Set 29 Flashcards
musically (in relation to music OR harmoniously/pleasingly)
a través de la música
musically (using music)
musicalmente, armónicamente
musically (harmoniously/pleasingly)
el ingeniero de sonido/la ingeniera de sonido
the sound engineer
por el momento, de momento, por ahora, mientras, mientras tanto
for the time being
el director de coro/la directora de coro
the choral director
el orfeón, el coro
the choral group (1st is formal)
la música coral
the choral music (music performed by a chorus)
la limpieza
the cleanup (literal cleaning or getting rid of crime or in politics), the rite in which the witch doctor + animal sacrifice + invocations try to free someone from evil (in Santeria), the cleanliness, the cleaning, the integrity (honesty), the cleanness (precision), the skill (dexterity/degree of being skilled), the purity (chastity), the purge (in politics), the cleansing (in Santeria), the neatness (precision), the honesty
de limpieza
cleanup (adjective), cleaning (adjective)
con limpieza
neatly, fair and square
el cuarto de limpieza
the broom closet
hacer la limpieza
to clean, to do the cleaning, to clean up, to do housework
la limpieza de cutis
the facial cleansing, the facial
hacerse una limpieza de cutis
to have a facial, to get a facial
la limpieza de sangre (España)
the racial purity
la limpieza en seco
the dry cleaning
la limpieza étnica
the ethnic cleansing
el producto de limpieza
the cleaning product
la señora de la limpieza
the cleaning lady, the cleaning woman
el servicio de limpieza
the cleaning service
portarse bien, enmendarse
to clean up one’s act
limpiar algo, lavar algo
to clean something up (1st is to make something clean, remove dirt from something, or get rid of undesirable things and can also be intransitive; 2nd is to remove dirt from something)
barrer con todo en algo, hacer el agosto en algo, levantarla con pala en algo (Argentina)
to clean up in something (eg a contest)/at something (eg a poker table) (to win a lot of money in something)
limpiarse, dejar las drogas
to clean up (to stop doing drugs)
puro/pura, auténtico/auténtica, verdadero/verdadera
sheer (1st is utter; 2nd and 3rd are pure) (e.g. sheer surprise, sheer joy)
transparente, fino/fina
sheer (transparent)
escarpado/escarpada, vertical
sheer (steep - eg a cliff face)
verticalmente, en vertical
sheer (adverb - straight down)
completamente, de lleno
sheer (adverb - completely)
desviarse, desviar el curso
to sheer (of a nautical vessel - to change course)
el puro número de personas, el simple número de personas
the sheer number of people
abrumadoramente, terminantemente, rotundamente
destructivo/destructiva, demoledor/demoledora, devastador/devastadora
crushing (of a hit/blow - destructive)
demoledor/demoledora, apabullante, aplastante, decisivo/decisiva
crushing (of a defeat - forceful/decisive)
demoledor/demoledora, devastador/devastadora
crushing (emotionally devastating)
el exprimidor, la prensa, la trituradora
the crusher (fruit press; 2nd is of grapes, 1st and 3rd are general)
la picadora, el triturador de hielo
the crusher (for ice)
la machacadora
the crusher (for vehicles)
la trituradora
the crusher (in mining - to break rocks - OR for fruit), the crushing machine, the grinder (of food), the garbage disposal
la picadora de hielo
the ice crusher
machucado/machucada, triturado/triturada
crushed (pressed with destructive force)
molido/molida, triturado/triturada
crushed (pounded into particles or powder)
crushed (of ice - broken into small pieces - OR pressed with destructive force OR pounded into particles or powder)
crushed (crumpled or made smaller - eg of paper - OR emotions - upset), flattened
abatido/abatida, aplastado/aplastada
crushed (emotions - upset; 2nd is specifically used with the word “mood/ánimo,” 1st is general)
aplastar algo, apretar algo
to crush something (smash something; general)
machacar algo, machucar algo
to crush something (smash something - of food)
prensar algo, picar algo
to crush something (smash something - 1st is of grapes, 2nd is of ice)
