Set 18 Flashcards
la sierra de cadena, la motosierra
the chainsaw
serrar algo, cortar con motosierra algo
to chainsaw something (cut something with a chainsaw)
pasarse de la raya
to go way too far, to be out of line, to cross the line, to overstep one’s boundaries
to shave one’s head (intransitive), to shave something off (followed by algo), to shave something (followed by algo)
rapar algo/raparle (algo) a alguien
to shave something, to shave someone’s head, to shave something off, to crop something (cut something very short), to snatch something (used in Colombia), to trim something
la telaraña
the cobweb, the spiderweb, the spider’s web, the net (literal or figurative), the tangle (mess of something), the rat’s nest (tangled mess), the trap (figurative)
cubrir de telaraña algo
to cobweb something (cover something with cobwebs)
el toque de queda, el horario límite, la hora límite, el límite
the curfew (1st is legal and general, rest are only general)
el muerto en el ropero
the skeleton in the closet
¿A que no lo adivinas?, ¿Sabes qué?, Adivina qué, A que no sabes, ¿Qué crees? (México)
Guess what?
la exposición, la presentación
the exposition (presentation of something)
el planteo, la introducción
the exposition (of a book or movie)
la exposición, la explicación
the exposition (clear explanation of something)
expositivo/expositiva, declarativo/declarativa
el diálogo explicativo
the expository dialogue (scripted conversation)
el texto expositivo
the expository writing
el almacén, el depósito
the repository (a place where something is stored; both are general; 2nd is also of natural resources, data, or knowledge)
el depositario de algo/la depositaria de algo
the repository of something (person knowledgeable about something), the repository for something (person entrusted with something)
el pelagatos/la pelagatos
the nobody, the small fry, the ragamuffin
concluyente, final
concluir algo, finalizar algo, terminar algo, cerrar algo
to conclude something (finish something)
cerrar algo, firmar algo, concertar algo, llegar a algo, pactar algo
to conclude something (settle something)
concluir que . . ., llegar a la conclusión de que . . .
to conclude that . . . (followed by indicative)
terminar, concluir
to conclude (intransitive - to finish)
cerrar algo, llegar a algo
to conclude something (to reach a deal or agreement)
concluir algo, firmar algo, pactar algo, decidir algo
to conclude something (state one’s last words)
para concluir, . . . ; en resumen, . . . ; resumiendo, . . .
in conclusion, . . .
instigar algo, incitar algo, inducir algo
to incite something (provoke something)
instigar a alguien a hacer algo, incitar a alguien a hacer algo, inducir a alguien a hacer algo
to incite someone to do something (provoke someone)
iniciar algo, promover algo
to instigate something (initiate something)
estoy haciendo lo que me dijeron
I’m doing what I was told
estoy haciendo lo que puedo
I’m doing what I can
estoy haciendo lo que me programaron para hacer, estoy haciendo lo que estaba programado/programada para hacer
I’m doing what I was told to do
subestimar algo/a alguien, infravalorar algo/a alguien
to underestimate something/someone
subestimado/subestimada, infravalorado/infravalorada
underrated (used with estar)
sobrevalorar algo/a alguien, sobrestimar algo/a alguien, sobreestimar algo/a alguien
to overestimate something/someone
sobrevalorado/sobrevalorada, sobreestimado/sobreestimada, sobrevaluado/sobrevaluada
overrated (used with estar)
el cuento chino
the tall tale, the lie, the bullshit
unmoved (emotionally), unafraid, undaunted, fearless, impassive
la consecuencia lógica, la vinculación
the entailment (1st is something involved/necessitated, 2nd is in law - act of entailing property OR entailed property itself)
implicar algo, conllevar algo, suponer algo, acarrear algo
to entail something (involve something)
la restricción de herencia
the entail (law - restriction on inheritance)
vincular algo a alguien
to entail something upon someone (in law - limit inheritance to owner’s descendants)
con tropiezos, a trompicones, a tropezones, entrecortado/entrecortada
stumbling (1st, 2nd, and 3rd are falling over; 3rd and 4th are floundering/hesitating - eg of speech)
el tambaleante/la tambaleante, el incompetente/la incompetente, el torpe/la torpe
the stumbler (1st is a person who trips a lot while walking, 2nd and 3rd are a person who makes many mistakes)
el tropezón, el traspié, el trastabillón, el trompicón
the stumble (act of tripping)
tropezar, dar un traspié, tropezarse
to stumble (trip while walking; 1st and 3rd are used with “con” to mean “over”)
atrancarse, trastabillar, trabarse, tartamudear
to stumble (when speaking; 1st is used with “con” to mean “over”)
la traba, el tartamudeo
the stumble (hesitation in speech)
dársela contra algo, toparse con algo, tropezarse con algo
to stumble against something
atravesar con dificultad algo, pasar con dificultad por algo
to stumble through something (make one’s way with difficulty)
pronunciar con dificultad algo
to stumble through something (when speaking)
