Set 4 Flashcards
silenciosamente, sin hacer ruido
quietly (silently)
en voz baja, bajito, quedito
quietly (of talking)
tranquilamente, discretamente
quietly (both are without complaining; 1st is also calmly, 2nd is also unobtrusively)
alto/alta, a todo volumen
loudly (of a sound/music)
fuertemente, alto/alta, con intensidad
loudly (intensely/forcefully)
alto/alta, en voz alta, fuerte
loudly (at a high volume)
loudly (dressing garishly), strikingly, horrifically, appealingly, arrestingly, doggishly
reír a carcajadas, reír con ganas, reír estentóreamente
to laugh loudly
el picador/la picadora
the picador (bullfighter’s assistant), the face worker (miner), the horse trainer
ruidoso/ruidosa, bullicioso/bulliciosa, escandaloso/escandalosa
feroz, fiero/fiera
ferocious (of an animal)
feroz, violento/violenta, atroz
ferocious (1st is of a battle or criticism, 2nd is of a storm, 3rd is of heat)
ferozmente, intensamente, con ferocidad
ferociously (1st is intensely OR of an animal, bark, glare, fight, or attack; 2nd is intensely, 3rd is of a bark or glare)
la ferocidad, la furia, la fiereza
the ferocity
la barra de chocolate, la tableta de chocolate, el chocolate, el chocolatín (Cuba), la chocolatina (pequeña, España)
the chocolate bar
la furia, la ira
the fury (anger)
la furia, la violencia, el furor
the fury (a person’s violence)
el furor, la ferocidad, la furia, la violencia
the fury (a thing’s violence)
la Furia
the Fury (Greek goddess)
furioso/furiosa, colérico/colérica, rabioso/rabiosa
furious (of a person)
furioso/furiosa, furibundo/furibunda, airado/airada, colérico/colérica
furious (of an action)
frenético/frenética, furioso/furiosa, feroz
furious (of an activity/pace - energetic)
furioso/furiosa, violento/violenta, feroz, malo/mala, vertiginoso/vertiginosa
furious (1st is of a storm, 2nd is of a storm or struggle, 3rd is of a struggle, 4th is of a temper, 5th is of a speed)
furiosamente, frenéticamente, con furia
furiously (angrily)
frenéticamente, enérgicamente, intensamente
furiously (energetically)
el recambio, el cartucho
the cartridge (1st is only ink refill for pen; 2nd is in weapons, ink refill for pen, cassette (e.g. for games/printers))
el ocho
the figure eight, the eight, the eighth
decepcionar a alguien, desilusionar a alguien
to disappoint someone (let someone down; 1st can also be intransitive)
defraudar algo, tirar por tierra algo, dar al traste con algo
to disappoint something (to frustrate/prevent something)
decepcionado/decepcionada, desilusionado/desilusionada, frustrado/frustrada
disappointed (1st and 2nd are dissatisfied, 3rd is unrealized)
decepcionantemente, desilusionadamente
decepcionante, frustrante
la decepción, la desilusión
the disappointment (feeling of sadness OR person)
la decepción, la desilusión, el chasco
the disappointment (letdown)
el follaje, la vegetación, el verdor, la verdura
the greenery
el asesino/la asesina
the killer
matador/matadora, agotador/agotadora, agónico/agónica
killer (very difficult)
genial, estupendo/estupenda, brutal, alucinante
killer (excellent/amazing)
el asesinato, la matanza
the killing (1st is murder of a person, 2nd is murder of animals or many people)
mortal, agotador/agotadora, matador/matadora, brutal
killing (all are exhausting, 1st is also fatal - of a disease or blow)
la dentellada, la marca de una mordedura, la marca de mordedura, la marca de mordida, la marca de mordisco
the bite mark
el mahón, los mahones, el yin, los jeans, los vaqueros, el jean, el bluyín, el pantalón de mezclilla (México), los bluejeans (Colombia), los tejanos (España)
the jeans