Set 33 Flashcards
golpear a alguien, pegar a alguien, alcanzar a alguien
to strike someone (hit someone; last is of a bullet, rest are general) (1st can also be figurative - to surprise someone)
chocar contra algo, dar con algo, estrellar contra algo
to strike something (collide with something)
caer en algo, alcanzar algo, dar contra algo
to strike something (of weather - eg of lightning)
prender algo (México), encender algo
to strike something (eg a match)
acuñar algo
to strike something (mint something - eg a coin), to mint something (a coin), to coin something (a word/expression/term), to wedge something (hold something open with a wedge), to wedge something open, to wedge something shut
él me parece una persona honesta
he strikes me as an honest person, he seems like an honest person to me, he feels like an honest person to me
descubrir oro, encontrar oro
to strike gold (find gold)
dar algo, tocar algo
to strike something (in music; 1st is a note, 2nd is a chord)
se me ocurre que (+indicativo)
it strikes me that (+indicative) (I’m realizing that), it occurs to me that (+indicative)
impresionar a alguien
to strike someone (impress someone), to impress someone, to move someone (emotionally), to shock someone (emotionally), to affect someone (emotionally)
llegar a un acuerdo
to strike an agreement, to reach an agreement, to come to an agreement, to come to an understanding, to reach an understanding, to settle (legal), to come to terms
el reloj dio las 6 pm
the clock struck 6 pm
suprimir algo
to strike something (remove something - eg a sentence), to eliminate something, to remove something (an obstacle), to cut something out (delete from a whole, a list, or a group of things), to abolish something (a law/tax/practice), to lift something (sanctions/a ban/a blockade), to suppress something (opposition/protests), to delete something, to do away with something, to strike something down (a law)
arriar algo
to strike something (take something down - a flag or a sail), to lower something (a flag), to loosen something (make less tight - eg a rope), to let go of something (release something), to flood something (with water), to drive something (round up - eg cattle - used in Southern Cone), to herd something (eg cattle - used in Southern Cone)
la huelga, el paro
the strike (work stoppage)
el golpe
the strike (hit/punch), the heavy sea, the upwelling, the surge, the rough water, the swell, the hit, the blow, the dent, the shot (in tennis), the conflict, the bang, the robbery, the job (robbery), the setback, the pang (of emotion), the tightening (of the chest due to emotion), the stroke (in golf), the wisecrack (used in Spain), the witticism (used in Spain)
el descubrimiento de oro
the gold strike (discovery of gold in a certain place)
el strike
the strike (in baseball/bowling)
el pleno, la chuza (México/Costa Rica/República Dominicana), el strike
the strike (in bowling)
el ataque
the strike (military - attack), the attack (assault or critique or in sports or heart/panic attack), the (coughing/epileptic) fit, the fit (of jealousy/anger/laughter), the onslaught (assault)
to strike (military - to attack), to attack (militarily)
to strike (to hit)
hacer una huelga, declararse en huelga, hacer huelga
to strike (stop working)
to strike (of a match - to catch on fire), to turn on (ignite), to light (ignite), to blush, to light up (of face/cheeks), to turn red (blush), to be lit (light up - eg of fire), to ignite (of emotions)
dar la hora
to strike (of a clock), to strike the hour (of a clock), to chime the hour (of a clock)
echar raíces
to strike (of a plant - to take root), to take root, to settle (figurative - establish oneself), to put down roots (figurative - establish oneself), to settle down (figurative - establish oneself), to settle in (figurative - establish oneself)
sobrevenir, ocurrir
to strike (to happen)
dar en el blanco
to strike (to hit a target), to strike home (figurative - have an impact)
el repiqueteo
the strike (sound from hitting), the beating (of drums or machines), the ringing (of bells), the tapping (of fingers), the pealing (of bells), the clacking, the clattering, the rattle (sound), the rattling, the clicking, the fills (in music - singular represents plural)
la caída
