Set 34 Flashcards
el enviado/la enviada, la misión
the envoy (a messenger or representative, especially one on a diplomatic mission)
el enviado extraordinario/la enviada extraordinaria
the envoy, the envoy extraordinary (minister plenipotentiary - a diplomat having less authority than an ambassador)
aplanar algo con la mano, apisonar algo con la mano
to pat something down (flatten with the hand)
palpar a alguien, cachear a alguien
to pat someone down (check someone for hidden items)
saberse algo a dedillo, saberse algo de pe a pa
to have something down pat
aprenderse algo de memoria
to get something down pat, to learn something by memory, to memorize something
saltar de alegría, saltar en una pata (coloquial)
to jump for joy
la mora
the blackberry, the mulberry, the white mulberry, the blueberry (Mexico), the berry (Mexico), the delay (legal - eg delay in payment), the mora (in liguistics - a unit describing syllable weight), the arrears (delay in payment), the default (delay in payment)
Moorish, North African, Muslim (used in Spain), dark (of a horse’s color), black (of a horse’s color), possessive (used in Spain to insult a man)
el moro/la mora
the Moor, the North African, the Muslim (used in Spain)
morar en un sitio
to live in a place, to reside in a place, to dwell in a place
la hierba mora (Centroamérica), la yerba mora (Centroamérica)
the black nightshade
ir al moro
to go to the Moorish store, to go to the Arabic store (go to a store owned by these people/selling their goods)
el oro y el moro (España)
the moon and the stars (figurative - great riches)
todo el oro que cagó el moro y toda la plata que cagó la gata (España, anticuado)
pure bullshit
todo el oro que cagó el moro y toda la plata que cagó la gata (España, anticuado)
pure bullshit
tirar para la cola (Chile)
to refuse to do something, to chicken out, to underestimate
tirar para las moras (Chile)
to give up, to stop, to cease, to throw in the towel, to desist
tirar el poto para las moras (Chile)
to give up on something, to stop doing something
el álgebra (f)
the algebra
el álgebra de Boole (f), el álgebra booleana (f)
the Boolean algebra
el álgebra lineal
the linear algebra
la sintonía
the tuning (connection - eg of a device), the theme song, the harmony (understanding), the channel (eg of a TV or radio), the agreement, the understanding, the reception (of sound waves), the connection (of sound waves), the signal (of sound waves), the (radio) station
estar en sintonía (con)
to be on the same wavelength (as), to be attuned (to), to be in harmony (with)
cara a cara (con)
face-to-face/face to face (in person OR openly OR one facing the other OR as an adjective - in person), facing, opposite (facing), facing each other, opposite each other (facing), frankly, openly, man to man (openly)
el cara a cara, el debate cara a cara
the face-to-face debate
verse cara a cara con alguien
to come face to face with someone, to take someone on (in sports/a competition)
echa para acá (coloquial), acércate más
come closer
el fuego cruzado
the crossfire (literal - point where gunshots cross - or figurative - heated exchange of opinions)
quedar entre dos fuegos, estar entre dos fuegos
to be caught in the crossfire (figurative)
atrapado entre dos fuegos/atrapada entre dos fuegos
caught in the crossfire (figurative)
la mira, el punto de mira
the crosshairs (sight lines of a gun)
tener algo en la mira, tener algo en el punto de mira
to have something in one’s crosshairs (sight something - eg an animal - with a gun)
terminar fuerte, terminar bien
to finish strong
la divisibilidad
the divisibility (in math or general - ability to be divided)
el número es divisible por tres
the number is divisible by three
indivisible, inseparable
indivisible (general or of a law), inseparable, entire (of a law), non-severable (general or of a law)
exponer algo, explicar algo
to expound something (present something)
hablar de algo, hablar largo y tendido acerca algo
to expound on something (talk at length about something)
el expositor/la expositora
the expounder (person who expounds on something), the exhibitor (individual who exhibits art/products), the exponent (individual who expounds ideas/theories), the (public) speaker
el expositor
the display stand, the showcase (display case), the display case, the sales stand
la energía solar, la luz solar
the solar power
solar, que funciona con energía solar
todo lo que te parezca bien, todo lo que quieras, todo lo que te apetezca
to your heart’s content
todo lo que a uno le parezca bien, todo lo que uno quiera, todo lo que a uno le apetezca
to one’s heart’s content
el reclamo, el canto de ave
the birdsong
lo espantoso, lo horrible, lo desagradable
the awfulness (all are unpleasantness, 2nd is also poor quality)
horrible, terrible, horroroso/horrorosa, espantoso/espantosa
awful (dreadful)
formidable, imponente
awful (literary - awe-inspiring)
respetuoso/respetuosa, reverencial
awful (literary - reverential)
