Set 39 Flashcards
la cholla
the head (used in Mexico), the noggin (used in Mexico), the understanding, the (mental) faculty, the powers of the mind, the delay (used in Guatemala/Nicaragua), the laziness (used in Guatemala/Honduras/Nicaragua), the slowness (used in Guatemala/Nicaragua), the hollow space (in geology), the open space (in geology), the opening (in geology)
considerable, importante, grande, cuantioso/cuantiosa
agrupar algo
to group something, to group something together, to put something into groups, to gather something, to assemble something (eg a team), to classify something, to arrange something
to gather, to get together, to come together, to get into groups, to form a group, to join forces
agrupar a alguien
to group someone, to group someone together, to gather someone, to assemble someone (group together)
agruparse a algo
to gather around something, to come together around something (literal)
el poste
the post (pole OR in sports - goalpost), the fence post, the hanging post (gate or door post), the hinging post (gate or door post), the king post (central vertical post in a machine)
el puesto, el cargo
the post (1st is job position OR military base OR military camp OR place where task is carried out, 2nd is only job position)
el destino, el puesto
the post (1st is assigned place of employment - eg diplomatic post - OR place where task is carried out, 2nd is military base OR military station OR military camp OR job position)
el mensaje, el post, el aporte
the post (online; 1st and 2nd are general, 3rd is on a forum)
publicar algo, mostrar algo
to post something (announce something)
mandar a alguien a algún sitio
to post someone somewhere (send someone somewhere - eg for military), to send someone somewhere
mandar a alguien a algo, asignar a alguien a algo, destinar a alguien a algo, enviar a alguien a algo
to post someone somewhere (1st 3 are to send someone somewhere - post someone to a military station - last is to assign someone to a job - eg post someone to a field office)
registrar algo, arrojar algo
to post something (in finance - 1st is to mark something in a ledger OR to update a ledger, 2nd is only to mark something in a ledger)
el puesto, la base
the post (1st is military station OR military camp OR place where task is carried out, 2nd is only military camp)
publicar algo, compartir algo, postear algo (coloquial)
to post something (online)
la factoría, la tienda de trueque
the post (trading post) - finish post
el poste, el palo, la madera
the post (in sports - goalpost)
el aporte
the post (on a forum), the contribution (to a field or contribution of goods - eg contribution of money to a company), the social security contribution (used in River Plate), the deposition (of a material - in geology)
el perno
the post (rod used to repair tooth structure), the bolt (tool), the pintle (bolt in a door hinge)
cubrir algo con algo, pegar algo en algo, empapelar algo con algo (coloquial)
to post something with something (cover something with posters)
marcar algo
to post something (in sports - score a goal/post a goal), to mark something, to indicate something, to press something (numbers on a phone), to dial something (on a phone), to score something (in sports - a point/goal), to show something (indicate - eg the thermometer shows 40 degrees), to herald something (the start of something)
actualizar algo, registrar algo
to post something (in finance - both are to update a ledger, 2nd is also to mark something in a ledger)
el tornillo para encuadernar
the binding post (connector commonly used on electronic test equipment to terminate (attach) a single wire or test lead)
la entrada de blog, el posteo de blog
the blog post
por correo
by post (through the mail), by mail
el puesto de mando
the command post (military headquarters)
el poste dental
the dental post (rod used to repair tooth structure)
ex post, después de ocurrido
ex post (based on actual results rather than forecasts)
ex post facto
ex post facto (retroactively OR having retroactive force)
el sufragio directo, la mayoría directa
the first-past-the-post (election by simple majority - whoever gets more than half of the total votes wins)
first-past-the-post (victorious in a horse race), winning, victorious
de un lado a otro, de izquierda a derecha
from pillar to post (from place to place)
de Herodes a Pilatos, de mal en peor
from pillar to post (from one bad situation to another)
la oficina central de correos
the general post office (main post office branch)
el poste, el poste de la portería, el poste del arco
the goalpost, the goal post
el palenque
the hitching post (post to which an animal is fastened - used in Argentina), the fence, the wooden fence, the palisade (barrier), the stockade (barrier), the arena, the tethering post (for tying horses - used in Southern Cone), the cockpit (cockfighting area - used in Central America/Mexico/Spain), the Maroon settlement (runaway slave community in Caribbean/South America - used in Colombia/Cuba/Venezuela), the settlement of runaways (used in Colombia/Cuba/Venezuela), the settlement of refugees (used in Colombia/Cuba/Venezuela)
en el correo
in the mail, in the post
el pilar principal
the king post (vertical structure for a roof), the mainstay (column on a ship that extends from the maintop to the foot of the foremast)
el poste de luz, el poste de alumbrado, la farola, el farol
the lamppost
el toque de retreta
the last post (military - nighttime bugle call)
el Last Post, el toque de clarín usado en entierros
the last post (military - funeral bugle call)
la escucha, el puesto de espionaje
the listening post (position for obtaining information on an enemy)
el buzón
the mailbox (physical or digital), the mail (mailbox), the inbox (digital)
el pilarote de barandilla
the newel post, the newel (support pole bearing the weight of a stairway)
la vigía, el puesto de observación
the observation post
el servicio de paquetes postales, el servicio de encomiendas
the parcel post (postal service for packages)
el recibo, la certificación, el registro
the parcel post receipt (proof that delivery has been carried out)
la postal, la tarjeta postal
the picture post card, the picture postcard
derrotar en el último momento a alguien, vencer en el último momento a alguien, ganar en el último momento a alguien
to pip someone at the post (defeat someone at the last moment)
la oficina de correos, los correos, el correo
the P.O. (Post Office)
el apartado de correos, la casilla de correo (Argentina)
the PO Box, the P.O. Box, the post office box
los gastos de envío
the post and packaging (delivery costs), the shipping costs, the shipping and handling (costs), the shipping charges, the shipping (costs), the delivery costs
pagar la fianza por alguien, pagarle la fianza a alguien
to post bail for someone (pay for someone’s release from prison), to bail someone out (of prison)
la tarjeta, el postal
the postcard, the post card (1st is souvenir greeting card, 2nd is souvenir greeting card OR card for mailing without envelope)
la silla de posta
the post chaise (horse-drawn carriage used to transport passengers or mail)