the strike (instance of something striking - eg lightning), the fall (act of falling OR of clothing - eg the fall of silk - OR in finance - eg fall of housing market OR religious - the fall of Adam), the loss (of teeth or hair or profit), the downfall (of an empire), the drape (of clothing), the hang (of clothing), the crash (in computing), the drop (finance), the decline (finance), the depth (of terrain - eg a canyon), the waterfall, the falls (waterfall), the Fall of Man (Biblical), the sin (fall of man), the small extra portion when weighing an item
el error
the strike (unfavorable mark - eg in court), the mistake, the error (general or in statistics), the miscalculation, the failure of a defensive player to catch the ball or throw it to a teammate allowing an offensive player to take one or more bases (in baseball),
me parece que tu historia es exagerada, me da la impresión de que tu historia es exagerada
your story strikes me as exaggerated
morderle algo a alguien, picarle algo a alguien
to strike someone (to bite someone’s (insert body part for algo)) (1st is of teeth, 2nd is of stinger or beak)
tachar algo
to strike something (text - cross something out), to strike something off (remove something from a list - followed by “de” to mean “from”), to strike something out (text - cross something out - or law - to delete a claim), to strike through something (cross something out)
desmantelar algo
to strike something (theater/film - dismantle a set), to dismantle something, to take something down (dismantle something), to disband something (an organization), to break something up (an organization), to strip something (empty something - eg a car), to unrig something (a ship), to take something apart, to shut something down
abolir algo, cancelar algo
to strike something (abolish something - eg an amendment)
clavar algo en algo, infundir algo en alguien
to strike something into something/someone (1st is literal - to thrust something into something - 2nd is to instill something in someone)
quitar algo de algo
to strike something from something (text - delete something from something), to take something away from something, to take something off something
contraatacar, devolver el golpe
to strike back (retaliate; both can also be transitive)
derogar algo, anular algo, abolir algo
to strike something down (invalidate a law/ruling)
tachar algo/a alguien de algo, eliminar algo/a alguien de algo, borrar algo/a alguien de algo, sacar algo/a alguien de algo, excluir algo/a alguien de algo
to strike something/someone off something (remove from a list)
tachar algo, tarjar algo (Chile)
to strike something out (text - cross something out)
ponchar a alguien (México), eliminar a alguien
to strike out someone, to strike someone out (in baseball - to make people get three strikes so they get out)
salir ponchado/salir ponchada (México), ser ponchado/ser ponchada (México), ser eliminado/ser eliminada
to strike out (in baseball)
fallar, fracasar
to strike out (figurative, informal - to fail)
comenzar algo, entablar algo
to strike up something (initiate something - eg a friendship)
atacar algo, empezar a tocar algo
to strike up something (begin playing a piece of music)
el ataque aéreo
the air strike (miltary - aerial attack), the air raid (air strike)
la huelga de trabajadores de una aerolínea, la huelga de aerolínea
the air strike (airline work stoppage)
el abrepuertas eléctrico, el portero eléctrico
the electric strike (device to open a door)
la huelga general, el paro general
the general strike (mass work stoppage)
ponerse en huelga, hacer huelga
to go on strike
tocar una fibra sensible, meter el dedo en la llaga
to hit a nerve, to strike a nerve, to touch a nerve (all figurative)
la huelga de hambre
the hunger strike
hacer una huelga de hambre
to hunger-strike (go on a hunger strike), to go on a hunger strike
el paro, la huelga, el paro laboral, la huelga laboral
the labor strike
el rayo, el relámpago
the lightning strike (lightning hitting something)
la huelga relámpago, el paro relámpago
the lightning strike (sudden work stoppage) (used in UK)
el golpe de suerte
the lucky strike (when miners find gold OR someone having good fortune), the stroke of luck, the stroke of fortune, the lucky stroke
el golpe de suerte, la suerte
the lucky strike (having good fortune)
estar en huelga
to be on strike, to be out (on strike)
el ataque preventivo
the preemptive strike (in warfare)
el derecho a la huelga, el derecho a huelga
the right to strike (law - employees’ privilege)
la sentada, la huelga de brazos caídos (Costa Rica)
the sit-down strike (protest where employees refuse to leave)
lograr un equilibrio
to strike a balance (to compromise)
encontrar el equilibrio entre algo y algo