muy, rete (México), sumamente
awful (as an intensifier - eg it’s awful good)
un montón de algo, demasiado algo/demasiada algo, montones de algo (coloquial), una gran cantidad de algo, un chingo de algo (México)
an awful lot of something
un montón, muchísimo/muchísima
an awful lot (greatly, very often, at great length)
oler horrible, oler fatal, heder, oler feo, desprender un olor fétido (literario), apestar, atufar, oler a perros muertos (España)
to smell awful
el niño quería el juguete a toda costa
the boy wanted the toy something awful
extremadamente, terriblemente, tremendamente, muy, excesivamente
awfully (extremely)
espantosamente, fatal, pésimamente, terriblemente
awfully (badly)
sacarle punta a algo
to sharpen something (a pencil), to read too much into something
sacarle punta a algo, leer demasiado en algo, darle mucha importancia a algo, pensar demasiado en algo
to read too much into something
pesado en la parte superior/pesada en la parte superior, sobrecargado en la parte superior/sobrecargada en la parte superior, con demasiados altos cargos
top-heavy (1st and 2nd are of a structure, 3rd is of a business - with too many executives)
ensordecer a alguien, dejar sordo/sorda a alguien
to deafen someone (damage someone’s hearing)
ensordecer a alguien, aturdir a alguien
to deafen someone (figurative - subject someone to loud noise)
ensordecedor/ensordecedora, atronador/atronadora
el viaje por carretera, el viaje en auto, el viaje
the road trip
la médula, el bulbo raquídeo
the medulla (1st is in bone marrow, 2nd is in the brain)
la fragata
the frigate (ship), the frigate bird (bird), the man-o’-war bird (bird), the hurricane-bird (bird)
el símbolo de estatus
the status symbol
la confusión, el revoltijo, el batiburrillo, el lío, el mar
the welter (confused mass/turmoil - last is of blood; rest are general)
to welter (literary - roll around), to roll around, to roll about, to wallow (of an animal - roll around), to have a roll in the hay (to have sex), to screw (to have sex)
revolcar algo/a alguien
to knock something/someone down, to knock something/someone over, to wipe the floor with something/someone (defeat something/someone), to send something/someone rolling, to upset something/someone (defeat something/someone), to fail someone (on an exam)
el proyecto de grupo, el proyecto grupal
the group project
la casa de playa, la casa de la playa, la casa en la playa
the beach house
la terraza, la azotea
the terrace (outside area; 2nd is specifically on a roof; 1st is also geographical ridge)
la hilera de casas adosadas
the terrace (group of attached houses - used in UK)
construir terrazas en algo, terraplenar algo, explanar algo
to terrace something (build terraces on something)
las gradas, la fila de casas, la hilera de casas
the terraces (UK - bleachers)
la vivienda adosada, la casa en una hilera de casas iguales, la row house
the row house, the terrace house, the terraced house (UK)
en terrazas
terraced (of a slope - made into terraces)
adosado/adosada, en hilera
terraced (UK - of houses - adjoining)
la terracería (México)
the dirt road, the dirt track, the unmade road (UK)
la pregunta de seguridad
the security question
spinal, rachidian (spinal), rachidial (spinal)
el bulbo raquídeo, la médula oblonga
the medulla oblongata (part of brain)
el bulbo raquídeo, la médula oblonga
the medulla oblongata (part of brain)
un carro nuevo, un coche nuevo, un auto nuevo
a new car, a brand-new car
anticuado/anticuada, pasado de moda/pasada de moda, cripe (coloquial)
outdated (old-fashioned/not modern)
obsoleto/obsoleta, anticuado/anticuada
outdated (obsolete/no longer valid)
el cheque vencido
the outdated check (check dated in the past)
la mercancía caducada, la mercancía pasada de fecha, la mercancía vencida
the outdated merchandise (goods past their sell-by date)
el emporio, la tienda grande
the emporium
gratis, gratuitamente, sin cargo alguno, sin cobrar, sin cargo, libre de costos, libre de costes, libre de cargos
free of charge
el accent nail, la accent nail, el acento, la uña con acento
the accent nail
la positividad corporal
the body positivity
el arroyo, el riachuelo
the stream (body of water)
la corriente, el chorro
the stream (1st is current/direction of water, 2nd is steady flow of water)
el torrente de algo, la oleada de algo, la sarta de algo, el chorro de algo, el río de algo
the stream of something (flow of something - eg water, gas, insults; 3rd is usually used with obscenities or insults)
el flujo de algo
the stream of something (general - flow of something - OR in computing - eg stream of data), the flow of something (general or in commerce), the discharge of something (flow), the rising tide of something (sea/ocean), the flux of something (in physics), the trickle of something
to stream (to move in waves), to flutter, to fly (flutter), to wave (flutter), to ripple (of water), to fall in waves (flow in waves - eg of hair), to flap (flutter)
chorrear algo