slovenly (used with estar), sloppily dressed (used with estar), lying (scattered or sprawled - used with estar), strewn (used with estar), a cinch (something easy - used with ser), really easy (used with ser), dirt cheap (used with estar), stranded (used with dejar), in the lurch (stranded - used with dejar), easy as pie (used with estar), dead easy (used with estar), dead cheap (used with estar)
el tirado/la tirada, el mamalón/la mamalona, el vago/la vaga, el zángano/la zángana, el holgazán/la holgazana
the bum
pícaramente, socarronamente, con malicia, de forma traviesa
impishly (1st and 2nd are of saying or smiling, 3rd and 4th are general)
el diablillo, el granuja, el pillín/la pillina
the imp (1st and 2nd are monster, 1st and 3rd are mischievous child)
travieso/traviesa, pícaro/pícara, endiablado/endiablada
cabrearse, calentarse (Argentina/Chile)
to throw a fit (get mad), to pitch a fit (get mad)
encapricharse, hacer un berrinche
to throw a fit (of a child - to have a tantrum), to pitch a fit (of a child - to have a tantrum)
sin liberar, no liberado/no liberada, cautivo/cautiva
unreleased (of a person or animal - held captive)
sin divulgar, confidencial, secreto/secreta
unreleased (of information - not made available)
sin lanzar, inédito/inédita, sin estrenar
unreleased (of a CD, movie, or book - not out yet) (3rd is only for movies)
activado/activada, sin soltar
unreleased (of a device - still engaged) (2nd is of a brake)
unreleased (of a grip - still held), stingy, cheap (stingy), tightfisted (stingy), tight (stingy), cheek-to-cheek (physically close)
unreleased (of gas or heat - trapped), trapped
liberado/liberada, puesto en libertad/puesta en libertad
released (set free)
el bocadillo de medianoche, el tentempié de medianoche
the midnight snack
la cicatrización
the healing, the cicatrization, the scarring
el tejido cicatrizal, el tejido de la cicatriz, el tejido blando
the scar tissue
cicatrizado/cicatrizada, con cicatriz
scarred (in medicine - having a scar)
scarred (figurative - emotionally wounded), marked (obvious), noticeable, troubled, distraught
el marcado
the set (type of hairstyle), the branding (of livestock), the dialing (act of dialing on a phone)
las instrucciones de marcado
the dialing instructions (for a phone)
la cicatriz, la huella
the scar (1st is literal and figurative, 2nd is only figurative)
to scar (form a scar), to form a scar, to heal (literal or figurative - literal can also be transitive), to heal up, to scar over
dejar una cicatriz en algo/alguien, dejar cicatriz en algo/alguien, dejarle una cicatriz a alguien, marcar algo/a alguien, hacer una cicatriz en algo/hacerle una cicatriz a alguien
to scar something/someone (literal - leave a scar on)
marcar a alguien, hacerle mella a alguien, afectar a alguien
to scar someone (figurative - emotionally wound)
marcar de por vida a alguien, traumatizar de por vida a alguien
to scar someone for life (traumatize for life)
to form a scar, to heal (literal or figurative), to heal up
bochechudo/bochechuda, rechoncho/rechoncha, regordete/regordeta, gordinflón/gordinflona, rollizo/rolliza
el cacho, el barbo, el bagre
the chub (type of fish)
el estornino, la caballa del sur
the chub mackerel
chambeador/chambeadora (México), trabajador/trabajadora, cruento/cruenta, fajón/fajona, duraco/duraca
el chambeador/la chambeadora (México), el buen trabajador/la buena trabajadora, el trabajador dedicado/la trabajadora dedicada, trabajador/trabajadora
the hard worker (last is an adjective)
dejar de lado algo/a alguien
to put something/someone aside, to leave something/someone aside, to neglect something/someone, to forget about something/someone
la eyaculación prematura, la eyaculación precoz
the premature ejaculation
premature (of a baby or an event or a conclusion), too early
precoz, prematuro/prematura, intempestivo/intempestiva, precipitado/precipitada
premature (of an event - occurring too early)
apresurado/apresurada, prematuro/prematura, precipitado/precipitada
premature (of a conclusion - rash/hasty)
el bebé prematuro/la bebé prematura, el prematuro/la prematura
the premature baby
el prematuro/la prematura
the premature baby, the premature infant, the preemie
prematuramente, antes de tiempo, precipitadamente
prematurely (early)
prematuramente, anticipadamente
prematurely (in medicine)
prematuramente, precozmente
prematurely (at an early age)
enfermizo/enfermiza, enclenque, pálido/pálida
sickly (looking unwell; 1st is also prone to illness)
nauseabundo/nauseabunda, repugnante, empalagoso/empalagosa
sickly (sickening)
sickly (weak - eg a sickly smile), forced, unnatural, enforced, obliged, rehearsed, planned, stiff (rehearsed)
asquerosamente dulce, exageradamente dulce, empalagoso/empalagosa
sickly sweet (of a flavor - too sugary)
sickly (sickeningly), disgustingly, revoltingly, insanely, ridiculously
volverse enfermizo/volverse enfermiza, volverse propenso a enfermarse/volverse propensa a enfermarse
to grow sickly (become sickly)
demasiado sentimental/demasiada sentimental
sickly sweet (overly sentimental), too sentimental
la teleconferencia, la llamada en conferencia, la conferencia telefónica, la reunión telefónica
the conference call
el forzado/la forzada, el galeote
the galley slave (person forced to row)
el perejil
the parsley