to strike a balance between something and something (find a compromise between)
cerrar un trato, ponerse de acuerdo
to strike a bargain
luchar contra algo/alguien, arremeter contra algo/alguien
to strike a blow against something/someone (deal something/someone a serious setback)
dar un paso a favor de algo/alguien, romper una lanza a favor de algo/alguien
to strike a blow for something/someone (do something to support something/someone)
darle un golpe (adjetivo) a alguien, pegarle un golpe (adjetivo) a alguien
to strike a (adjective) blow against someone (hit someone - eg strike a glancing blow)
tocar la fibra sensible de alguien, meter el dedo en la llaga de alguien, dar dónde más le duele a alguien
to strike a chord with someone (resonate with someone’s feelings)
poner una pose, hacer una pose, posar
to strike a pose
tocar la fibra sensible de algo, meter el dedo en la llaga de algo, dar dónde más le duele a algo
to strike at the heart of something (figurative - attack the key part of something)
afectado por la huelga/afectada por la huelga, cerrado por huelga/cerrada por huelga
strike-bound, strike bound, strikebound (closed due to a strike)
levantar campamento
to strike camp (dismantle one’s shelters), to break camp (dismantle one’s shelters)
matar a alguien, fulminar a alguien
to strike someone dead (kill someone instantly)
matar a alguien, derribar a alguien
to strike someone down (1st is to kill someone, 2nd is to knock someone to the ground)
las fuerzas de choque
the strike force (group assigned to a problem OR an armed military force), the crash forces (in traffic - forces that crash into each other)
el fondo de huelga, el fondo sindical
the strike funds (reserve money of a business)
to strike it big (be successful), to get something right, to figure something out, to find the right choice/solution/decision
hacerse rico/hacerse rica
to strike it rich, to get rich, to become wealthy
el aviso de huelga
the strike notice (document given to employer stating the intent to strike soon), the notice of strike
lanzarse por uno mismo, lanzarse por cuenta propia, empezar a actuar por cuenta propia, empezar a ser independiente
to strike out on one’s own (start being independent)
el precio de ejercicio, el precio fijado, el precio strike
the strike price (the set price at which a derivative contract can be bought or sold when it is exercised)
la falla de desplazamiento
the strike slip (in geology - vertical (or nearly vertical) fracture where the blocks have mostly moved horizontally)
to strike the flag, to strike one’s flag (to surrender)
entablar una conversación, entablar conversación
to strike up a conversation, to initiate a conversation, to start a conversation, to begin a conversation
¡Que empiece!
Strike up the band! (make something start), Let it roll!, Let ‘er rip!
aprovechar el momento
to strike while the iron is hot (seize an opportunity), to seize the moment
la zona de strike
the strike zone (in baseball - area over home plate)
la falla de desplazamiento de rumbo
the strike-slip fault (in geology - a fault in which rock strata are displaced mainly in a horizontal direction, parallel to the line of the fault)
el rompehuelgas/la rompehuelgas, el esquirol/la esquirol
the strikebreaker (someone who works during a strike)
hacer el esquirol
to strikebreak, strikebreaking (act of being a strikebreaker)
la huelga de solidaridad
the sympathy strike, the sympathetic strike (industrial action by a trade union in support of a strike initiated by workers in a separate corporation, but often the same enterprise, group of companies, or connected firm)
la huelga salvaje, la huelga ilegal (Chile)
the wildcat strike (unofficial work stoppage)
acuñarse un golpe en algo (Centroamérica)
to hit oneself (on a body part - algo is the body part)
impresionar algo
to expose something (in photography), to leave an impression on something (film), to impress something (a surface), to leave an impression on something (a surface)
to make an impression, to impress
to be impressed, to be moved (emotionally), to be shocked (emotionally), to get swept away (emotionally)
dejarse impresionar por algo
to just take something in (let oneself be impressed), to let oneself be impressed by something
suprimir a alguien
to eliminate someone (kill someone), to liquidate someone (kill someone)
a golpe
with a dibber (in farming - using a tool to make holes), intermittently
a golpe de algo
with the blow of something (figurative), by force of something, at the click of a mouse (in technology), around, about, approximately