to stream something (emit something - eg sweat), to drip with something (e.g. water), to swipe (steal) something (used in River Plate), to leak something, to spurt something, to gush something, to ooze something
transmitir algo, retransmitir algo
to stream something (broadcast something online; 1st can also be intransitive used with se)
ver algo en streaming, escuchar algo en streaming
to stream something (watch/listen to something online)
salir a raudales
to stream (to flow), to flow out (followed by de + algo)
la transmisión
the stream (real-time audio or video), the transmission (act of transmitting - general or of real-time audio/video - or transmission of a car), the passing on (act of transmitting), the transfer (legal), the broadcast (real-time audio or video), the broadcasting (real-time audio or video), the contagion (spread of a disease)
derramar algo
to stream with something (send forth a flow of something - eg tears), to spill something (knock over or scatter), to shed something (emit - eg shed tears), to spread something (disseminate - eg spread news), to scatter something
la Corriente del Golfo, la Corriente del Océano Atlántico
the Gulf Stream
la corriente en chorro
the jet stream
el arroyo de montaña
the mountain stream, the mountain ravine
en funcionamiento, en marcha
on stream/on-stream (both are in regular operation, 1st is also operational/available)
la corriente perenne
the perennial stream (river that flows throughout the year)
la vía de ingresos, el flujo de ingresos
the revenue stream
la corriente de aire
the stream of air, the air current, the breeze, the air stream, the air flow, the airflow
el monólogo interior, el flujo de conciencia
the stream of consciousness (writing technique)
una marea continua de gente
a steady stream of people
la marea
the stream (of people), the tide (of water), the wave (of people), the catch (caught fish), the sea breeze, the drizzle (rain), the surge (of people)
el río de lágrimas, el mar de lágrimas
the stream of tears
el flujo de trabajo
the work stream (flow of tasks carried out), the workflow, the work flow
el diagrama de flujo, el organigrama, el flujograma, el diagrama de actividades
the flow chart (1st, 2nd, and 3rd are general; 4th is in computing)
el diagrama de flujo de datos
the data flow chart, the data flow diagram
el flujo de caja, el flujo de efectivo
the cash flow (1st is entry/departure of money, 2nd is basic financial state)
el flujo de capital, el capital circulante
the capital flow (movement of money for investment/trade/business)
el flujo de información
the information flow, the flow of information
el flujo de llamadas
the call flow (a road map to how calls will be handled from the moment they enter the phone system to the end of the call - especially in customer service calls), the call volume (amount of calls), the call traffic (amount of calls)
el flujo migratorio
the flow of migrants, the migration flow
ondear algo, agitar algo
to wave something (e.g. a flag, handkerchief, stick)
to drip, to gush, to gush out, to spurt, to spurt out, to trickle in (arrive gradually), to trickle (arrive gradually), to spout (spurt), to ooze, to seep
chorrearse de algo/chorrearse algo de algo
to stain oneself (or one’s clothing) with something, to get something all over oneself (or one’s clothing), to spill something on oneself (or one’s clothing)
Ella volcó la cafetera y se chorreó la falda de café.
She knocked the coffee pot over and spilled coffee all down her skirt.
Si friegas sin delantal seguro que te chorreas de detergente.
If you wash the dishes without an apron on, you’re bound to get detergent all over you.
chorrearse algo (Río de la Plata)
to swipe something (steal something)
chorrearse con algo
to make a mess (on one’s clothes) with something, to get messy with something (on clothing), to get dirty with something (on clothing)
el árbol de transmisión, el eje de transmisión, el árbol motor
the driveshaft (a rotating shaft which transmits torque in an engine)
la cinta transportadora, la banda transportadora, la correa de transmisión, la correa
the conveyor belt
la enfermedad de transmisión sexual
the sexually transmitted disease, the STD, the sexually transmitted infection, the STI
la infección de transmisión sexual, la enfermedad de transmisión sexual
the sexually transmitted disease
la transmisión aérea
the airborne transmission
la transmisión de pensamiento
the sending of one’s thoughts, the extrasensory perception, the ESP
la transmisión en vivo
the live broadcast, the live streaming
la transmisión onerosa
the transfer for no valuable consideration
la transmisión por gotas, la transmisión por gotitas
the droplet transmission (of an illness - eg colds/flu spreading through sneezes)
to spill (from a container), to spread (of people), to scatter (of people), to spread out (of people), to pour out (of people), to spill out (of people), to flow (of water/a river), to drain (of water/a river) (ALL PEOPLE ONES CAN BE USED WITH POR = THROUGH/AROUND)
