Set 42 Flashcards
ganar algo, ganarse algo, conseguir algo, obtener algo, adquirir algo, hacerse algo
to gain something (obtain something - last is usually to gain friends)
ganar algo/a alguien, conseguir algo/a alguien
to gain something/someone (gain extra of - eg gain new clients)
cobrar velocidad, ganar velocidad
to gain speed
aumentar de peso, subir de peso, engordar, echar lonjas, coger peso (España)
to gain weight
adelantarse algo
to gain (advance a certain amount of time - eg of a watch)
llegar a algo
to gain something (arrive at something - eg a hill), to get to something (a place), to arrive at/in/to something, to become something (eg llegar a ser el presidente), to make it to something (eg llegar a los 80), to come to something (a conclusion OR to be something - eg it came to that), to reach something, to come up to something (eg the water came up to our knees), to be something (llegar a ser algo), to reach something (arrive), to stretch to something (of land/an area), to go all the way to something (eg the sleeves go all the way to my elbows)
beneficiarse de algo
to gain from something, to benefit from something, to profit from something, to use something to one’s advantage
aumentar de valor
to gain in value (eg of a stock)
adelantarse, ganar terreno
to gain (1st is of a watch/clock - to get ahead - 2nd is when traveling - to gain ground)
el beneficio
the gain (benefit), the agricultural goods revenue, the profit, the extraction (of something from a mine), the benefice (religious - a reward received in exchange for services rendered and as a retainer for future services), the coffee-processing plant, the benefit performance (charity performance), the earnings, the blessing (benefit)
el aumento
the gain (increase), the increase, the rise (increase), the (pay) raise, the magnification (tech zoom), the strength (zoom - eg of a telescope/microscope), the enlargement (of a photo), the increased number (of something)
la ganancia
the gain (financial OR in technology - volume), the profit, the advantage
las ganancias, los beneficios, las alzas (sing. el alza)
the gains (in finance; 1st is also winnings in gambling)
la adquisición
the gain (something gained), the acquisition (act of purchasing OR thing purchased OR inclusion - eg acquisition of a player for a team - OR process of acquiring), the purchase (act of purchasing OR thing purchased), the buy (thing purchased), the find
el corte
the gain (notch in wood), the cut (injury or incision or in meat or design of a garment or hairstyle or reduction - eg spending cuts - or edit - eg of a movie - or power outage), the dressmaking, the length (piece of fabric), the haircut, the edge (of a knife or of a page), the kind (type), the cutback (reduction), the embarrassing thing (used in Spain), the track (soundtrack), the outage (power outage), the cross section (in architecture), the section (cross section - in architecture), the road closure, the roadblock, the interruption (power outage), the cutoff (scheduled outage of power/wifi/etc), the brushoff (rebuff/rejection - used in Spain), the style (of a garment), the reaping (of crops), the harvesting (of crops), the small orchard, the mixed drugs, the lover
ganar algo
to gain something (to profit - eg the stock gained 3% - OR to obtain something OR to get something new/additional OR to gain weight), to win something, to earn something, to make something (money), to capture something (eg a castle), to reach something (eg a finish line), to save something (space or time), to take something (win something), to garner something, to put on something (weight)
ganar algo, aumentar de algo
to gain in something (eg popularity)
lograr algo, conseguir algo
to gain something (a victory/trophy/title/etc)
ganar a alguien, conseguir a alguien
to gain someone (to bring someone onto your side)
ganar con algo
to gain by something/to gain by doing something (eg gain by lying = ganar con mentiras), to win with something (eg win the game with 10 points)
alcanzar a alguien, darle alcance a alguien
to gain on someone (catch up to someone)
conquistar a alguien, ganarse a alguien, obtener los favores de alguien
to gain someone over (persuade someone) (last is formal)
alcanzar a alguien, recuperar terreno, acortar distancias, recortar la diferencia, llegar al nivel de algo
to gain upon someone/something (catch up to)
el control automático de ganancia
the automatic gain control (electronic)
la ganancia de cerebros
the brain gain (increase in the number of highly trained professionals immigrating to a country)
las ganancias de capital, la plusvalía
the capital gains (profit on sale of an asset)
ganar una posición sólida
to gain a toehold, to get a toehold (achieve a start)
acceder a algo, poder entrar en algo
to gain access to something (be allowed to enter a place)
tener acceso a algo
to gain access to something (be allowed to access information), to have access to something