a golpe limpio
with a clean fight (by fighting)
abrirse de golpe
to fly open, to burst open, to spring open
aguantar el golpe
to withstand the blow, to take the blow, to take it on the chin (figurative)
aparecer de golpe
to suddenly appear, to appear all of a sudden, to show up all of a sudden, to make a sudden appearance
al ataque
on the attack, on the offensive (usually used with ir)
el arma de ataque (f)
the attacking weapon, the weapon of attack
el ataque a la moral
the attack on morale
el ataque cerebral
the stroke (medical), the brain attack (stroke)
el ataque contra algo/alguien
the attack against something/someone, the attack on something/someone
el ataque de angustia
the anxiety attack, the panic attack
el ataque de angustia, el ataque de ansiedad
the anxiety attack
el ataque de celos
the fit of jealousy, the bout of jealousy, the jealous rage
el ataque de hambre
the hunger attack, the attack of the munchies
el ataque de risa
the fit of laughter, the laughing fit
el ataque de tos
the coughing fit, the coughing spell, the fit of coughing
el ataque frontal
the frontal attack (direct confrontation)
el ataque relámpago
the lightning attack (very fast attack), the blitzkrieg
atacar a tiros a alguien
to attack someone with gunfire
atacar el problema del raíz, ir a la raíz del problema
to attack to the root of the problem, to attack the underlying problem, to deal with the underlying problem
atacarle los nervios a alguien
to attack someone’s nerves (figurative), to make someone jittery
atacar por la espalda a alguien
to attack someone from behind (literal), to betray someone, to blindside someone, to stab someone in the back (figurative)
atacar algo/a alguien
to attack something/someone (strike or in medicine or criticize or contend with), to get on someone’s nerves (only used with alguien), to rip into something/someone (criticize)
atacar algo
to attack something (strike or in medicine or criticize or contend with), to tackle something (undertake something)
golpear algo/a alguien
to hit something/someone (literal or figurative), to bang something/someone, to punch something/someone, to bang on something/someone, to knock on something/someone (a door), to beat something/someone up
golpear contra algo
to beat against something, to slam into something, to strike something (hit something), to smack into something
golpearse (algo) contra algo
to hit something (a body part) against something, to bang oneself on something (hit oneself on - eg a table)
encender algo
to turn something on (general or a stove), to switch something on (lighting/electricity), to light something (a fire or a torch), to start something (a fire), to illuminate something, to ignite something (a torch), to stir something (an emotion), to arouse something (an emotion), to stir something up (an emotion)
darle la hora a alguien
to tell someone what time it is
a golpe de algo
with the blow of something, by force of something, at the click of (a mouse - technology), around, about, approximately
la pintura, el trabajo de pintura
the paint job (1st is result, 2nd is process of painting)
hmph, ejem, eh
harrumph (interjection)
rojo/roja, enrojecido/enrojecida
red-rimmed (of eyes)
el especial de Navidad, el especial de vacaciones
the holiday special
engañar al sistema, jugar con el sistema, burlar el sistema
to game the system
el caramelo de agua salada, los caramelos de agua salada, los caramelos masticables de agua salada, la especia de Sugus
the saltwater taffy (last is one specific trademark, rest are general)
hacer ondas con el cuerpo
to do a body roll (in dance)
el juego de los anillos, lanzar anillos
(the) ring toss
la tercera es la vencida, tres golpes y estás fuera
three strikes and you’re out
el nevero, el ventisquero, el banco de nieve
the snowdrift
el nevero
the snowdrift, the snowfield (on a mountain - area with snow)
hecho un mar de lágrimas/hecha un mar de lágrimas, bañado en lágrimas/bañada en lágrimas, desconsolado/desconsolada, llorando desconsoladamente
in tears
bañado en lágrimas/bañada en lágrimas (España), hecho un mar de lágrimas/hecha un mar de lágrimas
bathed in tears
acabará mal, va a terminar mal (Argentina)
it’ll end in tears (this will lead to something bad)
el intermediario/la intermediaria, el tercero/la tercera
the middleman (1st is go-between/intermediary OR intermediate trader, 2nd is figurative 3rd party)
deshumanizante, deshumanizador/deshumanizadora
deshumanizar a alguien