to spill (from a container), to spill over (from a container), to spread (of people), to scatter (of people), to spread out (of people), to pour out (of people), to spill out (of people or things), to flow (of water/a river), to drain (of water/a river) (ALL PEOPLE ONES CAN BE USED WITH POR = THROUGH/AROUND)
derramar bendiciones sobre alguien
to shower someone with blessings
derramar lágrimas
to shed tears, to cry, to weep
contra viento y marea
against all odds, come rain or shine, come hell or high water, through thick and thin
luchar contra viento y tempestad, luchar contra viento y marea
to battle with all one’s might (figurative), to fight against wind and storm (figurative)
una marea amarga
a bitter tide (figurative - something sad/negative)
la marea humana
the human tide (multitude of people)
to flutter, to flap, to fly (flutter), to wave (flutter), to ripple, to fall in waves (eg of hair)
la búsqueda de casa para comprar, la caza de casa
the house-hunting
buscar casa en venta, buscar casa
to house-hunt, to go house-hunting
la serpentina, la cinta
the streamer (something long and thin or a decorative strip)
el banderín
the streamer (pennant or party banner), the pennant, the flag (pennant), the bunting, the guidon (military pennant), the pennant bearer (in the military), the guidon bearer (in the military)
el colador
the colander (big for washing/draining), the sieve (small for sifting OR general - not kitchen tool), the strainer (small for sifting)
la luz del sol, el sol, la luz solar
the sunlight
el rayo
the shaft (of light), the shaft of light, the shaft of sunlight
soleado/soleada, iluminado por el sol/iluminada por el sol
bañado por el sol/bañada por el sol, apenas bronceado/apenas bronceada, ligeramente bronceado/ligeramente bronceada
sun-kissed (of a person - slightly tan)
cálido y soleado/cálida y soleada
sun-kissed (of a place - hot and sunny)
cálido y soleado/cálida y soleada
sun-kissed (of a place - hot and sunny)
la boga
the rowing (sport), the boga (fish), the stroke (act of rowing), the Iberian nase (fish)
estar en boga
to be in fashion, to be in style, to be up to date (in style), to be in vogue, to be en vogue
lentamente, despacio, con lentitud
sluggishly (of a movement)
con lentitud, con retardo
sluggishly (of a response)
aletargado/aletargada, flojo/floja, perezoso/perezosa, vago/vaga, indolente
sluggish (of a person - lazy)
lento/lenta, muy lento/muy lenta, tan lento/tan lenta
sluggish (1st is slow to respond OR slow-moving, others are only slow-moving)
inactivo/inactiva, flojo/floja
sluggish (of business/sales - stagnant)
la lentitud, la pereza, el aletargamiento
the sluggishness (all are lethargy, 1st is also literal slowness)
la epilepsia
the epilepsy
la epilepsia del lóbulo temporal
the temporal-lobe epilepsy, the psychomotor epilepsy (epilepsy that starts in the temporal lobe area of your brain)
el epiléptico/la epiléptica
the epileptic (person with epilepsy)
cegador/cegadora, deslumbrante, deslumbrador/deslumbradora
blinding (adj)
el ofuscamiento, la ceguera, la ceguedad, la privación de la vista
the blinding (act of making someone blind)
el ocultamiento, cegar, ciego/ciega
the blinding (of a scientific study)
la excursión, el paseo, la salida
the outing (trip)
revelar la homosexualidad, el hecho de que reveló/revelaron su homosexualidad, la divulgación no deseada de la homosexualidad
the outing (of someone else’s homosexuality)
el inning, la entrada, el inin, el ínin
the inning (in baseball)
la entrada, la vuelta
the inning (in cricket)
la oportunidad, el chance
the inning (figurative - opportunity)
el ombligo salido, el ombligo en forma de botón
the outie (belly button)
el ombligo hundido, el ombligo profundo, el ombligo en forma de pozo
the innie (belly button)
la aceptación, la superación
the moving on (acceptance of something)
el pavo frío
the cold turkey
en seco, de un día para el otro
cold turkey (adv; 2nd can also be adj)
estar con el mono (España), tener síndrome de abstinencia
to go cold turkey (suddenly quit an addiction)
el abandono repentino
cold turkey (sudden abandonment of an addiction), the sudden abandonment (of an addiction)
aparecer, asomar, asomarse
to show up (to arrive)
notarse, verse, ser perceptible, ser visible
to show up (to be noticeable)
hacer subir a alguien
to show someone up (to escort someone upstairs), to get someone on board (literal - followed by mode of transportation - or figurative)
hacer quedar mal algo/a alguien, poner en ridículo algo/a alguien, poner en evidencia algo/a alguien, exponer algo/a alguien
to show something/someone up (embarrass something/someone)
mostrar algo/a alguien, poner de manifiesto algo/a alguien, poner al descubierto algo/a alguien, poner a descubierto algo/a alguien, poner en evidencia algo/a alguien
to show something/someone up (reveal something/someone)
superar a alguien, sobrepasar a alguien
to show someone up (surpass someone)
¡Uf!, ¡Puf!