ser admitido en algo/ser admitida en algo, ser aceptado en algo/ser aceptada en algo
to gain admittance to something (a place/group/etc)
llegar a comprender algo, ir comprendiendo algo, darse cuenta de algo, adquirir conocimiento de algo, ganar comprensión de algo
to gain an understanding of something
volverse predominante, ganar predominancia
to gain ascendancy (win/become dominant)
ganar aceptación
to gain currency (become prevalent), to gain acceptance
ganar terreno
to gain ground (literal when traveling OR figurative), to gain traction (start to succeed OR start to be popular)
ganar influencia
to gain influence
adquirir conocimientos sobre algo
to gain knowledge about something
tomar velocidad, ganar velocidad, acelerarse, ir más rápido
to gain momentum (literal)
obtener una ventaja, ubicarse en mejor posición
to gain position (to advance)
obtener reconocimiento, ganar reconocimiento, ganar el reconocimiento de alguien
to gain recognition
cobrar fuerza, ganar fuerza, fortalecerse
to gain strength
ganarse la confianza de alguien
to gain the confidence of someone (become trusted by someone), to win someone’s confidence, to win someone’s trust
le dio ventaja, sacó ventaja, lo/la puso por delante
he/she gained the upper hand
ganar tiempo
to gain time, to save time, to buy time
sin esfuerzo no hay recompensa; sin sacrificio no hay beneficio; el que quiera azul celeste, que le cueste; quien quiere celeste, que le cueste
no pain, no gain; no pain without gain
el beneficio personal
the personal gain, the personal benefit
el aumento de peso, la ganancia de peso
the weight gain
llegar a buen puerto
to be a success, to come to fruition, to reach a good conclusion, to end things on a good note, to come through safely
llegar a fin de mes, llegar a final de mes, hacer que alcance el dinero, hacer alcanzar el dinero, sobrevivir, estirar la plata, arreglárselas con lo que gana(n), arreglárselas con lo que tiene(n)
to make ends meet (last 3 are informal)
llegar a la conclusión de que (+indicativo)
to come to the conclusion that (+indicative)
llegar a las escurriduras
to flog a dead horse (repeat something until it becomes meaningless)
llegar a las manos
to come to blows, to resort to violence
llegar a los golpes, llegar a las manos
to come to blows
llegar a oídos de algo/alguien
(of something/someone) to get wind of something, to come to something/someone’s attention
llegar a ser alguien
to be somebody (be successful), to be anyone (be successful), to be someone (be successful), to get anywhere (be successful)
llegar a un acuerdo
to come to terms, to come to an agreement
llegar a un punto en el que . . .
to reach a point at which . . . , to reach a point in which . . . , to reach a point where . . . (ALL USED WITH -ING VERB)
llegar a un punto muerto, llegar a callejón sin salida
to come to an impasse, to reach a stalemate
llegar a ver algo/a alguien
to get to see something/someone, to come to see something/someone
eso me llegó al corazón
that really hit home, that touched a nerve
llegar al corazón
to really hit home, to touch a nerve, to get to the heart of the matter
llegar al final del asunto
to clear up the matter, to resolve the matter, to get to the bottom of the matter
llegar al fondo de algo
to get to the bottom of something (analyze something in depth)
sin llegar al punto de hacer algo
without getting to the point of doing something, stopping short of doing something, without going so far as to do something
beneficiarse con alguien (España)
to get it on with someone (have sex), to have it off with someone (have sex), to bang someone, to screw someone, to sleep with someone
beneficiar a alguien
to benefit someone, to be of benefit to someone
beneficiar algo
to extract something (from a mine), to butcher something (an animal), to slaughter something (an animal), to process something (treat and prepare - eg beans - used in Andes/Costa Rica)
to benefit, to stand to benefit
el beneficio adicional al salario
the additional benefit, the non-salary benefit
el beneficio atribuido
the attributed earnings (income not actually earned by a person but which is attributed to them because they are unemployed/not working full time)
el beneficio bruto, la utilidad bruta
the gross profit (profit a company makes after deducting the costs associated with making and selling its products, or the costs associated with providing its services BUT BEFORE deducting additional expenses)
el beneficio consolidado
the consolidated profit (total profit made by all of the companies belonging to a business group)
los beneficios de capital, las ganancias de capital, la plusvalía
the capital gains
el beneficio de explotación, la utilidad de operación, la utilidad operativa
the operating profit (difference between gross profit and fixed costs)
el beneficio de inventario