to dehumanize someone (make someone seem less than human OR deprive someone of humanity)
automatizar algo, mecanizar algo
to dehumanize something (mechanize something)
la deshumanización
the dehumanization (making someone appear less than human or act without human decency)
la automatización, la mecanización
the dehumanization (mechanization)
la inteligencia social, la inteligencia interpersonal
the interpersonal intelligence, the social intelligence
entablar algo
to start something, to start something up, to strike something up (eg a conversation), to enter into something (eg negotiations), to open something (eg trade relations), to set something up (a board game), to put something (a body part) in a splint, to board something (a floor), to put down something (boards for a floor), to lay something (a floor), to file something (a legal action), to build something (a boat)
entablar una amistad
to strike up a friendship, to start a friendship
entablar una demanda
to file a claim, to bring a lawsuit, to lodge a complaint
entablar una disputa
to start an argument
la llaga
the sore, the ulcer, the wound (figurative or religious - wounds of Christ), the blister, the stigmata (wounds of Christ)
la remolacha, el betabel (México)
the beet (beet plant)
la remolacha, el betabel (México), la betarraga (Chile)
the beet (actual vegetable)
la hojas de remolacha
the beet greens (beet leaves as food)
de remolacha, con remolacha
beet (adjective), beetroot (adjective - made of beet)
la betanina
(the) beet red (type of food coloring), the betanine (type of food coloring)
colorado/colorada, color remolacha, encarnado/encarnada, carmesí, rojo como un tomate/roja como un tomate
beet-red (last is only of a person, rest are general or of people)
el azúcar de remolacha (España), el azúcar de betabel
the beet sugar (sugar from beets)
la remolacha forrajera
the fodder beet
la remolacha
the beet, the golden beet
la remolacha azucarera
the sugar beet
la fibra
the fiber (in clothing or food or anatomy - eg muscle fiber), the vigor (courage), the grain (of wood), the scouring pad (cleaning supply - used in Mexico), the backbone (figurative - attitude), the spunk, the grit (spunk)
de buena fibra
determined, persistent, firm (determined)
la fibra de aluminio
the aluminum fiber
la fibra de vidrio
the fiberglass
la fibra óptica
the fiber optics, the optic fiber, the optical fiber
la fibra vegetal
the vegetable fiber (food), the bast (material - plant fiber), the plant fiber (material)
tocar la fibra sensible de alguien, tocar la cuerda sensible de alguien
to hit a nerve, to strike a nerve, to touch a nerve
gaunt, haggard, drawn (eg of a face), emaciated, wasted away
la parada, el alto, el parón, la detención
the standstill (state of not moving)
el punto muerto, el alto, la paralización
the standstill (deadlock/inactivity)
detenido/detenida, parado/parada, embotellado/embotellada
at a standstill (of traffic - not moving)
en punto muerto, estancado/estancada
at a standstill (figurative - not progressing)
detenerse, parar por completo, frenar por completo
to come to a standstill (of a vehicle or process - to stop)
el acuerdo standstill, los acuerdos de espera
the standstill agreement (an agreement in which a hostile bidder agrees to limit its holdings in a target company)
el Acuerdo de Standstill, la cláusula de stand still
the standstill agreement (an agreement between countries to sustain the present state of affairs)
quedarse quieto/quedarse quieta
to stand still (not move)
detenerse, pararse, paralizarse
to stand still (figurative - remain unchanging - eg of time or a person’s heart)
el torniquete, el molinete (Río de la Plata)
the turnstile (device for crossing a fence)
la cabina de peaje, la caseta de peaje, el puesto de peaje
the turnstile (toll/ticket gate)
el trinquete
the turnstile (computing symbol ⊢), the foremast (of a ship), the foresail (of a ship), the pelota court (used in Spain), the ratchet (of a machine), the rip-off (used in Mexico), the scam (used in Mexico), the hulk (tough person - used in Cuba/Dominican Republic/South America), the ball court, the (pelota) court
la estola, el chal
the stole (1st is both shawl and religious garment, 2nd is only shawl)
la boa
the boa (clothes or snake), the feather boa, the boa constrictor
la boa constrictor, la boa
the boa constrictor
la boa puertorriqueña
the Puerto Rican boa, the yellow tree boa, the red-tailed boa
la caballera
the tresses, the hair (of a person), the head of hair, the tail (of a comet)
el mechón, el bucle, el tirabuzón