Phew! (1st expresses relief or exhaustion, 2nd only expresses exhaustion)
delicioso/deliciosa, exquisito/exquisita, riquísimo/riquísima (Argentina), para chuparse los dedos (coloquial), de rechupete (coloquial)
el mandato, el orden
the behest (command)
el deseo, el pedido, la instancia
the behest (strong request)
como ordenado por alguien, como alguien mandó
at the behest of someone, at someone’s behest (as ordered by someone)
a instancias de alguien, a petición de alguien, a instancia de alguien
at the behest of someone, at someone’s behest (as strongly requested by someone)
bueno, bueno, bueno, si no es (alguien)
well, well, well, if it isn’t (someone)
impartir algo
to give something, to convey something, to share something (give something), to teach something (a course/class)
impartir instrucciones
to give instructions, to provide instructions
impartir un curso
to give classes, to teach a course
la melancolía, la pesadumbre
the dreariness (of weather)
el aburrimiento, la monotonía, la rutina
the dreariness (monotony of a task)
la sosería, la insulsez, el desinterés
the dreariness (of a person)
deprimente, gris
dreary (of weather)
triste, sombrío/sombría
dreary (of a personality)
monótono/monótona, aburrido/aburrida, aburridor/aburridora
dreary (of a task - monotonous/boring)
desolado/desolada, inhóspito/inhóspita, lóbrego/lóbrega, lúgubre
bleak (barren)
sombrío/sombría, desolador/desoladora, desalentador/desalentadora
bleak (grim - eg of prospects)
bleak (uncomfortable/raw/cold - eg of weather), raw (uncooked OR unprocessed), uncooked, underdone, crude (unprocessed OR offensive), unbleached (unprocessed - eg of fabric), harsh (unpleasant), severe (unpleasant), difficult, beige, hungover (used in Mexico), rough, rawhide (unprocessed), ecru (beige), cream (beige), unprepared for a test, unprepared for an exam, ignorant, inexperienced, who has not studied a matter sufficiently, clumsy, inept, unqualified
el albur, el mújol
the bleak (type of fish)
el crudo
the crude (crude oil), the crude oil
blanco crudo/blanca cruda
raw white (in color), natural white (in color)
el derrame de crudo, el derrame de petróleo, la marea negra
the oil spill (3rd is only in the sea, others are general)
el jamón crudo
the prosciutto, the serrano ham, the parma ham
tenerlo crudo (España)
to be up against it, to be in for a tough time
la desolación, el vacío
the bleakness (both are emptiness of a landscape, 1st is also hopelessness of a situation)
sin esperanza, desoladamente, sombríamente
bleakly (hopelessly)
ennegrecido/ennegrecida, manchado/manchada, carbonizado/carbonizada
blackened (1st is made black, 2nd is figurative - smeared - eg of a reputation; 3rd is of food - coated with spices and charred)
ennegrecerse, atezarse, oscurecerse
to blacken (to become black)
manchar algo, mancillar algo
to blacken something (figurative - tarnish something) (2nd is literary)
ennegrecer algo
to blacken something (literal - make something black), to darken something (literal), to cast a shadow over something (figurative - make something gloomy), to cast a pall over something (figurative - make something gloomy), to turn something dark (the sky), to spoil something (ruin), to ruin something, to inure something (figurative - harden/strengthen something), to anesthetize something (figurative/strengthen - harden something)
ensuciar el nombre de alguien
to blacken someone’s name, to blacken the name of someone (figurative - give a bad reputation to someone)
to blacken (become black), to go dark, to darken, to turn black
el detergente blanqueador, el dentífrico blanqueador
the whitener (1st is for laundry, 2nd is for teeth)
blanquear algo, emblanquecer algo
to whiten something
palidecer, ponerse pálido/ponerse pálida
to whiten (of a person or face)
whitened, whitewashed (of a wall/house)
el blanqueado
the whitewash (of material/fabric), the whitening (for teeth)
la palidez, la lividez
the whiteness (pallid complexion)
la blancura
the whiteness (pallidness or bright white color)
el blanco de España, el blanqueado
the whitening (1st is color used in art, 2nd is act of making something white)
whitening (adj)
el blanqueador
the bleach, the whitener, the bleaching agent
el cronómetro
the stopwatch, the chronometer
el temporizador, el cronómetro, el reloj automático
the timer (last is on an oven, others are general - device recording amount of time taken to do something)
el temporizador, el programador
the timer (for heating/lights/etc - to plan what time to turn something on/off)
el cronometrador/la cronometradora
the timer (person who records amount of time taken to do something), the timekeeper
el temporizador de huevo, el timer de huevo
the egg timer
el temporizador electrónico, el cronómetro electrónico
the electronic timer
el novato/la novata, el primerizo/la primeriza, el principiante/la principiante
the first-timer (person doing something for the first time)
el trabajador a tiempo completo/la trabajadora a tiempo completo, el empleado a tiempo completo/la empleada a tiempo completo
the full-timer (someone who works full-time)
la interrupción, la suspensión, el alto, el cese
the stoppage (interruption)
la obstrucción, el bloqueo
the stoppage (blockage)
el descuento, el tiempo fuera
the stoppage (in sports - period of time that is added to the end of a game because play was stopped during the game)
la huelga, el paro
the stoppage (worker strike), the work stoppage
la interrupción de un servicio de transporte, la suspensión de un servicio de transporte
the stoppage in transit (cancellation of a delivery)
el tiempo suplementario, el alargue, la prórroga
the stoppage time (in sports - period of time that is added to the end of a game because play was stopped during the game)
su corazón se detuvo, se le paró el corazón, su corazón se paró, se le paró el corazón
his/her heart stopped
¡Atención!, ¡Escuche(n), escuche(n)!, ¡Óiga(n)me, óiga(n)me!, ¡Oídme, oídme!