the inventory benefit (privilege of an heir of being liable for charges/debts of succession only to the value of the effects of the succession when these effects are legally inventoried)
el beneficio de justicia gratuita
the legal aid benefits (for people who can’t pay for a lawyer)
el beneficio de la duda
the benefit of the doubt
el beneficio de minerales
the smelting, the mineral reduction, the ore reduction
el beneficio fiscal
the tax abatement, the tax benefit, the tax profit
el beneficio industrial
the industry surcharge (additional charge or tax that a company adds to the cost of a good or service)
el beneficio mutuo
the mutual benefit
el beneficio neto actualizado
the net present value (current value of a sum of money as opposed to its future value when invested)
el beneficio reportado
the produced income
el beneficio social
the social benefit (welfare benefit)
de gran beneficio
very beneficial
el margen de beneficio, el margen de beneficios, el margen de ganancia
the profit margin
sin oficio ni beneficio
good-for-nothing, down-and-outer, out of work, without a penny to one’s name
el aumento de capacidad de almacenamiento
the increase in storage capacity, the increase in storage space, the increase in warehouse space (all of a device or physical space)
el aumento de capital autorizado (Colombia)
the authorized capital increase (increase in the maximum number of shares a company is legally allowed to issue)
el aumento de carga
the load increase (slowly increasing weight/resistance during exercise OR increase in power supply to a generator)
el aumento de clientes
the increase in clientele, the increase in customers
el aumento de costo
the increase in cost, the cost increase, the price increase
el aumento de la frecuencia cardiaca
the increased heart rate, the increased pulse rate
el aumento de la violencia
the increase in violence
el aumento de las existencias
the supply increase, the stock increase
el aumento de los ingresos
the increase in income, the income increase
el aumento de pecho
the breast augmentation, the boob job
el aumento de penas
the increased suffering
el aumento de peso
the weight gain, the weight increase
el aumento de sueldo
the pay raise, the salary increase, the (pay) raise
el aumento del tiempo de juego
the injury time, the stoppage time, the increase in playing time
los lentes de aumento
the glasses, the corrective glasses, the corrective lenses, the specs (glasses), the zoom lenses (of a camera)
las ganancias
the profits, the earnings, the proceeds
la antena de alta ganancia
the high-power antenna, the high-gain antenna
aun con tanta ganancia mal contento
don’t be ungrateful
la ganancia bruta
the gross profit (profit a company makes after deducting the costs associated with making and selling its products, or the costs associated with providing its services), the gross earnings, the gross profits
la ganancia líquida
the net profit (the actual profit after working expenses not included in the calculation of gross profit have been paid), the net profits, the net earnings
no arrendar la ganancia, no arrendar las ganancias, no arrendarle la ganancia a alguien, no arrendarle las ganancias a alguien
to not envy someone (implies that the speaker can foresee an unfortunate ending)
la tasa de ganancia
the earnings rate
la oferta pública de adquisición de acciones, la OPA
the public offer (in finance - IPO)
la tarjeta de adquisición de imágenes
the memory card (of a camera), the image acquisition card (of a camera)
la corte
the court (royal - the nobility or the place where they live - or legal)
el corte pastelillo
the abrupt change of direction of a vehicle
el corte de izquierda
the act of veering to the left on a surfboard
darle un corte a alguien
to offer someone a clue, to suggest a solution/idea to someone, to offer someone a hint, to talk back to someone (rudely)
ganarle a alguien
to beat someone (defeat someone), to best someone
to gain, to win, to benefit
ganarse algo
to gain something, to earn something, to win something, to pull something off
dejarse ganar
to lose on purpose, to let someone win, to throw a game, to throw a match, to give in
ganar dinero
to make money, to earn money
ganar espacio
to save space, to gain space, to make space, to make room
ganar la confianza de alguien
to gain the trust of someone, to earn the trust of someone, to gain someone’s trust, to earn someone’s trust
ganar la partida
to come out on top, to win the game (figurative)
ganar un juicio
to win a (legal) suit, to win a lawsuit, to win a (legal) case
no ganar para disgustos
to never get a break, to have more than enough worries
no ganar para sustos
to have nothing but trouble, to be one thing after another
tener las de ganar
to be on a winning streak, to have a lucky streak
ganar algo
to win something, to earn something, to capture something (eg an army capturing a castle), to make something (money), to reach something, to save something (space or time), to garner something, to put on something (weight)