the tress (piece of hair; 1st is general, 2nd and 3rd are of curly hair)
la guerra, la contienda, el conflicto armado
the warfare (war/combat)
la guerra, el conflicto, la pelea
the warfare (non-war combat; 1st is figurative)
el comandante de defensa antiaérea/la comandante de defensa antiaérea
the Anti-air Warfare Commander (military - chief of air defense)
la guerra nuclear
the atomic warfare, the nuclear warfare
la guerra biológica (España)
the biological warfare
la guerra química
the chemical warfare
la lucha de clases
the class war, the class warfare (uncountable - social class conflict, collectively)
el conflicto entre clases, el enfrentamiento de clases
the class warfare (conflict/tension between social classes)
la guerra convencional
the conventional warfare, the conventional war (warfare conducted by using conventional weapons and battlefield tactics between two or more states in open confrontation)
AQ (armas químicas)
CW/cw (chemical warfare)
las guerras de bandas
the gang warfare, the gang wars
la guerra bacteriológica
the germ warfare (biological warfare), the biological warfare, the bacteriological warfare
la guerra de guerrillas, la guerrilla
the guerrilla warfare
el combate terrestre
the land warfare (military conflict taking place on land), the ground combat
las tácticas militares sofisticadas, las tácticas de combate sofisticadas
the modern warfare (high-tech combat)
la batalla naval, el combate naval
the naval warfare, the sea battle, the naval battle
la guerra psicológica
the psychological warfare
la guerra submarina
the submarine warfare
la guerra de trincheras
the trench warfare
la batalla naval
the naval warfare, the sea battle, the naval battle, Battleship (game), Sea Battle (game), Battleships (game)
en la guerra y en el amor, todo vale; todo vale en el amor y en la guerra
all’s fair in love and war
a lo hecho, pecho; lo pasado, pisado
it’s no use crying over spilled milk
la poligamia
the polygamy
la monogamia
the monogamy
la idolatría
the idolatry (literal or figurative - excessive devotion to), the idol worship (literal)
idólatra (m y f), idolátrico/idolátrica
el idólatra/la idólatra
the idolater (person practicing idolatry)
el ídolo
the idol (religious icon or false god or admired person - el for both genders)
la idolatría, la adoración de imágenes
the idol worship
el ídolo moro
the Moorish idol (type of fish)
idolatrar algo/a alguien
to idolize something/someone (literal - to worship - or figurative - to admire)
¡Allá Tú!, Trato Hecho
Deal or No Deal (show)
trato hecho
it’s a deal, you’ve got yourself a deal, done
sellar el trato, sellar el acuerdo, cerrar el trato
to seal the deal
el motivo de ruptura, el factor innegociable, el factor no negociable
the deal breaker
el trapecio, el trapezoide
the trapezoid (1st has one pair of parallel sides and one pair diagonally going outwards, 2nd has one pair diagonally going outwards but NOT parallel sides)
el trapecio
the trapezoid (without parallel sides), the trapezium (bone in the wrist)
emular a alguien, imitar a alguien, remedar a alguien, arremedar a alguien
to emulate someone (imitate someone)
emular algo/a alguien, igualar algo/a alguien
to emulate something/someone (of a person/performance - to equal)
emular algo, rivalizar algo
to emulate something (be as good as)
emular algo
to emulate something (equal a person/performance OR imitate a person OR be as good as something OR in computing - substitute for something (e.g. a program))
el imitador/la imitadora
the emulator (person who copies), the impressionist (in theater), the impersonator (in theater), the mimic (in theater), the imitator (plagiarist)
el emulador
the emulator (computer program that copies), the emulation (imitation of something in computing)
imitating, imitative
emulador/emuladora, emulativo/emulativa
el emulador/la emuladora
the emulator (person who emulates)
la emulación de algo, la imitación de algo/alguien
the emulation of something/someone (attempt to imitate)
pasar como una exhalación, pasar zumbando
to whoosh/to whoosh past (make a noise when passing quickly)
el silbido, el zumbido
the whoosh (sound)
pasar volando, pasar zumbando
to whoosh by, to whoosh past (both can be either transitive or intransitive)
quítame eso, lleva eso lejos de mí
take that away from me
escaparse de alguien, alejarse de alguien
to get away from someone (move away from/escape someone)
irse de algo, alejarse de algo
to get away from something (a place - to leave)
¡Apártate de mí!, ¡Aléjate de mí!