Hear ye, hear ye!
(el) judas, el traidor/la traidora, el felipillo/la felipilla (Perú)
the backstabber
traicionero/traicionera, filoso/filosa
backstabbing, back-stabbing
la puñalada por la espalda, la traición, la puñalada trapera
the backstabbing (betrayal/treacherous activity)
el lenguaje corporal, el lenguaje del cuerpo
the body language
la culata
the butt (body part OR of a gun), the breech (butt of an artillery weapon - eg cannon), the cylinder head (mechanical piece of a motor), the hindquarters (of an animal), the ass (body part), the left or right side of a house, the side wall
se le salió por la culata
it backfired on him/her, it blew up in his/her face (both figurative)
ir por otro camino, ir por otro lado, tomar otro camino
to go another way
en otro lugar, en otro sitio, en otra parte, en un lugar diferente
somewhere else (in another place)
a otro lugar, a otro sitio, a otra parte, a un lugar diferente
somewhere else (to another place)
la vida escolar, la vida en la escuela
the school life
la vida escolar, la vida en la escuela
the school life
mira por dónde vas
look where you’re going (command)
no miraba por dónde iba, no miraba por dónde andaba, no estaba mirando por dónde iba, no estaba mirando hacia dónde iba
I wasn’t looking where I was going
la primavera
the spring (season), the springtime
el manantial, la fuente
the spring (water source)
el muelle, el resorte
the spring (metal coil)
el salto, el brinco
the spring (jump/leap)
la elasticidad
the spring (elasticity), the elasticity, the flexibility (adaptability)
brincar, saltar
to spring (to jump)
brotar, florecer
to spring (come into being; 1st is figurative - eg an idea, 2nd is of flowers)
soltarle algo a alguien, revelarle de golpe algo a alguien
to spring something on someone (reveal something suddenly)
salir de algo, saltar de algo, aparecer de algo
to spring from something (jump from/be released from something)
brotar de algo, manar de algo
to spring from something (come forth suddenly - eg blood from a wound)
provenir de algo, descender de algo
to spring from something (have lineage in something - eg a family)
originarse de algo, provenir de algo, surgir de algo
to spring from something (originate from something)
hacer saltar algo
to spring something (a trap), to set something off (trigger something - eg an alarm), to trip something (eg an alarm), to blow something up (make something explode)
romper algo, partir algo
to spring something (split/crack something)
ella nos soltó la noticia, ella nos reveló de golpe la noticia
she sprang the news on us
saltar algo
to spring something (jump over something), to jump (over) something, to jump over something, to vault something (jump over), to skip something (omit)
liberar a alguien de la prisión, liberar a alguien de la cárcel, ayudar a fugarse a alguien de la prisión (España), ayudar a fugarse a alguien de la cárcel (España)
to spring someone out of jail
gastar algo en algo, patinarse algo en algo (coloquial), pulirse algo en algo (coloquial)
to spring something on something (spend money on something)
de primavera, primaveral
spring (adj), springtime (adj)
la primavera, los primeros pasos, el surgimiento
the springtime (figurative - early days of something - eg life)
la primavera, los primeros pasos, el surgimiento
the springtime (figurative - early days of something - eg life)
to spring back (of a person - be resilient/recover quickly), to recover (from an illness or after fainting or general - return to previous state), to recover from (+de+illness), to recuperate, to come to (after fainting), to come round (after fainting), to get well, to make a recovery, to return to normal, to normalize
volver a su forma original, retomar su forma, ser stretch (Argentina/Costa Rica)
to spring back (of a material - be elastic)
recuperarse rápidamente, volver al lugar
to spring back (bounce back into place)
bancar algo (Argentina), pagar algo
to spring for something (pay for something)
dar un salto hacia adelante
to spring forward (leap forward), to leap forward
brotar rápidamente, pegar el estirón (coloquial)
to spring up (start to grow; 1st is general, 2nd is of a person)
alzarse, saltar del asiento, pararse de golpe
to spring up (arise suddenly; 1st is to rebel, others are general)
el amortiguador de aire
the air spring (style of vehicle suspension powered by an electric pump or compressor that pumps air into flexible bellows)
el resorte regulador
the balance spring (spring attached to the balance wheel in mechanical timepieces), the adjusting spring (general engineering), the control spring (in cars or planes)