estrujar algo, aplastar algo
to crush something (smash something - of paper)
triturar algo, moler algo, pulverizer algo
to crush something (grind something)
estrujar algo, exprimir algo
to crush something (squeeze something to extract liquid - eg a lemon)
aplastar a alguien, destrozar a alguien, vencer a alguien
to crush someone (subdue/defeat someone)
el enamoramiento
the crush (infatuation with someone), the infatuation, the falling in love
la aglomeración de gente, la multitud de gente, el mogollón de gente (España)
the crush of people
aplastar a alguien, destrozar a alguien, abrumar a alguien
to crush someone (emotionally)
la colisión con algo
the crush of something (action of crushing - eg crush of ice), the collision with something
apiñarse, abalanzarse
to crush (move by pressing or crowding; 1st usually followed by hacia, 2nd usually followed by en)
estrujar a alguien, apretujar a alguien
to crush someone (hug someone forcefully)
el brete, el cepo para animales
the cattle chute (cage for restraining farm animals)
estar enamorado/enamorada de alguien, estar colado/colada por alguien (España), estar enganchado/enganchada con alguien (Argentina/Honduras/Costa Rica), estar tragado/tragada de alguien (Colombia)
to have a crush on someone
el cinturón de seguridad
the seatbelt
el viaje por carretera, el viaje en auto, el viaje
the road trip
la fuerza de la costumbre, la costumbre, el hábito
the force of habit
Es la costumbre.
Force of habit.; It’s force of habit.
la fuerza de voluntad, la determinación
the force of will
la persona que mira fijamente
the starer (person who stares)
mirar fijamente algo/a alguien, quedarse mirando algo/a alguien, clavar los ojos en algo/alguien, mirar con fijeza algo/a alguien
to stare at something/someone
la mirada fija
the stare
intimidar con la mirada a alguien
to stare someone down
la mirada perdida, la mirada ausente
the blank stare
la mirada fulminante, la mirada asesina (coloquial)
the death stare
estar en frente de los ojos de alguien
to stare one in the face (to be obvious)
la respuesta estaba en frente de mis ojos
the answer was staring me in the face
la manivela
the hand crank, the crank, the handle
tinny (of a sound - not resonant - or of a taste - metallic), metal, metallic
de hojalata
tinny (made of cheap metal), made of tin
el metálico, el dinero en efectivo, el efectivo, el dinero, la plata, la lana, la pasta (España), el cash, el principio, los chavos (coloquial)
the cash
en metálico, en efectivo
in cash
elegante, con clase, con estilo
classy (of a person; 2nd can also be ironic)
que tiene clase, con estilo, con clase
classy (of an object; 3rd can also be ironic)
la dama, la señora distinguida
the classy lady
la tabla de planchar, el burro de planchar (México)
the ironing board
el homólogo/la homóloga, el colega/la colega, el equivalente
the counterpart (1st and 2nd are for people, 3rd is general)
la barrena, el picado, la picada (Argentina)
the tailspin (downward spiral of an aircraft)
el picado, la picada (Argentina)
the tailspin (downward spiral of an aircraft OR figurative - downward spiral/descent)
entrar en barrena
to go into a tailspin (of an aircraft)
venirse en picado, venirse en picada, caer en picado, caer en picada
to tailspin (figurative - to plummet/collapse)
el juego previo, los preliminares, el arrope (Panamá), el faje (México)
the foreplay
Los Vengadores
The Avengers
el vengador/la vengadora
the avenger
vengar algo, vengarse de algo
to avenge something
vengar a alguien de algo
to avenge someone for something (take revenge on someone else’s behalf for something)
unavenged, unpunished
técnicamente, desde el punto de vista técnico
technically (relating to technology OR relating to technique)
estrictamente hablando, en términos estrictos, técnicamente
technically (strictly speaking)
el latido, el latido del corazón
the heartbeat (literal pulse of heart - collective beating)
el paso, el santiamén
the heartbeat (figurative - an instant)
el corazón de algo, el motor de algo
the heartbeat of something (figurative - driving force)