Get away from me!
ponerse cómodo/ponerse cómoda, avenirse, acotejarse (Cuba/República Dominicana/Islas Canarias), acostumbrarse
to get comfortable (1st, 2nd, and 3rd are to settle in; 4th is to get used to - used with a)
to do poorly in a school subject, to hang, to hang oneself, to crash (of a computer - used in Spain), to freeze (of a computer - used in Spain)
colgar algo
to hang something, to hang something up (a phone), to give something up (abandon something - eg studies), to upload something (on social media), to put something up (hang - eg clothes), to post something (on social media), to show something (in a gallery)
colgarse en algo
to bomb something (in school), to fail something (in school), to flunk something (in school)
to hang up (on the phone)
to hang up (on the phone)
colgar a alguien
to hang up on someone, to hang someone, to suspend someone (a student)
colgar de un hilo, pender de un hilo
to hang by a thread (figurative - be precarious)
colgar el guante, colgar los guantes
to hang up one’s gloves (general - retire from boxing; in Colombia - die/pass away; in Cuba/Argentina/Uruguay/Panama/Guatemala - abandon a business)
colgar el hábito, colgar los hábitos
to leave the convent (stop being a nun), to give up old habits
colgar algo en la nube, sincronizar algo con la nube
to put something (data) into the cloud
colgar en la red algo
to post something online, to post something on a website, to publish something online
colgar los guantes
to hang up one’s gloves (general - retire from boxing; in Colombia - die/pass away; in Cuba/Argentina/Uruguay/Panama/Guatemala - abandon a business OR give up on a task; in Mexico - retire/stop working)
colgar los tenis
to kick the bucket, to snuff it (die), to pop your clogs (die)
la tecla de colgar
the hook switch (of a phone), the hang-up button (of a phone) (mechanism on old phones that answers/hangs up when you click them into place or take them out)
colgarse del brazo de alguien
to take someone by the arm
colgarse del cuello de alguien
to hug someone’s neck, to hang off someone
colgarse los guantes
to kick the bucket, to die, to give up on something, to throw in the towel
colgarse los tenis
to die, to draw a blank (on a test), to abandon an activity, to freeze (on a test), to throw in the towel
arremeter contra algo/alguien
to charge at something/someone, to attack something/someone (charge at OR criticize), to lunge at something/someone, to rush something/someone, to tear into something/someone (criticize), to lay into something/someone (criticize), to lash out at something/someone (criticize), to blast something/someone (criticize), to mount an attack against something/someone, to rally against something/someone
el saque inicial, la primera patada, la patada inicial
the kickoff (in sports; 1st is general, 2nd is in soccer, 3rd is in American football)
el inicio, el comienzo
the kickoff (general - beginning)
dar la patada inicial (de algo), hacer el saque inicial (de algo), dar el puntapié inicial (de algo)
to kick (something) off (a ball game)
arrancar (coloquial), empezar, comenzar
to kick off (to begin)
inaugurar algo, lanzar algo
to kick something off (begin something)
llévame lejos de aquí
take me away from here