el canapé (España), el somier, el sommier
the box spring (of a mattress)
la cama turca, el canapé
the box-spring (type of bed frame)
el resorte helicoidal
the coil spring (spring coiled helically), the coiled spring, the helical spring
la nieve primavera
the corn snow, the corn, the spring snow (large-grained, rounded crystals formed from repeated melting and freezing of the snow)
tener energía, tener alegría
to have a spring in one’s step
el manantial termal, la fuente termal
the hot spring
la hoja de muelle
the leaf spring (simple form of spring commonly used for the suspension in wheeled vehicles), the spring (in cars)
las vacaciones de primavera, el receso de primavera, la semana blanca (España), el receso de Pascua (hemisferio sur)
the spring break
el manantial, la fuente de agua mineral
the mineral spring
la cebolleta, la cebolla de verdeo (Argentina)
the scallion
el pollo parrillero (Argentina), el pollito (Chile)
the spring chicken (young bird; 2nd can also be food)
el jovencito/la jovencita, el pendejo/la pendeja (Argentina), el pibe/la piba (Argentina), el chaval/la chavala (España), el lolo/la lola (Chile)
the spring chicken (figurative - young person)
to jump, to leap, to hop, to spring, to spurt, to pop out, to fly (spurt), to break (to be expelled from - eg a spring from a watch), to go off (suddenly activate - eg an alarm), to blow (burst - eg a fuse), to shatter (of glass), to blow up (burst), to lose one’s temper, to explode (lose one’s temper), to get angry, to blurt (something) out, to come out (with something - a comment), to skip (jump), to sound (eg of an alarm)
la limpieza anual, la limpieza general
the spring cleaning
el broche de resorte, la chaveta, la presilla, la abrazadera de resorte, el cierre de resorte
the spring clip (a U-shaped piece of metal used to fasten a leaf spring to the axle of a vehicle)
la chaqueta de entretiempo, el saco liviano (Argentina)
the spring coat (lightweight jacket)
el equinoccio de primavera, el equinoccio vernal, el equinoccio primaveral
the spring equinox
la fiebre primaveral
the spring fever (figurative - excitement for spring)
la chaqueta de entretiempo, la cazadora de entretiempo, la chaqueta fina
the spring jacket (lightweight jacket for mild weather)
con resorte
spring loaded, spring-loaded (containing a compressed spring)
el cebollín, la cebolla de verdeo (Argentina), la cebolla tierna (España)
the spring onion
el Pseudacris crucifer
the spring peeper (type of frog)
el rollito primavera, el rollo de primavera, el rollito de primavera
the spring roll (food)
la ensalada primavera, la ensalada de primavera
the spring salad (cold dish of seasonal spring foods)
la marea viva
the spring tide (tide at new or full moon)
el entrenamiento de primavera
the spring training (exercise before sports season)
el agua de manantial, el agua mineral
the spring water
spring-like, springlike, spring (adjective)
el manantial de aguas termales
the thermal spring (naturally-heated water source)
la válvula de presión y vacío, el resorte de válvula, el muelle de válvula
the valve spring (any spring that closes a valve after it has been opened mechanically or by flow pressure)
las aguas termales, las fuentes termales
the warm spring (naturally-heated water source)
saltarse algo
to skip something, to miss something (eg class), to break something (legal - eg regulations), to run something (a red light/stop sign), to go off something (end a diet/routine), to breach something (legal)
me saltó un diente
I chipped a tooth
se me saltó un botón de mi camisa
a button popped off my shirt, a button came off my shirt
salir en defensa de alguien, saltar en defensa de alguien
to stand up for someone, to come out in defense of someone
saltar a la fama
to rise to fame, to shoot to fame, to become famous
saltar a la palestra
to take the floor (speak in public), to take the podium (speak in public), to step up to the podium (speak in public), to rise to the occasion (speak in public), to rear its ugly head (figurative), to come to light (figurative), to become noticed, to come to the fore, to join the fray (become noticed)
saltar a la vista
to stand out, to jump out (stand out), to stick out like a sore thumb
saltar al vacío
to take a leap of faith, to plunge blindly into the unknown
saltaron chispas
sparks flew (between 2 people arguing - 2 people were discussing something/getting into it)
saltar de un tema a otro
to jump from one subject to another
saltar la banca, hacer saltar la banca
to break the bank (in a casino - go over the prize limit)
¡Saltó la liebre!
Would you believe it!
