something, to wreck something, to break something up (a meeting)
blind (sightless)
el ciego/la ciega
the blind person
la persiana
the blind (window covering)
dejar ciego a alguien/dejar ciega a alguien
to blind someone (render sightless)
cegar a alguien, deslumbrar a alguien
to blind someone (dazzle - eg the sun dazzling someone)
impedir ver a alguien, cegar a alguien
to blind someone (figurative - deprive of understanding or judgment)
el tabaco
the tobacco, the reefer (blunt), the cigarettes (collectively), the cigars (collectively)
el porro, el churro
the blunt (drugs)
desafilado/desafilada, romo/roma, despuntado/despuntada, que no tiene punta
blunt (not sharp)
franco/franca, directo/directa, terminante
blunt (frank, curt)
desafilar, despuntar
to blunt something (remove the point of something)
mitigar algo
to blunt something (mitigate), to mitigate something
el subterfugio
the blind (the disguise)
damp, humid, moist
moist, spongy
la aleta
the fin (of a fish or plane)
el alerón
the fin (of a car)
el matiz
the nuance
la carne de vaca, la carne de res
the beef (meat)
la queja, el reclamo
the beef (figurative - feud)
to grumble, to gripe, to beef (to fight)
quejarse de algo
to beef about something (complain), to complain about something
la licuadora
the blender (appliance)
el mezclador/la mezcladora
the blender (profession)
la chulada
the bravado
pleno/plena, lleno/llena
pleno algo/plena algo
the middle of something (eg the middle of quarantine)
a plena luz del día
in broad daylight
pleno de algo/plena de algo, lleno de algo/llena de algo
full of something
el pleno
the plenary (the meeting/session), the (bowling) strike
el sencillo, el single
the single (song)
la pulga
the flea
el piojo
the louse (insect)
el canalla/la canalla, el sinvergüenza/la sinvergüenza
the louse (person)
la prisa
the rush, the hurry, the haste
worn (eg of clothing), shabby (eg of clothing), dog-eared (of a book), well-thumbed (of a book), well-worn, hackneyed (lacking significance through overuse)
la manteca
the lard
el pan sobao
the Puerto Rican slightly sweet sourdough bread
el polvorón
the Puerto Rican shortbread cookie
la levadura
the yeast, the leaven
el ocio
the leisure, the spare time, the idleness
la guayaba
the guava
such (followed by noun), similar (followed by a and noun)
semejante desastre
such a disaster
semejante a algo
similar to something
a través de la habitación
across the room (adjective)
de un lado de la habitación al otro
across the room (adverb), from one side of the room to the other
la caleta
the inlet, the cove, the small bay, the nautical coaster, the cache
salir a pedir de boca
to turn out perfectly, to turn out without a hitch
la aldea
the small village, the hamlet
el pueblo
the town, the large village, the nation (people group), the common people
el pueblo mexicano
the Mexican people (collective)
el héroe/la heroína
the hero/heroine
la navaja
the pocket knife
el cuchillo
the knife
to knife something, to stab something
la cuchilla
the blade, the kitchen knife, the geographical ridge, the mountaintop, the (mountain) summit, the mountain range, the small piece of glass placed on the tail of a kite to cut the string and release it, the penknife, the leather cutting tool often used by shoemakers, the wood carving tool, the sickle, the plow that penetrates the deepest layers of hard/compact soil (sugar industry)
la cuchilla de afeitar
the razor blade
el desechable
the disposable
la aguja
the needle, the hand (of a clock), the pointer (of a compass), the stylus (of a record player), the spire (of a church)
el tocadiscos
the record player
el dedal
the thimble, the thimbleful
la tarta de queso, el pay de queso
the cheesecake
la galleta integral
the graham cracker
la taquilla, el armario, el casillero, el locker
the locker
la consigna automática
the station locker (for luggage)
el dibujante/la dibujante
the drawer (person)
el cajón, la gaveta
the drawer (furniture)
el agua tranquila
the still water (natural - eg on a lake)
el agua sin gas
the still water (for drinking)
el agua con gas, el agua mineral con gas
the sparkling water
como (un) siquitraque/como (un) siquitraqui
very angrily, very emphatically, very emotionally, very intensely, etc.
(el) trique
onomatopoeia for a cracking sound, sharp noise, bang, boom, or punch
a cada trique
at every moment, repeatedly
la usura
the usury
el usurero/la usurera
the usurer
el desempeño, el rendimiento
the performance (effectiveness)
el comportamiento
the behavior, the (economic) performance