saltó la liebre
I/you/he/she/we/they got it on (had casual sex)
saltar por los aires
to blow up, to explode, to go up in smoke (figurative - be ruined)
recuperar algo
to recover something (general or in computing), to get something back, to regain something, to recoup something (recover an investment/loss), to retrieve something (in computing), to make up for something, to make up (for) something, to retake something (take again - eg a class/test), to repeat something (eg a class/test)
recuperar energías
to reenergize, to recover energy, to get one’s energy back (emotionally), to build up one’s batteries (emotionally)
recuperar la memoria
to recover one’s memory, to regain one’s memory, to get one’s memory back
recuperar la vista, recuperar la visión
to regain one’s eyesight, to regain one’s vision, to get one’s eyesight back
recuperar una asignatura
to retake a class, to retake a course, to pass a course on the second attempt
la astenia primaveral
the spring fever (seasonal apathy)
la fiebre primaveral
the spring fever (excitement about spring)
beneficiar a alguien
to benefit someone, to be of benefit to someone
beneficiar algo
to extract something (in mining), to butcher something (an animal), to slaughter something (an animal), to process something (treat and prepare something - used in Andes/Costa Rica)
beneficiarse de algo, beneficiarse con algo
to benefit from something (improve due to something)
beneficiarse con alguien (España), beneficiarse a alguien (España)
to get it on with someone (have sex with someone), to bang someone, to screw someone, to sleep with someone
to benefit (intransitive), to stand to benefit
beneficiarse de algo
to benefit from something (obtain personal gain), to profit from something (obtain physical/monetary gain), to use something to one’s advantage (obtain physical/monetary gain)
mullido/mullida, elástico/elástica
springy (elastic)
ligero/ligera (después del sustantivo)
springy (energetic), light (not heavy OR of food OR of drinks OR of sleep), lightweight (of a material or structure OR of a movie/book - undemanding), thin (of fabric), swift, quick, gentle (of a breeze), delicate (of a scent - subtle), slight (of knowledge - superficial), lighthearted (of a conversation), frivolous, flippant (of a person or remark), nimble
de primavera, primaveral
springy (related to spring)
más rápido que ligero
hurriedly, very quickly
ligero/ligera (antes del sustantivo)
light (imperceptible), slight (imperceptible OR of noise - faint OR of an idea/suspicion - vague), tiny (of a suspicion), minor (of a drawback or illness)
quickly, fast (quickly)
andar ligero
to walk briskly, to move quickly, to travel light (without luggage)
el ligero cambio
the slight change
ligero de cascos/ligera de cascos, alegre de cascos, barrenado de cascos/barrenada de cascos
flighty, airheaded (all used with ser)
andar ligero, viajar ligero/ligera de equipaje
to travel light
ligero de equipaje/ligera de equipaje
light (follows viajar; ONLY masculine - adv), with no emotional baggage, without a lot of (emotional) baggage
ligero de ropa/ligera de ropa
lightly dressed
el peso ligero
lightweight (boxing category), the lightweight (boxer in lightweight category)
el sueño ligero, el sueño liviano
the light sleep
el tren ligero
the light rail, the light train
ligero/ligera, poco pesado/poco pesada, liviano/liviana
lightweight (not heavy)
tener el sueño ligero
to be a light sleeper
de poco peso, superficial, de poca monta
lightweight (inconsequential)
de peso ligero
lightweight (in boxing)
la persona de poco peso, el pelagatos/la pelagatos, el don nadie/la doña nadie
the lightweight (inconsequential person)
la persona que se emborracha fácilmente
the lightweight (person with low alcohol tolerance)
el desplazamiento en rosca
the light displacement, the light weight (nautical - the weight of the ship excluding cargo, fuel, water, ballast, stores, passengers, crew, but with water in boilers to steaming level)
bueno entonces, está bien entonces, vale entonces (España), ándale pues (México)
okay then
el hoyuelo
the dimple (in human anatomy - cheeks or chin)
el hoyito, la abolladura
the dimple (small depression)
to dimple (to ripple), to ripple, to get choppy (to ripple)
se le hacían hoyuelos en los cachetes cuando sonreía
his/her cheeks dimpled when he/she smiled
rizar algo
to dimple something (make something ripple), to curl something (create ringlets in - hair), to ripple something, to ruffle something (ripple something), to cause ripples in something, to crimp something (create waves in - hair)
su sonrisa hizo hoyuelos en sus cachetes
his/her smile dimpled his/her cheeks
hacer hoyuelos en algo, hacer hoyitos en algo, marcar hoyuelos en algo
to dimple something (someone’s face)
una sonrisa le marcó hoyuelos en la cara
a smile dimpled his/her face
hacer abolladuras en algo
to dimple something (metal - to put indentations in)
rizarse el cabello, rizarse el pelo
to curl one’s hair
el cabello se me riza, el pelo se me riza
my hair frizzes, my hair goes frizzy, my hair gets curly, my hair becomes curly, my hair curls up
rizar el rizo
to make matters worse, to split hairs (complicate things - used in Spain), to loop the loop (in aviation)
con hoyuelo, con hoyitos
dimpled (1st is of chin or cheek; 2nd is of hand, arm, or thigh)
la papada
the double chin, the jowl, the dewlap (flap on some animals - on actual animal OR cooked), the jowls
sea lo que sea eso, signifique lo que signifique, lo que quiera que signifique, lo que sea que eso signifique, lo que eso pueda significar, lo que eso signifique
whatever that means
alguien más, otra persona, otro/otra
someone else
reventar a alguien
to annoy someone, to piss someone off, to ride someone into the ground, to beat the living daylights out of someone, to wear someone out, to tire someone out